INFORMATION BLOG: https://www.repentancerevival.com/single-post/corporate-weekly-friday-fasting
"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." Isaiah 40:31
When the Lord called us to first sell everything and come and follow the Lord I myself was greatly inspired, by this great man of faith George Muller. As you see below he would put many men of God to shame today. If you have never heard of George Muller, you really should read about his life. He lived in the 19th century in England and is well known for his work starting orphanages and schools. He had a great faith that God would always provide their needs. He practiced his faith by never asking anybody for donations, only asking God to provide. Not only would he not ask for money, but he would also not take any money from the government.
He managed to provide for thousands of kids solely from unsolicited gifts. He is well known for his work with orphans, but there is another part of his life that is just as inspiring. After his wife died, he remarried. He and his new wife went on missionary trips for the next 17 years. He traveled over 200,000 miles before there were airplanes. The most incredible thing about this MISSION was that He didn't start until he was 70 years old! Late in his life, he was still serving God in an incredible way.
He preached at all of the following places after he was 70 years old: England, Scotland, Ireland, Switzerland, France, Spain, Italy, United States, Canada, Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Asia Minor, Greece, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Bohemia, Russia, Poland, India, Wales, Australia, China, Japan, the Straits of Malacca, Singapore, Penang, Colombo, (Aus) Tasmania, New Zealand, and Ceylon. He travelled to many of these nations multiple times, and during his first trip to the United States, he visited the White House.
After his 70th birthday, George Muller was as "sharp in his mind." His story ought to be an encouragement to us to keep serving God until the day we die. Don't let old age stop your service to our King! Don't let any physical limitation stop you from serving God. Don't let your empty bank account stop you from serving God! Maybe it will change how you serve God, but it should never prevent you from serving God. Keep pressing on! The Lord is looking for real faith on His return and His peace be found in you. Precious saints no matter the level of your faith today, the bible says that faith comes by hear and hearing of the word of God (Romans 10:17). If you desire more faith today then ask the Holy Spirit to increase your faith to trust God for the impossible within your life and that of those around you.
1995 – January: Modesto, California, North America (Glen Berteau) "Heaven's Gates & Hell's Flames"
Glenn and Debbie Berteau, pastors of Calvary Temple Worship Centre in Modesto, California, from January 1994, strongly sensed the Lord would give them revival there. Early in 1994, they challenged their congregation with that vision. After the ‘Vision Sunday’, individuals committed themselves to fast on specific days as the congregation became involved in a forty day period of prayer and fasting. In early January 1995, they had a three day fast. The church building remained open for prayer, and people prayed over names on cards left on the altar. Those able to do so met together daily for prayer at noon. Many pastors in the area began meeting each week to pray for the city.
On Sunday 15 January 1995, the church began holding performances of the play, Heaven’s Gates and Hell’s Flames. It was scheduled for three days originally but continued for seven weeks with 28 performances. Jann Mathies, pastoral secretary of Calvary Temple reported in April:
As of this writing, approximately 81,000 have attended the performance with 90% each night seeing it for the first time. At time of printing, 33,000 decision packets have been handed out, and of that, (confirmed) 20,000 returned with signed decision cards. Over 250 churches have been represented with hundreds of people added to the churches in our city and surrounding communities in less than one month. People come as early as 3:30 pm for a 7 pm performance. There are over 1,000 people waiting to get in at 5 pm, and by 5:30 pm the building is full. Thousands of people have been turned away; some from over 100 miles away. … Husbands and wives are reconciling through salvation; teenagers are bringing their unsaved parents; over 6,000 young people have been saved, including gang members who are laying down gang affiliation and turning in gang paraphernalia. . . . The revival is crossing every age, religion and socio economic status. . . . We have many volunteers coming in every day, and through the evening hours to contact 500 to 600 new believers by phone; special classes have also been established so that new believers may be established in the faith.
The play became a focus for revival in the area. Some churches closed their evening service so their people could take their unsaved friends there. One result is that many churches in the area began receiving new coverts and finding their people catching the fire of revival in their praying and evangelising.
One church added a third Sunday morning service to accommodate the people. Another church asked their members to give up their seats to visitors. Bible book stores sold more Bibles than usual. A local psychologist reported on deep healings in the lives of many people who attended the drama.
That play continues to be used effectively around the world. For example, churches in Australia have performed the play with hundreds converted in a local church. Hardened unbelievers with no place for church in their lives have been converted and now live for God.
Lord, please let your fire of revival fall upon every hungry heart that is reading this program today in Jesus Mighty Name!
Lord let your Holy Spirit fire fall upon each person's home today in Jesus Mighty Name!
Lord we ask through the name of Your Son Jesus that you destroy every work of the devil delaying the fire of repentance revival coming to our lives in Jesus mighty name!
Lord may every evil agents of darkness that were sent to manipulate and destroy the church and that of your remnant be exposed and rendered powerless in Jesus mighty name!
Lord, arrest our hearts, so we may be fully yourself today in Jesus Mighty Name!
Lord we bind every spirit causing anyone to be lukewarm, weak or in slumber rendered powerless and ask you to come out of our lives in Jesus Might Name!
Lord just as you send revival in today's testimony, may it stir within the hearts first of those He is calling and those He is yet to touch in these End-times in Jesus Mighty Name!