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58 Minute Read by Pastor Robert Clancy.

7 Day Coporate Fast Official AudioArtist Name
00:00 / 1:19:42

SCRIPTURE: 1 Corinthians 15:58 "Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord."


Precious saints as we embark on this cross over fast into the new year of 2023, I want us to understand the spiritual battle that is happening around us and how the scripture encourages us to stand strong in these uncertain End-times. We only must see all the world events around us to know we are truly one day closer to the Lord’s imminent capturing away of the remnant bride of Christ. But I also see repentance revival string all over the nations, just like we have started to see in the southern parts of Africa recently. So, I want to remind you again that fasting is one of our most powerful weapons against the enemy and no matter the current challenges that you are facing, He will give you the grace to continue and breakthrough until we also see revival in the nations.


The apostle Paul, who is the man who bore on his body "the brand-marks of Jesus" according to (Gal. 6:17), was a living example of his own counsel, as we can see from the above theme scripture text: "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord. . . . Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong" (1 Cor. 15:58; 16:13).


With so much deception happening all around us today, one must be unmoveable in the faith God has given us with His promises and be alert for the enemy’s lies. The Apostle Paul goes onto say when speaking to the Philippian Church to “Stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you.” (Philippians 1:27-28)


So, though we are living in frightening times, we must continue to stand strong and not compromise the gospel. Precious saints I know we have enemies to face each day that may even seem to come from every direction. But God has promised that even when the enemy comes in like a flood, that He will raise the standard against the enemy. So, no matter what we are facing today let us face these troubles in a way that is consistent with Jesus’s example, who willingly suffered rather than lash out in anger or cower in fear.


Now in saying that we will at times stumble, but it is more important get back up and keep moving forward.


Now Paul also says to the Philippians “Don’t be scared of those who oppose you,” See fear is for uncertain people and if we are certain about Jesus’s victory on the cross, then we will have nothing to fear at all precious saints. For our confidence in Christ proves to our enemies that they have already lost Hallelujah! The devil is a defeated foe, and he belongs under our feet.


Now for a little background to when Paul was writing this letter to the Philippians, it was during a difficult period in the Roman Empire, where hostility toward the church became state policy. Nobody would want to suffer. Yet Paul says that suffering was “granted” here, as though it was a gift. Well, that is the way Paul saw it. To suffer for Jesus was a gift to the Christian passing through trails, but also helps the world see Jesus more clearly through our examples.


You feel like quitting because it all seems too hard at present, but it is time to stand strong precious saints, for every achievement in life is worth remembering. See to quit, to run, to escape, or hide is not an option for us ever, for God has said you can do all things through Christ that strengthens you. Remember stopping only postpones our breakthroughs precious saints, so keep going forward.


The truth is we are all in a battle and no battles are won in trenches, but in the grit and grime of courageous determination of stepping out in faith, not just today but every day of our life’s. The bible tells us in Ephesians 6:13 “Therefore take up the whole Armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.


To stand precious saints, yes to stand! Now imagine Daniel and his companions who were tempted to forsake their godly heritage because of the pressures around them, but they refused to. We also need to refuse and fight the good fight of faith. Yes, even when Daniels friends faced a fiery furnace they choose not to compromise or bow down to the ungodly king’s image and so we also should not compromise our faith or follow directions that would cause us to sin against God. Now Daniel’s friends had unwavering faith to stand strong during their adversary and God honoured their faith and mightily used them. See God also wants to use you especially those that diligently seek Him this crossover fast.


Now imagine Moses, who was surrounded by luxury and godlessness of the Egyptian court, but he decided to forsake all to know his true inheritance. Just like Lot who lived in Sodom and saw the perversity and temptations of the flesh but chose to stand for righteousness and could see that only destruction awaited such a doomed city. And just as God saved him out of that wicked city, God is coming deliver all those that stand strong and put their whole trust in Him.


So let me ask you this today:

Maybe you have thought of giving up?

Maybe you have even considered the possibility of quitting even?

Maybe you looked for an easy way out?

Maybe you entertained the idea of running away?

Maybe even recently you quit and just stopped something that God told you to do?


Whatever it may be precious saints God is saying to you today “Do not quit!” See the Lord never promised you just a walk in the park or a bed of roses. Meaning He did not say this walk will be easy without hardships. No, rather, He called us to be steadfast and to walk by faith. In fact, the only time He ever used the word "easy" was at the same time when He referred to a yoke (Matthew 11:28-30). So, be encouraged today precious saints, because He has promised that no matter the yoke of troubles you are experiencing today, He will take that load from your shoulders that by His grace you will overcome. For every journey is accomplish one step at a time, so keep walking by faith and not by sight and do not stop now for the end is closer than you think.


Joshua 3:5 “Joshua told the people, ‘Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.’”


This time of fasting and prayer allows us to prioritise our relationship with the Lord at the start of the new year; releasing all that held us back, hurt or hindered us in 2022; freeing us up to enter this new year 2023 hungry for the supernatural to increase within our lives. Now During the 7 days, we will believe God for personal revival, miracles, and breakthrough within our spiritual lives. Whether this is your first time fasting or you have done this many times, the result is always a closer connection with God and a stronger international church family. We are excited about 2023 and the new era the Lord is leading us into. We are expectant about His soon return, but while He tarries, we are expecting a mighty manifestation of the supernatural in our midst and upon the earth! As you enter this fast, release decrees and declarations that you will see the burdens of 2022 fall from you and have a renewed vision and hope for 2023, as the Lord tarries!












What am I required to fast from?


We want to leave this decision up to you. We do not have any mandatory church-wide requirements for how you fast, but here are a few ideas:


Food Fast


When we choose not to eat or not to eat certain foods we allow our physical bodies to hunger and to bring our desires into alignment with our spiritual need for God. There is a clarity in hearing from the Lord which comes when we fast and pray; making a small sacrifice to give up a “pleasure” or comfort to increase your spiritual sight and vision.

We are providing the following options for you to consider:


1. Food Fast


You fast from all foods from either 10pm-6pm (20 hours) or 6am-6pm (12 hours) each day with fluids allowed.


2. Partial Fast


You choose to eliminate certain things i.e. fizzy drinks; sweets/chocolates, bread, no red meat etc, but the rest of your diet remains mainly the same


3. Fruit and Veg


Eat fruit during the day, with liquids (tea/limited coffee, herbal drinks and water) with a veg meal in the evenings


4. Liquids only during day and veg meal for dinner


Drink water and herbal drinks during the day with a veg meal in the evenings.

Please consult your doctor if there are any medical concerns before you commence the fast.


Media Fast


During this time, we encourage you to turn off the TV, computer, video games, Facebook, twitter, Instagram, the Internet, and any other form of social media for a brief period. You may decide to fast from Facebook or some other form of media altogether or to limit your time to only 1-2 hours per week. When we do this, we create more time when we can read our Bible, pray, worship, and hear from God.


Search your heart in deciding what type of food fast you want to do. If you have never fasted, maybe start off with a partial fast and progress to a fruit and veg option for the last 3 days. Remember, the most important consideration in fasting is your motive. Why are you fasting?


What will we be praying about?


We are placing the Lord as priority in our lives to bring about the breakthroughs, the new, the renewal and the revival; in us and the global body of Christ. It is time to move Forward into God destiny for each of our lives.


Key words for this New Era

· Exploits

· Opportunity

· Supernatural Favour

· New

· Fulfillment of all Things

· Remaining Steadfast


Check each day for the next day’s prayer themes & scriptures so you may follow together.


We are trusting the Lord that this time of fasting and prayer will release a passion for His name within us – to cut off what belongs to a past season, to receive renewed hope and vision for our lives/ministries, to be conduits for signs, wonders and miracles and to fulfill the mandate of sharing the gospel to all that will listen!


During this time of fasting, be intentional about your priorities. Set aside ample time to be alone with the Lord. The more time you spend with God, the more meaningful your fast will be.


If you need an overview or suggestions on what you can do to make the most of the fast in terms of having a daily routine, use the below points:




Begin your day in praise and worship


Read and meditate on God’s Word


Invite Holy Spirit to work in you




Take a short prayer walk


Spend time in intercessory prayer for the theme of the day




Make time for an unhurried time of “seeking God’s face”


If others are fasting with you, meet together for prayer


Avoid television or any other distraction that may affect your spiritual focus


When possible, begin and end each day with your spouse, family, or friend for a brief time of praise and thanksgiving to the Lord.


Please let us know you’ll be fasting & praying with us!



1. Avoid medical and even natural herbal drugs. However, if you are under medication, these should only be withdrawn upon the advice of your doctor.


2. Limit your physical activity and exercise. If you have a workout routine, adjust it accordingly.


3. Rest as much as you can if needed be.


4. Maintain an attitude of prayer throughout the day. Intercede for your family, pastors, church, nation, and people to awaken to the Lords soon return, etc.


5. Drink plenty of clean water if you are joining the water fast.


6. As your body adjusts, be prepared for temporary bouts of physical weakness as well as a greater likelihood of impatience, irritability, and anxiety.



“. . . in the first year of his reign I, Daniel, understood from the Scriptures, according to the word of the LORD given to Jeremiah the prophet, that the desolation of Jerusalem would last seventy years. So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes.” Daniel 9:2,3


Fasting helps us prevail in prayer and intercession. Daniel understood that Israel was headed for destruction. He also knew that in times like these, there is only one recourse—intercession through praying and fasting. Throughout human history, God has brought revival and delivered nations from destruction in response to prayer and fasting.



“. . . I put on sackcloth and humbled myself with fasting . . .” Psalm 35:13


Humility results in the grace of God (James 4:6). When we humble ourselves in prayer, we have instant access to the heart of God. As we deny ourselves as an act of consecration, we are better able to exercise self-control over our emotions and desires.



Fasting can be done for one meal, one day, one month or for however long God leads. It depends on how the Holy Spirit speaks to us. Shorter fasts are easier to endure until we have built up our “spiritual muscles”. A three day fast is most beneficial as a spiritual cleansing. An example of this is Paul’s being thrust into his fast upon conversion. After the three days of cleansing, he received the Holy Spirit and his eyesight when Ananias laid hands on him (Acts 9:17-18). We also can be spiritually cleansed by fasting so that we receive more of the Lord’s Spirit and have our spiritual eyes opened to new dimensions. A three day fast is also especially helpful in breaking any addictive habits.


These then are two reasons for fasting: We receive spiritual cleansing and our spiritual eyes are opened, and we also obtain victory over the devil. When Jesus encountered Satan, He was able to overcome Him because His fasting had given Him spiritual strength. Isaiah 58:6 also gives us light on this purpose of fasting: “Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?” Many people believe that fasting is to move the hand of God, when in actuality it is to make Satan turn loose of the things he is holding.



Fasting looses the bands of wickedness. When Jesus discussed the keys to the kingdom, He told us to bind and loose. When we fast, we loose the bands of wickedness, undo the heavy burdens, set the oppressed free, and break every yoke of the enemy. Fasting is an important key to getting the victory over hard situations that do not seem to respond to normal prayer.


Fasting builds our faith. In fact, this is what Jesus meant when he spoke to the disciples in Matthew 17:21 in answer to why they were not able to cast a demon out of a child. He said, “However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” He was telling them if they wanted their faith to be at such a level as to be able to cast out demons, then they must fast and pray for their faith to increase.


Fasting also makes it easier for us to hear the voice of the Lord. We find an account of this in Acts 13:2 “While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.”


While fasting, the Holy Spirit spoke to them and gave them direction. We too can be directed by the Lord if we seek Him through prayer and fasting.


When we deny our natural cravings, our spiritual antennas become more attuned. We become more sensitive to His voice as we divest ourselves of worldly distractions. We are better able to focus on God and submit to His will. This opens the door for more of the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.


Fasting and mourning are closely associated in the Bible. Two examples of this are found in Ezra and Nehemiah.


Ezra 10:6: “Then Ezra rose up from before the house of God, and went into the chamber of Jehohanan the son of Eliashib: and when he came thither, he did eat no bread, nor drink water: for he mourned because of the transgression of them that had been carried away.”


Nehemiah 1:4: “And it came to pass, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned certain days, and fasted, and prayed before the God of heaven.”


From these Scriptures, we see that fasting and travail (a prayer burden from the Lord that brings crying and tears) were combined. Both men were fasting for the repentance of God’s people. How we need this same kind of intercession today. Here were men so burdened for the sins of their people that they fasted, travailed, and prayed.


DAY 1: PRESSING FORWARD (Wednesday, 28th December)


Scripture Reading: Isaiah 43:18 “Forget what happened in the past, and do not dwell on events from long ago.”


The idea of moving forward from our past is something that a lot of us may struggle with, myself included at times. We are often unable to keep our minds from dwelling on what we have done or what has happened to us, whether it be something that occurred 10 days or 10 years ago. Fortunately, for those of us who believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, his sacrifice covered all sins — past, present, and future. When we do something wrong, we can confess our sins and the Lord is faithful and just to forgive our sins. (1 John 1:9)


God does not want us to be backward looking in our Christian walk as though we were going through life looking in the rear vision mirror. But we so often can't help ourselves. We remember the hurts of the past and the mistakes we made. It's time now to look ahead and focus on what is before us. God wants to do a new thing in our lives. He wants us to rise to our full potential in Him. He has called us to do mighty things. He will even make a way when we feel lost and refresh us when we're burning in the heat.


We have got to keep on moving forward. It's only in moving forward that we can ever accomplish what God has called us to. We can't stay where we're at, nor can we go backwards. The only direction we can go is forward. Yes, it can be hard—but it's the only way if we want to move on in God and grow. We can never live this life on the highest plane unless we are continually growing and moving forward. You should be closer to God today in heart, soul, and body, than at any other time so far in your life.


The apostle Paul writes so well of how we should focus our lives going forward:


Philippians 3:13-14 “Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, 14 I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”


So, as you press forward, I want you to relinquish and release all the “baggage” from 2022 – any sin you need to confess, any hurt or anger to release, any offenses, extending forgiveness to others and yourself, letting people go whom have held you back in bondage, feeling of guilt and condemnation.


We need to all let go of disappointments, regrets and missed or lost opportunities suffered in 2022. Get ready, 2023 is not only one day closer to the Lord’s return but we should have expectation that God will continue to have His hand upon us and open doors that only He can.


Psalm 25:4 “Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths. 5 Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation; On You I wait all day long. My eyes are ever toward the Lord, For He shall pluck my feet out of the net."


So, find a quiet place where you can be free of distractions today. Turn off your phone and forms of social media that will distract you if needed be. See our mobile phones are one of the greatest distractions that as Christians, we face in our attempts to hear God’s voice.


Take a moment to become aware of the stillness (or appreciate the worship music you might be playing in the background).


Read the scripture aloud several times, slowly again from what you have read already above to soak it in. Ask the Lord to bring transformation in the area/s you are wanting to relinquish and release.


Spend time journaling about what the Holy Spirit is speaking to you today also, to keep as reference in the days to come.



I decree and declare that as the Lord tarries this year of 2023 is my year of overwhelming success in all areas of life, in Jesus mighty name!


I prophesy that anything I lay my hands upon to do in 2023 shall be successful to the glory of God Almighty, in Jesus mighty name!


I shall breakthrough on every side in 2023, in Jesus mighty name!


I declare that in 2023, Nothing shall be able to limit or stop me from becoming what God has created me to be, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!


I receive the year 2023 as my year of divine favour, in Jesus mighty name!


I confess in the name of Jesus Christ. I will not be left behind to shed terrible tears after the rapture in Jesus Mighty Name!


Declare that the Holy spirit of God, would consecrate you, as you are a willing participant in whatever He directs you to do in 2023


Declare that whatever is needed to get your family saved in 2023, that the Lord would remove every obstacle from you and your family serving the Lord in Jesus Mighty Name!


Declare that every area of your life in 2023 will begin to manifest the blessings and evidence of open heavens as the Lord tarries in the Name of Jesus.




Lord Jesus Christ, I repent totally from every friendship that I have committed with worldly lustful pleasures, forgive me, and do not let me miss heaven and the rapture.


Lord Jesus Christ, free me and deliver me from every attack of Satan and his demons that comes against my mind, thought, body and will every day.


Lord Jesus Christ, sanctify me and influence my will, my mind, and my body on daily basis, so that I can be yours forever.


Lord Jesus Christ, bring my thoughts, mind, body and will under the subjection of Your word, so that I can make heaven. 1 Cor 9 :27


Invite God to use you – seek out every opportunity to pray for others to bring glory to the Lord – decree that signs, wonders and miracles will follow us


O Lord, by your mercy count me worthy to escape your wrath and judgement coming upon this world in these last days and to stand worthy before you to be raptured.


Holy Spirit will prepare the bride ready for You O Lord, Jesus. Prepare me to be ready for the rapture.


Lord, we pray for the people around us who do not realize You are coming soon, and first are coming to snatch away Your bride, so please awaken their hearts in Jesus Mighty Name!


Please show us the things in our lives that have not surrendered to You to make us rapture ready. We give these things to You and ask You to change our hearts.


Please continue to shape our characters and prepare us for Your coming in Jesus Mighty Name!


Lord, draw close to people who are afraid of Your snatching away, so they will not endure your wrath to come before Your second coming. May they surrender their lives to You in Jesus Mighty Name!


Please use each of us to tell others the good news of Your soon snatching away in the clouds in Jesus Mighty Name!


Father, please give us a heightened sense of urgency in our work for You. Let us live with daily hope that Jesus is coming soon to take His bride to the wedding feast of the Lamb.


May God arise and let all the enemies of our breakthrough be scattered, in the might name of Jesus!


Let the fire of God melt away the stones hindering our blessings, in the mighty name of Jesus!


All secrets of the enemy in the camp of our life that are still in the darkness, let them be revealed to us now, in the mighty name of Jesus!


All evil spirits planning to trouble us, be bound, and rendered powerless this day in Jesus’ mighty name!


All keys to our goodness that are still in the possession of the enemy, Lord, give them unto us this day as the enemy must return to us seven times that has been stolen as according to Proverbs 6:31 in Jesus Mighty Name!


Lord, bless the work of each person participating worldwide. Strengthen them to continue to the works of Christ Jesus in their daily life’s.


Lord, we pray for each person on our individual prayer lists. May they see their need and open their hearts to the Holy Spirit.


Lord, thank You for Your promise: “He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6).


Thank You that You have people in every city who are hopefully looking to heaven and awaiting your return and snatching away in the rapture.


Whatever thing is in my life that will hinder me from rapture holy Spirit of God reveal them to me and deliver me today. Holy Spirit You that prepare the bride ready, prepare me ready for the rapture of the saints. I pray God will answer our prayers by His mercy in Jesus Mighty Name!


JESUS is coming. Stay ready in absolute repentance, watchfulness, and holiness.




Scripture Reading: John 10:27 "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me."


Today’s devotional is an exercise designed to help you grow in your ability to hear God’s voice.


The illustration of a mobile phone will be used. Unlike earthly cellular companies that promise us limitless coverage and perfect reception but rarely deliver it, God can transmit the heavenly signal to us no matter where we are on the planet.


Take your mobile phone out and turn it off. No matter how great your phone is, you cannot receive or make calls until the power is on. It is no different with humans. Unless your power is “on,” regular communication with God is almost impossible. Spiritually speaking, our power is turned on through our times of intimacy with the Lord and connecting during these times.


Signal problems—Within the cellular world, signal strength can be affected by proximity to a cell tower, obstructions such as buildings or trees, destructive interference from other communication towers, or the condition of the cell phone.


First, just as cellular reception is affected by proximity to cell towers, so your ability to hear God clearly is directly related to your proximity the Lord and fellowship with other believers (the church).


Remember, hearing God is not a skill; it is a relationship. Therefore, the more quality time you spend with God, the better you will hear.


The word quality here is important – we must limit the attractions and distractions of our media-driven world. Once we have discipline, we will be free to focus on God through the Word, worship, and waiting on the Lord.


Our proximity to God’s people is also vital. Without discipleship, mentoring, fellowship, equipping, and accountability provided through a healthy church, we would not have the foundations necessary to develop an authentic, sustainable relationship with God.


Even as the internal condition and quality of a cell phone can determine call quality, so the condition of our souls is vital to the whole process of hearing God. These are some of the factors that influence our ability to hear God: stress, fatigue, physical sickness, exhaustion, distraction, or busyness. You cannot forget that your spiritual life is deeply impacted by how you are doing physically, emotionally, and intellectually.


If none of these factors is involved, it could just be destructive interference. Just as cellular communications can be affected by other electronic signals, so the enemy—the prince of the power of the air—does everything in his power to impair our ability to hear God’s voice.


Simply quiet your soul and take a deep breath. Spend two or three minutes simply waiting. You may feel the Lord’s presence before you hear the voice of the Lord.


If you are feeling God’s presence, simply say, “What do you want to say to me, Lord?”


Journal what you are hearing.



Wherever I go, I decree and declare that I shall be preferred above every other person, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!


I decree and declare that the year 2023 is my year of outstanding miracles, in Jesus mighty name!


Divine healing, good health and a sound mind is my portion in 2023, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!


I decree and declare that 2023 is my year of financial increase, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!


I shall prosper in my life in 2023, in Jesus’ name!




Confess to God the sin(s) that you struggle with most and ask God to give you strength to overcome it after this fast. It is time for godly sorrow for every known, hidden, secret or revealed sin in your life and be willing to turn from them to God today.


May every satanic obstacle be blocking our life’s SCATTER today and clear away right now in the mighty name of Jesus!


May everything that must go for us to move forward today, and the fire of God remove every hinderance in the mighty name of Jesus!


Any demonic cage holding our divine possessions, break asunder today in the mighty name of Jesus!


Any witchcraft power working against our blessings, be rendered powerless today in the mighty name of Jesus!


Evil works of iniquity to bring curses upon our destiny, break by Holy Spirit fire in the mighty name of Jesus!


You evil Powers ruling over our life’s and depriving us the goodness of life, release back to us all that was stolen in the mighty name of Jesus!


Every satanic hindrance to our prayer life be scatter now by the power of the Holy Spirit in the mighty name of Jesus!


Let every confusion of the mind programmed into our life’s scatter today in the mighty name of Jesus!


You evil altars of our father´s house, crying against our destiny’s, release us all and be rendered powerless and leave for good in the mighty name of Jesus!


Every plan of witchcraft to take possession of our life be destroyed in the might name of Jesus!


Let every spirit controlling deeply rooted problems through soul ties covenant break now by the blood of Jesus!


Every altar, planning our demotion, be dismantle by fire, in the mighty name of Jesus!


Pray for Robert Clancy YouTube Channel to grow despite of tickling ears and that we would reach those in need of ministry, without any more hinderance coming against the channel being censored for truthful content to prepare people for the rapture in Jesus mighty name.


May God strengthen your hands in battle and give you the victory in Jesus' Name.


Bring the month of January before God and ask Him to begin to show and tell you about His agenda for your life in the New Month, as He tarries.


Pray for specific instructions that He has for you in relation to His purpose for your life in the season.


Ask the Lord to shine His light into our society's and expose every evil work. Pray that the darkness of sin might be dispelled through the light of God’s Word.


Ask God to cover the ministry of Pst. Robert Clancy and his family from every reprisal attack from the enemy for all the work he is doing on the front lines against the forces of darkness. Yes, Lord protect them with your warrior angels as a hedge of protection around everything they do and go in Jesus Mighty Name!


Pray this prayer: Father, we are confident of this very thing; that He who has begun a good work in us, will complete it. Give thanks to God for this and for answered prayers in your personal life also that He would provide for you according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus. Remember as you pray for others, God takes care of your needs according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus.


Pray this blessing over your life: Numbers 6:22-27 “The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 23 “Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying, Thus you shall bless the people of Israel: you shall say to them, 24 The Lord bless you and keep you; 25 the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; 26 the Lord lift up his countenance[a] upon you and give you peace. 27 “So shall they put my name upon the people of Israel, and I will bless them.”


Thank you, Lord, for listening and answering our prayers in Jesus Mighty Name!






Scripture Reading: 2 Chronicles 20: 15; 17-18

“15He said: “Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the LORD says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s.”

“17 You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the LORD will be with you.’ 18 Jehoshaphat bowed down with his face to the ground, and all the people of Judah and Jerusalem fell down in worship before the LORD.”


The sacrifice of praise is irresistible to God. We see from the above scripture that King Jehoshaphat applied it and it brought deliverance to him and Israel, Jesus even used it on the way to the mount of Olive before his crucifixion, and the cross is the ultimate victory. It is our time to use the weapon of praise and worship to defeat the enemy and his plans for you in this coming new year. So, start today to give a sacrifice of praise to God and see Him show up in the midst of your storm.


Psalm 67:5-7 “Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee. Then shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our own God, shall bless us. God shall bless us; and all the ends of the earth shall fear him.”


When you praise the Lord blessings come down and you see the manifestation of God in your life. That is why the bible instructs us to rejoice always in praise to our God.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 – Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.


See the goal of worship is to commune with God in deeper intimacy. Worship get us focused on the Lord and as we worship, God is enthroned in our praises and we break through into the atmosphere of Heaven. When we truly worship, we take “every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.” (2 Cor 10:5) Worship releases the anointing of God to break yokes and brings the atmosphere of heaven.


Act 16:25-26 “But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened, and everyone’s chains were loosed.”


One of the definitions of praise is to celebrate God in song, to sing a hymn. Paul and Silas in the above scripture in Acts were in Philippi doing the will of God, expanding the kingdom by preaching the gospel. On this day, they were actually going to pray and then they were met by a young girl with the spirit of divination. They cast out the devil operating in the girl, but this got her masters angry because the hope of their gains was gone. These men were busy using the girl to make gains for themselves. But Paul and Silas rescued the girl from hand of the enemy and these evil men.


One would have thought that would result in a major revival and people would turn to God, but the opposite was the case. Paul and Silas were arrested, beaten, and put in jail for delivering the girl from demonic power. Can you imagine being opposed, beaten, and jailed for setting people free and doing the will of God? Where is God in this mess and what was He waiting for? To be honest I can relate to this as I have helped many people over the years in one way or the other and after doing so the very people you help have turned on you, when your intentions were pure and what Christ would do.


Not only was that day a bad day for the ministry of Paul and Silas, but they also suffered a setback. You have probably been in situations where you did everything the bible says you should do and lived right but instead of going forward you suffered disappointments and set back. But these guys did not start a pity party complaining and feeling sorry for themselves; instead they started a praise party. They were not discouraged, rather they took courage in the Lord and new that renewed strength would come praising and worshipping the Lord in Spirit and in Truth. The bible says at midnight they prayed and praised God in spite of their situation.


They did not praise God for the bad day they had, they praised God for who He is even in the midnight hour. That is why there is such value in praying at the midnight hour and you can hear my teaching about that here on this link:


Never praise God just for things we want Him to do but praise Him for who is. Praising God in a storm is called the sacrifice of praise. When the storm is still raging, and you are still having a bad time and things have not yet come together as you desired, and yet you choose to focus on God and not let go of the revelation of who He is and what he has done and will do. This kind of praise gets heavens attention every time. Note also that praise brought freedom to those that were in the same prison and so it is the same with us that as we praise and worship the Lord for who He is, chains are broken all around us.


This is a season and time for breakthrough as you praise and worship. It is time to wage war against the enemy’s schemes that are trying to keep you bound in the past season of 2022. Yes, all those things that get you to doubt God, your fear of failure, your insecurity, and your uncertainty about the “next steps” or decisions needing to be made to take you to breakthrough in 2023.


Do not buy into the lies of the enemy any longer, for you are destined for greatness and the God of the impossible is on YOUR side precious saints fighting on your behalf. All we need to do is to come into agreement with the Lord and believe that breakthrough in areas of oppression or lack will come.


Begin to praise and worship God and if you speak in spiritual tongues, pray in tongues. If you don’t speak in tongues, just release a sound of praise into the spiritual atmosphere as you call on the name of the Lord to come and invade your atmosphere.


What form of spiritual warfare have you recently been facing – your marriage, your children, relationships, your ministry, other Christians coming against you, workplace tension/challenges, health, finances etc.


Begin to declare 2 Chronicles 20:15 (b) “This is what the LORD says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s.” over the areas you are experiencing opposition or need breakthrough.


Additional scriptures to declare: Acts 16: 25-26 and Isaiah 10:27


Write down which yokes you believe have been broken over your life/ministry as you worshipped and warred for breakthrough.


Ask yourself these questions:

What were the outcomes of your recent breakthroughs?

How often do you praise God when things are yet to work in your favour?

What are the reasons why you praise God?


Remind yourself of all the promises of God concerning your life and make a good warfare with your prophecies that God will fulfil His promises as a covenant keeping God.



Lord I receive grace to always praise and worship you, whether the circumstances are good or bad in Jesus Mighty Name!


Lord nothing shall take your love away from me within this new year of 2023 in Jesus mighty name!


The unusual favour of God shall follow me wherever I go in 2023, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.


I shall be accepted, promoted, and be successful in 2023 because of the favour of God upon my life, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.


I decree and declare that in 2023 I will receive the manifestation of the supernatural in my life and everything that pertains to me, in Jesus’ name.


I decree and declare that in 2023, I shall not beg, in Jesus’ name.


By the grace of Jesus Christ, I decree and declare that the year 2023 is my year of financial increase and expansion, in Jesus mighty name!




1. I repent from all the sins that I was conceived with that has held me back in life and any sin that will hinder me from the day of the rapture. Father, forgive me in the name of Jesus Christ.


2. I repent totally from all the sins I committed, as a child that is unconfessed and will hinder me from entering the rapture. Father, forgive me in the name of Jesus Christ.


3. I repent totally from all the sin that I have committed while I was in primary, secondary, and higher institution that is unconfessed that could hinder me from heaven. Father, forgive me in the name of Jesus Christ.


4. I repent totally from all the unconfessed sins that I committed while I started working that will hinder me from rapture. Father, forgive me in the name of Jesus Christ.


5. I repent totally from all the sins that I committed in my marriage that will hinder me from heaven. Father, forgive me in the name of Jesus Christ.


6. I repent totally from all the sins that I committed after been born again that will hinder me from heaven and rapture. Father, forgive me in the name of Jesus Christ.


7. I repent totally from all the sins I committed as a worker or minister in the vineyard of God that will hinder me from the rapture. Father, forgive me in the name of Jesus Christ.


8. I repent totally from any of the sins that I am still committing till today. Father, forgive me in the name of Jesus Christ.


9. I repent totally from loving other things more than God in my life. Father, forgive me in the name of Jesus Christ.


10. I repent totally from the sin of idolatry. Any area or any way that I have served idols or am still serving idols and such will hinder me from heaven and rapture forgive by mercy in the name of Jesus Christ.


11. I repent totally from calling the name of God in vain (for joke/comedy, to curse, to lie, to swear etc). Father, forgive me in the name of Jesus Christ.


12. I repent totally from all the disobedience that I have disobeyed to my parents that will hinder me from heaven and rapture. Father, forgive me in the name of Jesus Christ.


Pray that all of gods blessings that have followed you in 2022 will spill over into 2023, as a continued year of breakthroughs that God will cause you to walk upon high places - in the places of honour, promotion, and elevation in the Mighty Name of Jesus!


Pray for Rev Robert & Aida Clancy and your church that God will supply exceeding, abundantly above all we could ask or think. Lord any spirit of sabotage that is coming against this ministry be exposed and cast back into the pit of hell in Jesus mighty name!


Let’s us be counted amongst the few that have made themselves ready for His coming.




Day 4: DECLARE & DECREE: OPPORTUNITY & EXPLOITS (Saturday, 31st December)


Scripture Reading: Colossians 4:2-5 "Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. 3 And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. 4 Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. 5 Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity."


As the Lord tarries may this be a year where more favour rest on each of us to preach the gospel and do greater exploits in Jesus Mighty Name! This will happen if we are aligned with God’s will and Word precious saints. God has given you authority to speak His word and promises over your life and future.


Job 22:28 “You will also declare a thing, And it will be established for you; So light will shine on your ways.” We have often heard and read this passage of scripture but have you meditated on the meaning of this powerful word.


According to the dictionary decree is defined as a rule of law issued by a head of state i.e. a President. Now in biblical times, the King had the authority to make decrees. The decree was a written document and would be very specific and clear about that subject matter. It was law and had to be carried out according to the King's wishes and failure to obey the decree was punishable.


The word established means: to set up on a firm or permanent basis, to achieve permanent acceptance or recognition for, to show, reveal to be true based upon the facts.


Now, let look at the definition for declare. Declare to make known or state clearly, especially in explicit or formal terms: to declare one's position in a controversy. 2. to announce officially; proclaim: to declare a state of emergency; to declare a winner. 3. To state emphatically to show, reveal, or manifest: the heavens declare the glory of God.


Job 22:28 “You will also declare a thing, And it will be established for you; So light will shine on your ways.”


So in times past the person making the decree must be in a position of power and authority to do so. Jesus has given you that authority through His victory on the cross, for you to have the power and authority to make decree and expect things to happen according to Gods perfect will.


You shall decree, and state your case regarding your home, family, ministry, and all that concern you precious saints. The words that you speak will be established and that means that it will be manifested and shown to be true, as you speak in faith. Therefore, you have the authority to speak out a thing in your life and expect to see it manifested in the reality of your world according to Gods perfect will. What you decree you should also declare that is to speak emphatically, make known and clearly state your position upon the matter. In order to both decree and declare a thing and expect to see the manifestation precious saints, you must know the word of God, so you understand your legal right to have your decree upheld. That is why praying the word of God carries so much power.


So as the Lord tarries in His return, it is time for you to reach for the sky and believe God for greater things than ever before. Those great things in this hour should be more focused on advancing the kingdom work and using whatever means possible in this late hour.


You will have supernatural favour as a child of God. New opportunities to prosper will come your way (supernaturally) – even as the Lord tarries for some new business ventures, new geographic territories to win souls for Christ, opportunities to reap the harvest within this late hour before His coming.


The word of God is alive and sharper than a two edge sword. The Word is life and it is quick and it is very powerful. The Word is truth, it corrects, it enlightens, it heals, it delivers and it brings visible results. It does not return without accomplishing that which it was sent to do precious saints.


Let us see what the Prophet Jeremiah has to say about the principle behind speaking the word of God.

Jeremiah 1:9-12 “Then the Lord put forth His hand and touched my mouth, and the Lord said to me: “Behold, I have put My words in your mouth. 10 See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms,To root out and to pull down, To destroy and to throw down, To build and to plant.” 11 Moreover the word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Jeremiah, what do you see?” And I said, “I see a [a]branch of an almond tree.” 12 Then the Lord said to me, “You have seen well, for I am [b]ready to perform My word.”


Therefore, start reading your bible more precious saints and ask the Holy Spirit for assistance and guide you. So, you know how to decree within your life on behalf of your families, ministries, city, government, and nation. There is a word in the bible that holds the answers to your question, and the Holy Spirit will show you. You must understand the principle behind decreeing and declaring. You must meet the condition by reading, hearing, obeying, and speaking the word of God. So, start to believe and expect to see the manifestation of Gods promises today. Know that you have the right to legislate and cause change to come based on the power and dominion that God has given you precious saints. Remember the work is done in your prayer closet on your knees in prayer and the Holy Spirit will reveal to you what to decree and declare.


There are keys in heaven which the Lord is now giving to those to open doors previously closed to us and keys to open treasure chests to bring about spiritual transformation your cities and nations. Keys of different shapes and sizes, made of different materials – you are unique and the key you will be given is unique to fulfill your unique exploit.


Ask the Lord to show you and create opportunities to do mighty exploits for the Lord – in your family, your marriage, your friendships, your church, your community, your workplace and in your your country.


A lot has been spoken about the end time harvest of souls being ready to come into the church – that new breed being raised up to take their place in the body of Christ. I believe the only way revival starts is when it starts with you and me first, so may God give us the boldness to speak the truth that is needed in this hour. So, ask the Lord for strategies and opportunities to reach the end time harvest of souls, but first starting with you. Declare God will do the impossible through you and whatever recourses you already have, to multiply to reach the harvest.


As the end of days approach, the increase in the supernatural display of Holy Spirit’s power will be undeniable. Therefore, may we plug in to see what God is doing and for Him not to do anything without us as we see God move.



In the year 2023, I decree that I shall not borrow money, but I will have more than enough, and lend to those who ask from me, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!


The blessing of God that makes rich and adds no sorrows will follow me in 2023 in Jesus mighty name!


I decree and declare that whatever I lay my hands upon in 2023 shall be blessed and fruitful, in Jesus mighty name!


Because of God’s grace upon my life, in 2023 I receive a hundred percent restoration of everything I have lost, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!


By the authority of Jesus Christ upon my life, I prophesy that as the Lord tarries that 2023 is my year of open doors for success, promotion, prosperity, marital blessings, financial breakthroughs, and all-round blessings in Jesus mighty name!


Declare that every opportunity to prosper in mind, body, soul, and spirit will not be missed this year 2023


Declare that every opportunity to preach the gospel or witness for Christ you will take.


Decree exponential growth in your spirit, knowledge and wisdom, revelation.


Decree that exponential growth will occur in the body of Christ and the finances to prosper to support the work of God.


Declare that every area of your life will begin to manifest the blessings and evidence of open heavens as the Lord tarries in the Name of Jesus.



Begin to petition God that whatever is needed to get your family saved that the Lord would remove every obstacle from you and your family serving the Lord in Jesus Mighty Name!


Invite God to use you – seek out every opportunity to pray for others to bring glory to the Lord – decree that signs, wonders and miracles will follow us


O Lord, by your mercy count me worthy to escape your wrath and judgement coming upon this world in these last days and to stand worthy before you to be raptured.


Holy Spirit that prepares the bride ready for You O Lord, Jesus. Prepare me to be ready for the rapture.


Lord, we pray for the people around us who do not realize You are coming soon and first are coming to snatch away Your bride, so please awaken their hearts in Jesus Mighty Name!


Please show us the things in our lives that are not surrendered to You to make us rapture ready. We give these things to You and ask You to change our hearts.


Please continue to shape our characters and prepare us for Your coming in Jesus Mighty Name!


Lord, draw close to people who are afraid of Your snatching away, so they will not endure your wrath to come before Your second coming. May they surrender their lives to You in Jesus Mighty Name!


Please use each of us to tell others the good news of Your soon snatching away in the clouds in Jesus Mighty Name!


Father, please give us a heightened sense of urgency in our work for You. Let us live with daily hope that Jesus is coming soon to take His bride to the wedding feast of the Lamb.


Lord, bless the work of each person participating worldwide. Strengthen them to continue to the works of Christ Jesus in their daily life’s.


Lord, we pray for each person on our individual prayer lists. May they see their need and open their hearts to the Holy Spirit.


Lord, thank You for Your promise: “He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6).


Thank You that You have people in every city who are hopefully looking to heaven and awaiting your return and snatching away in the rapture.


Whatever thing is in my life that will hinder me from rapture holy Spirit of God reveal them to me and deliver me today. Holy Spirit You that prepare the bride ready, prepare me ready for the rapture of the saints. I pray God will answer our prayers by His mercy in Jesus Mighty Name!


Invite God to use you – seek out every opportunity to pray for others to bring glory to the Lord – decree that signs, wonders and miracles will follow us


Pray for your family, workplace, city, ministry, global body of Christ to receive breakthrough to enter the new era of delight, freedom and prosperity in the Lord


Pray for an increase of supernatural signs, wonders and miracles to be seen as believers pray for others and gather in groups to praise the name of the Lord.


JESUS is coming. Stay ready in absolute repentance, watchfulness, and holiness.


DAY 5: RESTORE & REVIVE (Sunday, 1st Jan)


Scripture Reading: Isaiah 61:1-4 “The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. God has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, 2 to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favour and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, 3 and provide for those who grieve in Zion— to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendour. 4 They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations.”


We are living in both peril times and exciting times for the born-again Christian that is awaiting the return of the Messiah. So, as we wait upon the Lord, we also should have the same cry as did the Prophet Isaiah that was prophesying for the Lord in power. A revival speaks of things that were alive but are dying out and need to be brought back to life. The greatest revivals in history have happened when the church has been declining and godly people have cried out, “Lord, we need to be stirred up in our faith once more, while we wait for Your imminent coming”! Could it be that the events of this last week in prayer have stirred up a great awakening of revival within your life!


Haggai 2:6 say’s “Once more in a little while I am going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and also the dry land, I will shake the nations……”


Above all else I am praying for an awakening to the message of the Gospel in all homes and nations. May the Lord come and shake the very foundations on which we have built our lives, transform our towns, our cities, and our nations with a revelation of the great news of Jesus Christ. Begin with us Lord, wake up your people and do not pass us by!


See revival is not about us, it is not about building bigger buildings, actual it is not about the 4 walls of a building at all. It is not about having louder and more dynamic services. When you are filled with the Spirit and God revives you, you start to see people as God sees people – as sheep without a shepherd, you don’t see colour you see God’s creation and only revival can uproot the deep racial tensions around the nations. Revival awakens us also to a fresh vision of our own spiritual state under the magnifying glass of the Holy Spirit. It draws us straight to the mercy of God and need to change under the strong conviction of the Holy Spirit.


There is a harvest of souls that is ready to be taken in, but before you can go out get your house in order. When you feel for people and see what is happening around the world you will truly weep for all lost souls, when you go out of your comfort zone and you sacrifice and you stretch, that’s when God begins to quicken you and work in your life. See God is looking for not just anointed people, but people that will bear the fruit of His Spirit. Those that will move in Charity, love, joy, peace, suffers long, envies not, loves not self, those that are not puffed up, meek, goodness and faith. See He’s looking for someone who will say, “Revive me, not for myself, but that I might become a not just a harvester of souls, but that that we will be transformed into Your image Lord.”


2022 was a difficult, challenging year for all of us to some degree and it took a lot emotionally, spiritually and possibly financially for many of us. BUT God… this is the year 2023 where the Lord is going to restore and revive all that was lost or stolen. The Lord is sending a fresh wind upon the earth to breathe life into the weary.


The Lord is rebuilding walls which were torn down in the past season due to devastating circumstances or personal challenges; restoring vision to those who have lost direction; restoring a renewed passion for Kingdom work and Kingdom people. Ask the Lord for that refreshing wind of Holy Spirit to blow upon you – decree that you are being given new strength (emotionally, spiritually and physically)



I decree and declare that the good doors that were closed against me in 2022 or before, will be opened wide for me to enter in and possess my possessions in 2023, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!


No plans of the enemy against me shall materialize in 2023, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!


The promises of God concerning my life, both past and present must all be fulfilled in my life, in the year 2023, in Jesus mighty name!


Whoever planned or is planning any evil against shall fall in the year 2023 into his or her own plan, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!


I decree and declare that the purposes, plans, proclamations, perceptions, permissions and all strategies of Satan, demons and their human agents will never be birthed in my life, family, marriage, job, business, education and ministry in 2023, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!


Decree and believe that as you fast and pray, your passion will return – to see what God wants to reveal to you, to hear what the Lord is whispering to you, to move with the rhythm of Holy Spirit in Jesus mighty name!


Decree that every broken wall, every stolen or lost moment, will be restored unto you in Jesus mighty name!




Pray for an Awakening to sweep your family and nation as the Lord's people learn to humble themselves with a contrite spirit, and to tremble at the Word of the Lord. "'Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being?' declares the Lord. 'These are the ones I look on with favour: those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who tremble at my word'" (Isa. 66:2).


Ask the Lord to bring revival to the remnant Church within your nation. "Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down, that the mountains would tremble before you! As when fire sets twigs ablaze and causes water to boil, come down to make your name known to your enemies and cause the nations to quake before you! For when you did awesome things that we did not expect, you came down, and the mountains trembled before you. Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him" (Isa. 64:1–4).


Pray for the preachers within your nation to fearlessly proclaim the Word of God regarding sin, God's love, and the rapture of the church. "In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge: Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage-with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear" (2 Tim. 4:1–3).


“The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” James 5:16


We acknowledge the incredible right and privilege You have given us to walk directly into the Presence of the most Powerful and Effective force in the Universe and BOLDLY ask for assistance. The devils tremble at this privilege that You have afforded us through the Blood of Jesus Christ. Help us to fully take hold of the extent of this opportunity. Forgive us for the times when we have not utilized this right effectively through lack of Faith.


We acknowledge our failure in the Body of Christ to live up to our side of the Covenant. We have NOT lived as we should. We have NOT obeyed all Your commands. We have NOT placed You first in our lives. We confess that our nations are currently on a dangerous pathway towards the idolatry of Human Secularism which seeks to remove You from every aspect of our daily public lives. In doing so, we have not only failed to follow in Christ’s footsteps to help “set the captives free” but have become captives ourselves to an un-Godly philosophy that will ultimately destroy the very foundations of our nations.


O God, we sincerely repent of our personal and national sins. We repent of the sins of omission as well as commission. These sins include idolatry, murder, anger, stubbornness, dishonesty, corruption, greed, sloth, lust, envy, compromise, fear, gluttony, gossip, hypocrisy, impurity, ingratitude, profanity, stealing, unforgiveness, untruthfulness, worldliness, worry and the ultimate sin of Pride. We take no solace in the fact that some of us may not have personally embraced sins such as abortion or marriage redefinition BUT by apathy or indifference have allowed evil to flourish. We have not followed Your Biblical mandate to submit to You, obey Your Holy Commandments and resist the Devil. Nor have we had a zeal to repent which invites You to commune with us, enabling us to become overcomers who will sit with You on Your throne (Rev 3:19-21).


Master, please have mercy on us. We beg for Your grace and mercy. We are undeserving of your mercy, but Your Holy Word says you are patient, kind, loving, merciful and longsuffering. Please, because of who YOU are and not because of what WE are—hear our prayer and grant our petition this day. We know you will hear from Heaven and will forgive our sins and heal our lands if we humble ourselves, pray, seek Your face, and turn from our wicked ways.


Then may all the kingdoms of the world truly know that YOU are our God and that we have no other gods but You. May You get all the glory, honour, and praise. May Your Kingdom come quickly, and may Your will be done here on Earth as it is in Heaven. We pray this prayer with great expectancy, looking upwards for our ultimate Salvation when You will return to set things right forever in Jesus Mighty Name! Amen


Prayer Points to Confess from Top to Bottom:

1. Ask the Lord to shed some light of truth in exposing the enemy’s schemes, by revealing us in advance to counterattack in Jesus Mighty Name!

2. Ask the Lord to shed some light on the truth of why the enemy is doing this September? In Jesus Mighty Name!

3. Stand firm in the lord against all the wiles of the devil, standing firm on the Lordship of our Lord Jesus Christ!

4. Ask Jesus to confuse the enemy’s agenda by bringing confusion in the camp of the enemy in Jesus Mighty Name!

5. In Jesus name we cut off any attack being sent against you or your families and friends in Jesus Mighty Name!


Destroying Witchcraft Caldron:

1. I break every witchcraft pot over our life, in the name of Jesus.

3. Every wicked pot cooking our affairs, be roasted, in the name of Jesus.

4. Every witchcraft pot working against us, we bring the judgment of God against you, in Jesus name.

5. Every pot of darkness seated against my life, be destroyed by fire, in the name of Jesus.

6. Every power calling our name into any caldrons, fall-down and die, in the name of Jesus.

7. Every power cooking my progress in an evil pot, receive the fire of judgment, in the name of Jesus.

8. Every satanic program emanating from the caldron of darkness, be reversed, in the name of Jesus.

9. We disentangle ourselves and our family from every witchcraft cage and pot, in the name of Jesus.

10. I command every evil pot and concoction used against our life’s to break to pieces, in the name of Jesus.


Destroying the Altars of Witchcraft:

1. Altars that are working against us, let the heavens send judgment against you now, in the name of Jesus.

2. Evil altars, the day of your judgment has come by fire, in the name of Jesus.

3. Let every altar of witchcraft and familiar spirit, be broken in the name of Jesus.

4. We set the fire of God on demon powers eating sacrifices on crossroads.

5. I command that every altar of wickedness constructed against us to be broken in the name of Jesus.

6. Let the fire of God fall-down and consume every altar of false religion in this country in the name of Jesus.

7. I disgrace every altar of iniquity in my life by the blood of Jesus.

8. Let the altar of witchcraft in my household be roasted in Jesus.


Breaking Witchcraft Curses:

1. Raise your two hands up “Father Lord, baptize my hand with your liquid fire mixed with the blood of Jesus to destroy and break witchcraft curses.”

2. Lay the two hands on your head “Father Lord, destroy every witchcraft curse upon my life by your fire, in the name of Jesus”

3. You my divine destiny, you will not be bewitched, in the name of Jesus.

4. I gather all witchcraft curses issued against my life and I uproot them and destroy them by fire in Jesus’ name.


Destroying The Covens of Witchcraft:

1. 0 Lord, let Your thunder and fire locate all covens of witches and wizards established against your people and the nations in Jesus Mighty Name!

2. As the wax is melted by fire, let all witchcraft covens caging our lives or destiny evaporate by fire, in Jesus name.

3. All witchcraft banks and strong room harbouring our blessings and treasures be pulled down by fire, in the name of Jesus.

4. Every witchcraft coven calling our name for evil be destroyed by fire in the name of Jesus.

5. Every witchcraft coven having our picture or image be consumed by fire in the name of Jesus.

7. Every area of our life’s caged by witchcraft coven be released now by fire in the name of Jesus.


Destroying The Throne of Witchcraft:

1. Every throne of witchcraft in our neighbourhoods be pulled down, in the name of Jesus.

2. Let the ground open and swallow every witchcraft throne hiding in the body of Christ, in the name of Jesus.

3. Every flying throne of witchcraft be cast down, in the name of Jesus.

4. Every throne of witchcraft set up against our enthronement; be demolished, in the name of Jesus.

5. Let the throne of Jesus Christ be established in every area of my life, in the name le, of Jesus.

6. Let the thunder of God locate and dismantle the throne of witchcraft in our households.

7. Every throne that has exalted itself against my life, I cast you down, in the name of Jesus.


Pray that the restoration and revival will be in EVERY area you need it in – that there will be no area in your life/ministry missed


Focus on the new year of 2023 and prophesy into your season.


Walk in your dominion authority in Christ Jesus. Bring the whole of the remaining year before God and prophesy into your season, your life, your family and the church.


Pray for a new and great manifestation of God’s miracle power in your life, Narrow Path Ministries, Your church, and Your nation. Seek the Lord for miracles, signs, and wonders that will amaze the people and bring glory to the Lord Jesus Christ.


Pray that God’s healing power would come into your life in all of its fullness. Ask that He would heal you from sickness and disease, and from every hurt, brokenness, and defeat. (3 John vs. 2; Isaiah 53:5)


There are hidden strongholds that are blocking your progress in life. Pray against those strongholds. Ask God to reveal them to you so that they can be broken (2 Corinthians 10:3-5). Name the specific stronghold in your life and family and command it to be broken in Jesus’ name.


Thank the Lord that He is changing you. Thank Him for His love that does not want to leave you the way you are. Pray that His plans and His will come to pass in your life as you submit to Him.


Pray for all the singles partaking in the fast who are seeking life partners, as the Lord tarries make a way. Ask God to guide them to the person who will really be a blessed spouse to that person. Pray for wisdom, guidance, and strength to overcome fleshly desires.


Pray for the Lord to open the doors to revival within each of our cities to reach the lost souls within this hour, that a mighty move of God would sweep the nations and whatever God is doing in this hour He would include all those that hunger and thirst for Him.




Scriptures Reading: John 1:16 & Isaiah 48:6


John 1:16“For out of His fullness (abundance) we have all received [all had a share, and we were all supplied with] one grace after another and spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing and even favour upon favour and gift [heaped] upon gift.”


Isaiah 48:6 “You have heard [these things foretold], now you see this fulfillment. And will you not bear witness to it? I show you specified new things from this time forth, even hidden things [kept in reserve] which you have not known.”


This is a season and time for the seers and the hearers, as the Lord is showing and revealing new things upon the earth and in the spiritual realm. He is speaking and warning the church of His soon coming return. The fullness of time is upon us, with increased signs and wonders, increased prophetic utterances, increased revelation – the fulfillment of Joel 3!


This is the start of a new era, where the impossible will be made possible in the name of Jesus, experiencing increased restoration and revival upon the earth, a separation of the authentic and the counterfeit; promises and prophetic words spoken over your life will come to pass rapidly, as you put the Lord first in all things.


There also will be an increase of the counterfeit being exposed within this hour, for with the increase of the glory of God will be an increase of judgment within the house of God. 1 Peter 4:17 King "For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begins at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?"


So, it is vital for us to know who we are in Christ and that everything has been placed under Jesus' feet (Eph. 1:22). That includes the devil. Since we are a part of the Body of Christ, all things are under our feet as well. It doesn't matter what type of problem comes against us—physical, emotional, financial, family, and so forth. We can walk on top of every one of these situations.


Psalm 91:13 says, "Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder." This verse uses lions and adders to represent forces that are strong and fierce. It is literally talking about Satan and his demonic host. If we're treading on something, it means we're walking on it. In this case, we are supposed to walk on devils and demons.


The word adder in Psalm 91:13 is also translated "asp," "serpent," and "cobra." Looking further at this word, we see that it carries with it the thought of a nest of snakes. Spiritually speaking, this is referring to different types of demons. But no matter how many demons we encounter, we have the authority to tread on all of them.


Deuteronomy 32:33 talks about the cruel venom of asps, and Romans 3:13 says, "The poison of asps is under their lips." These verses also refer to backbiting, tale-bearing, and slandering. We have probably all experienced the vicious sting of untrue and unkind words spoken about us. When we become victims of poisonous words, we must remember that we have the power to tread on what was said. The unkind, cutting words of others don't have to hurt us. We can walk over the lies and keep going!


So, remember the enemy may try to attack us to stop us from moving forward, but we have the authority to tread not only the enemy but curse words that have been spoken over us. You are not what others say about you precious saints, but you are what the word of God says you are. We can step over failures and rise up in victory through Christ today!


God wants us to rule and reign in our lives. In other words, He wants us to experience victory all the time, not just occasionally. Although He has given us the victory, we must take possession of it. We must exercise that authority in faith each day against every hinderance. See many know God's blessings belong to them, but they never possess them. We must put our foot down and demand the enemy to return back what is rightfully ours and return back seven-fold that has been stolen today! What God says about us is true precious saints! We are victorious, we are healthy, we are prosperous, and so forth.


God told Joshua, "Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you" (Joshua 1:3). God gave the Promised Land to Joshua, but Joshua didn't possess the land until he took steps to take what was his. Many people say that they are waiting for God to give them the victory. He can't give them the victory because they already have it. He's waiting for them to "take" it. What Jesus did for us on the cross will never become a reality in our lives until we do something about it.


He already provided healing for us through Jesus. He has already provided deliverance for us through Jesus and God is waiting for us to "take" what Jesus bought for us. We must stand on the Word of God in faith until we see it become a reality in our lives. See if we don't tread on oppression, addiction, sickness, disease, and poverty, there is a likely chance we will remain sick and oppressed etc. So, claim what is rightfully yours today and put the devil on the run by using our authority, standing firm in our faith, and thanking God for what He has wrought for us on the cross. The scripture tells us that when we resist the devil, he will flee (James 4:7). When we enforce Christ's victory, we will receive everything that belongs to us! As we wait for the Lords coming, May 2023 be a year we are ready and walking in authority each day keeping the devil at bay in Jesus Mighty Name!



I decree and declare that whoever is holding what belongs to me must release it to me as I enter the year 2023, in Jesus mighty name!


Shame, disgrace, rejection, demotion, failure, denial, and disfavour is not my portion in 2023, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!


Sickness, accident, death, fire-outbreak, earthquake, tsunami, cyclone, tornado, flooding, armed robbery attack, sexual assault, physical assault, or any form of aggression will never locate me, nor my family, nor any of my loved ones, nor our belongings, in Jesus mighty name!


I decree and declare unlimited protection upon my life, my family, our loved ones, and everything that belongs to us, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!


Standing upon the everlasting Word of God, I decree and declare that only the will of the Most High God will be done in my life in 2023, in Jesus mighty name!


Decree that you will have a relentless pursuit to walk in the fullness of what Christ has promised you.



1. Father, I thank You for all powers belong to you in Jesus Christ Name

2. Father, I come boldly to your throne of grace to receive mercies and grace in Jesus Christ Name

3. You evil eyes monitoring my destiny, I command you to go blind in Jesus Christ Name

4. Every territorial demon standing against me be struck down in Jesus Christ Name

5. I release sufficient plagues upon every pharaoh fighting against my breakthrough in Jesus Christ Name

6. Every demon opposing the word of God in my life, be destroyed in Jesus Christ Name

7. I scatter the plans of every demonic gang up against me in Jesus Christ Name

8. I command every arrow of affliction targeted against my life be broken in Jesus Christ Name

9. Every tree of affliction growing in my destiny be uprooted and consumed by fire in Jesus Christ Name

10. Every demon that comes to kill to steal and to destroy in my life be destroyed now in Jesus Christ Name

11. Every demonic human agent hired to pull me down, will be rendered powerless to bring to repentance in Jesus Christ Name

12. Every covenant of hard life be destroyed in Jesus Christ Name

13. Every serpentine spirit working against my life, be destroyed in Jesus Christ Name

14. Every evil deposit in my life be flushed out now by the blood of Jesus Christ.

15. Every affliction targeting my breakthroughs be erased in Jesus Christ Name

16. Every demon causing sickness and diseases in my life, be destroyed in Jesus Christ Name

17. Every demon of poverty in my life, be destroyed in Jesus Christ Name

18. Every evil voice speaking against my life, be destroyed in Jesus Christ Name

19. Every activity of witches and wizards in my life be destroyed now in Jesus Christ Name

20. I crush every serpent and scorpions coming against me now in Jesus Christ Name

21. I release warring angels to destroy the plans of the enemy against my life in Jesus Christ Name

22. I declare that I am unstoppable in Jesus Christ Name

23. I declare that I am unkillable in Jesus Christ Name

24. I declare my all-round authority over all devils in Jesus Christ Name

25. I reject spiritual blindness in Jesus Christ Name

26. From this day, I shall walk in favour on every side in Jesus Christ Name

27. All those that will fight against me this year shall be silenced in Jesus Christ Name

28. I unseat every demonic human agent sitting on my destiny in Jesus Christ Name

29. I declare that I am blessed in Jesus Christ Name


Pray this prayer: Father, we are confident of this very thing; that He who has begun a good work in us; and you would provide for us all. Give thanks to God for this and for answered prayers in your personal life also that He would provide for you according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus. Remember as you pray for others, God takes care of your needs according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus.


Pray & Declare out loud: “By God’s grace as we have meet 2023 and as Pastor Robert continues to pray for the nations that revival will be sparked within the hearts of each hungry soul, starting with us first. May every chain of oppression be broken, and that sickness will be healed in each of our lifes Jesus Mighty Name! We pray that the Lord would speak to the nation’s once again in a powerful way concerning things to come and that all nations would repent from all corruption, witchcraft & idol ancestral worship in Jesus Mighty Name!


DAY 7: THANKSGIVING & PRAISE (Tuesday, 3rd Jan)


Scriptures Reading: Psalm 69:30 “I will praise God’s name in song and glorify the Lord with thanksgiving.”


Psalm 100:4 “Enter God’s gates with thanksgiving and God’s courts with praise; give thanks to the Lord and praise God’s name.”


Precious saints as we have reached day seven, I want us to look back at 2022 and be thankful for everything. Yes, being thankful helps us to remember all the good things that God has given to us. Oftentimes we are tempted to dwell at all of the negative things that are happening in our lives and I am sure there were a few in 2022, but God is still Lord over all.


See the enemy doesn’t want us to be thankful, because he knows that when we are grateful, we live more contented lives and are more willing to share the love of Jesus with others. Even though you may be going through the worst time of your life right now, you can still find something to be thankful for precious saints. Now the Bible reminds us to be thankful as well:


1 Thessalonians 5:18 “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”


So being thankful helps us to remember all the good things that God has given to us. So just as the apostle Paul encourages us to give thanks to God for all things. How could Paul, of all people, be thankful in every circumstance?


The answer to that question is the Holy Spirit. For when we ask Jesus into our lives, we receive the Holy Spirit to be our helper and our guide. And in the same breath that Paul encourages us to be thankful in all things, he says to fill up on the Holy Spirit instead of turning to wine, or whatever else used to bring us joy, because the Holy Spirit is far more valuable.


Ephesians 5:18 “ And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, 19 speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, 20 giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,”


The Holy Spirit in us is what allows us to be thankful even when things aren’t going right, to have peace when life feels chaotic, and to have hope when all seems hopeless. When we can’t think of anything to be thankful for, the Holy Spirit reminds us that we can be thankful for Jesus – for the forgiveness of sins, for a relationship with God, and for the promise of eternal life.


Maybe you do not feel like being thankful, because if I asked some would have more negative things in their life than positive things. But I just want to remind you today that no matter how bad life may seem right now, we can be thankful precious saints. You may not feel like thanking Him for your problems, but we can thank Him for the grace and strength He’s building in us through them.


So start by looking back over the past 6 days and thank the Lord for every transition and shift (no matter how small) you have made (spiritually, emotionally, and physically) during this period of fasting and praying.



Then ask yourself these questions:

Think about all the conversations you had yesterday. Were your conversations marked by complaints or by gratitude?


Do you believe it’s possible to be thankful in all circumstances? Why or why not?


What’s one thing you can thank Jesus for today?


Write down a list and allow the Holy Spirit to help you with this exercise and see where the Lord will take you next with a new attitude of being thankful in all things.




I decree and declare the year 2023 is my year of fruitfulness in all areas of life.


I decree and declare the manifestation of the supernatural in my life in 2023, in Jesus’ name.


Every evil joke or burden I have been carrying, I decree and declare that such be broken of my life because of the anointing upon my life as I enter into 2023, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.


In the year 2023, I will move forward with God’s speed, in Jesus mighty name.


I decree and declare that delay is not my portion in 2023, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.


Declare that on Day 7, your transformation and breakthrough will be complete according to God’s will and riches.


Decree that there is no going back to the old season. Speak completeness of turnaround in your healing, health and wealth in your spirit, emotions and physically.


Thank the Lord for every person who fasted and prayed during this period – that they too will experience the fullness of transformation and transition in spirit and circumstances.


God heard your prayer, and your answer is coming. Be prepared to receive more than you asked for.



1). My Father, I will sing your praises aloud in the presence of kings and leaders of this world in Jesus mighty name.

2). Father, I thank you for your divine help that I have enjoyed in my life. If I begin to mention them, I will run out of numbers. Thankyou Father in Jesus Mighty Name!

3). I confess today that the LORD lives! Blessed be the Lord, Let the name of the Lord be exalted, The Rock of my salvation! in Jesus mighty name.

4). Father in the name of Jesus, I declare that you reign above the heavens and the earth, none can compare to your greatness.

5). My Father and My God I will give praises to your name as long as I live and have the breath in my nostrils in Jesus mighty name.

6). Jehovah, I will praise you because you are a glorious God, and a merciful Father.

7). Father, I give praises to your name because you are the God that silences all my enemies in Jesus mighty name.

8). Oh Lord, I praise your name for the wonders of your creations that you created for the benefit of mankind in Jesus mighty name.

9). Oh Lord, I thank you for creating me in your image and likeness in Jesus mighty name.

10). Father, I thank you for the grace to be alive and to sing your praises to you today in Jesus mighty name.

11). Dear Lord, cause me to have new testimonies that I may offer more thanksgiving to your name in the midst of the saints in Jesus mighty name.

12). Dear Lord, I lift your name higher, above all other names, above everything in heaven and in earth in Jesus mighty name.

13). Oh Lord, I will boast of your goodness, and your great kindness all day long and I praise you for being my God in Jesus mighty name.

14). Oh Lord, I praise you for fighting the battles of my life in Jesus might name

15). Oh Lord, I will praise You, during my trials, you are indeed the reason why I am happy

16). Oh Lord, I magnify your name and I acknowledge your greatness in Jesus mighty name.

17). Oh Lord, I join the congregation of brethren to give praises to you for you have done great things in my life in Jesus mighty name.

18). Oh Lord, I praise your name today because only the living can praise your name, the dead cannot praise you

19). Oh Lord, I praise you today for you are good and your mercies endures forever in Jesus mighty name.

20). Father I praise you for only you can do what no man can do In Jesus mighty name.

21). Father I praise you for I have won the victory in Christ Jesus.

22). Oh Lord, I will sing aloud of your praises before unbelievers, and I will not be ashamed

23). Oh Lord, I praise you in your house, the church, before the saints in Jesus mighty name.

24). Oh Lord, I will praise you because you are a righteous God.

25). Oh Lord, I praise you because you have become my salvation in Jesus mighty name.

26). Oh Lord, I praise you today because you are my God and i have no other god in Jesus mighty name.






Pastor Robert Clancy

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