In the name of jesus, I pray that all who are seeking you today in fasting and prayer and in spirit and in truth would be filled with the holy ghost and a wall of fire from the holy ghost always be around us and our families. Lord help us run this race and finish well so we can obtain the prize which is eternal life with you jesus. Help us overcome, conquer and obtain victory in Jesus mighty name. Lord I pray in the name of jesus that all curses, hindrances, spirit of setbacks and every wall of jericho in the lives of your people be removed and destroyed, burned down to ashes in Jesus mighty name help us jump in to this revival train. We don't want to miss out on your miracles signs and wonders of these end times. Jesus help us be who you want us to be and help us be ready!! Help us be holy and righteous and clean for your return. Jesus set us free in Jesus mighty name I pray amen. I plead the blood of Jesus over robert clancy and his family and over all your people this day in Jesus mighty name I pray amen.