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In Weekly Corporate Fasting
Dec 02, 2022
I am participating in this fast today to strengthen plea for reinforcement from the 3rd heavens to the 2nd heaven to completely release any demonic hinderances that is delaying my son’s academic milestones and future academic achievements , I am pleading that my husband will be completely release his lust for strange woman and his eyes be open to see the damage his unfaithful behavior has caused to our family especially to my son who believes it his job to protect his mother. I am pleading to my Father in heaven today to release my son for any guilt he feels towards my husband’s unfaithfulness. God release this young boy of his fathe’s shame and guilt and bring revival, renewal and regeneration to his young heart. Give my child a photographic memory and everything he that he was exposed to in his studies be committed to his memory and be recalled at the time of his PEP exams. Lord you said he would be placed at York Castle High Schoo. Protect my children wipe that nasty affair from their memory. Continue Lord to turn my husband’s mind from that strange woman. Bring peace to our home and our lives. Lord release a financial blessing into my to continue to pay for extra classes for my kids, buy good health foods for them, support their dreams and to look after myself. Release my son Lord from his own torment, anger, shame and guilt , release my husband from lust, shame and ungodly influences release my daughter of her anger. Take all my burdens Lord. Take all my burdens Lord. Take them. i commit my family, my home, my house, my job, my financial situation , my soul and myself to your care. Lord you never promised me defeat, amen


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