Scripture Text: Joshua 24:15 "And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."
Each person must find the perfect will of God for their own life's. First one must spend time with the Lord and listen to the still small voice that will direct any hungry heart that seeks His face. Then once you have attempted that then you step out in that specific area, even if it means making mistakes along the way. Example: If you are called to preach, then you must be faithful within your own area of influence first. For me I started handing out gospel tracts, preaching on the streets for many years evangelising at work and anywhere possible before doors opened for other churches and before I left my homeland country as a missionary.
When the Lord gives you a specific mission, He also will provide for that mission in ways that you cannot understand. When Gods work is done His righteous way backed up with complete 100% faith, it will never lack His anointing or support to complete that very task. Many starts off walking until they hit a roadblock forcing them not to go any further, see the enemy will send challenges and hindrances our way. He does this that you may stop pursuing the mission God has assigned for your life. 2023 truly is a year for you to walk in the higher calling that is above your career, your family, your hobbies, and your leisure.
So precious saints, as we seek the Lord again today in prayer and fasting this corporate Friday fast, let us ask the Lord to truly revive us once more, so that you and your family may serve the Lord together. Ask Him to reveal to you exactly what He wants you to do and where you to go. Seek Him while He may still be found by you precious saints, for surly the Messiah is coming for His perfect mature bride, that will be found busy on His return. So, reach out to the Lord today and cry out for more of God’s glory and goodness in your life precious saints, for it is time for revival in the nations. So, allow todays revival story to stir you up to revival, like never before and believe for the impossible.
1962 – August: Santo, Vanuatu (Paul Grant) (Note: Please google these locations to see where they are on the map, so you can get a better feel and idea where God poured out His Spirit.)
Australian Apostolic missionary pastor-teacher, Paul Grant, saw early stirrings of revival in Vanuatu. He commented in an unpublished report:
It is important to note the following components in the lead-up to later visitation and reviving:
1. A shared concern of missionaries for revival.
2. A significantly developed interest in the quickening power of the Spirit among west Ambai church members and leaders through teaching of the Scriptures and news of revival and the power-works of the Spirit in other parts of the world, e.g. a Series of talks on the East Africa revival, the Welsh revival, signs and wonders and healings as reported from the Apostolic Church in Papua New Guinea, and inspiring records in other magazines.
3. An emphasis on prayer meetings, both between missionaries and in local churches.
4. Regular and frequent prayers for a visitation of God’s Spirit by Apostolic Churches around the world. The first Monday night of each month was observed as a prayer night for worldwide missions.
5. Concentrated, sustained Scripture teaching in the classrooms of the primary school where students later would experience the power of God.
By 1961 I had spent nine years among the people learning many valuable lessons in cross-cultural service and feeling myself being incorporated into their ‘family’ stage by stage. Church services were free and open for much congregational participation. During 1961 in the construction and opening of a new school building a spirit of prayer was noticeably intense.
A week of prayer prior to the special ceremonies for the dedication of the school building was a markedly powerful time. On Santo Island in the town of Luganville a non-professional missionary of the Apostolic Church, a builder, was experiencing a surge of power in the local church fellowship consisting principally of people from Ambae working in this urban situation. Then came a series of significant episodes.
Beginning in the Santo church on August 15th, 1962, and continuing there and in churches on Ambae (commencing in Tafala village in October) over a period of about 12 weeks the power of God moved upon young people. There were many instances of glossolalia, healings, prophetic utterances, excitation, loud acclamations to God in public services, incidents of deep conviction of sin, conversions, restitutions, and other manifestations of holiness of life.
From diary and report records I have the following observations:
1. Shouts and liberty and outstretched arms, fervent praying by all … for one hour (24 August).
2. I’ve never seen such passionate fervency (7 September).
3. Abraham (young man) through the day had sought the Lord … at night he was filled with the Spirit (8 October).
4. … these baptisms (in the Spirit) have produced a reverence and spiritual quickening of depth and sincerity (14 October 14).
5. … reverence is prominent.
6. … Stanley (young man) in the classroom broke forth in other tongues during a Bible lesson on 2 Corinthians 4 … prayer … four students committed themselves to Christ (2 December).
7. Thomas (an older man) told me he was drawn by the Spirit to the school building to listen (3 December).
8. Williamson … has thrown away his cigarettes … agitated over temptation … asked for prayer (3 December).
9. … infusion of new life and power in the weekly meetings (2 January 1963).
This visitation resulted in a liveliness not known before. Initially it was mainly among young people. In later months and years it spread among all age groups and to my present knowledge was the first such visitation in the history of the Christian Church in Vanuatu. To me the gratification I gained centred upon the following particulars:
1. The Holy Spirit had animated and empowered a people who were well taught in the Scriptures. Records show a lift in spiritual vitality in all the village churches.
2. It brought the church as a whole into a more expressive, dynamic dimension and also a charismatic gift function. They were much more able to gain victory over spirit forces so familiar to them.
3. It began to hasten the maturation processes in developing leadership.
4. The reality matched the doctrinal stand of the church. There was now no longer a disparity.
5. It confirmed to me the very great importance of being “steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord forasmuch as you know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 15:58 AV).
6. It led to significant outreach in evangelism, both personal and group. …
In the following years some of the young men and women served God in evangelistic teams, school teaching, urban witness, government appointments, and as pastors and elders to their own people. One of them has with his wife been an effective missionary… in Papua New Guinea.
Similar Spirit movements such as this characterize revival in the islands with their animistic involvement in spirit activity. Christians affirm the power of the Holy Spirit over traditional occult spirits. Many local revival movements have flared up in Vanuatu and the South Pacific. This typical report is from Ruth Rongo of Tongoa Island dated August 28, 1991:
“I’ve just come back from an Evangelism ministry. It lasted for three months. God has done many miracles. Many people were shocked by the power of the Holy Spirit. The blind received their sight, the lame walked, the sick were healed. All these were done during this evangelism ministry. We see how God’s promise came into action. The prophet Joel had said it. We people of Vanuatu say, “The spirit of the Lord God is upon us because he has anointed us to preach the Gospel to the poor people of Vanuatu.” Praise God for what he has done.
“In where I live, in my poor home, I also started a home cell prayer group. Our goal is that the revival must come in the church. Please pray for me and also for the group. Our prayer group usually meets on Sunday night, after the night meeting. We started at 10.30 pm to 1 or 3.30 am. If we come closer to God, he will also come close to us. We spent more time in listening and responding to God.”
These revival movements continue to increase in the Pacific, especially as indigenous teams minister in other areas with the Spirit’s fire. The church grows stronger, even though opposition. Indigenous Christians live and minister in New Testament patterns from house to house, from village to village. That deep work of the Spirit continues now across the world Precious Saints and greater works are yet to be seen as we prepare for the greatest revival ever seen upon the earth. So today I want to encourage you to seek the Lord this Friday fast and believe if God did it before, He will do it again precious saints. Yes, the divine Spirit deeply impacts those who continue to seek the Lord and I know Repentance Revival will spread far and wide beyond the small taste we have experienced so far. Therefore, cry out to the Lord and see what He can do when you submit your life to Him in a deeper way today. Always remain faithful in prayer and fasting and you shall see the fruits of your labour. God bless you, as we pray to the Lord.
Let us pray saints:
1. Lord, let us know you more and seek the higher calling within our lives in Jesus Mighty Name.
2. Lord help us to in unity with our family, that we may serve You together in Jesus Mighty Name!
3. Lord we ask through the name of Your Son Jesus that you destroy every work of the devil delaying the fire of repentance revival coming to our lives in Jesus mighty name!
4. Pray that God will reveal His requirements for genuine revival in your life, family, church, community, and nation. Ask God to start that revival in your own heart and life that repentance revival will flow.
5. Ask God what He wants you to do today to apply what He has revealed to you and run with it. What actions will you take after this fasting day?
6. Pray for an alertness and an awakening from spiritual slumber, do that you may be ablaze. Ask the Lord to awaken the remnant body of Christ and draw more saints into the Body of Christ.
7. Declare readiness over God’s people for radical change that will come from a powerful move of God!
8. Decree that lives are being characterised by an increasing hunger for a new move of God and experience Your healing power in Jesus mighty Name!
9. Ask God to do a fresh work within our heart this weekend, that just as you moved in Vanuatu, that you will start with us today and do great things in Jesus Mighty Name!
10. May revival come to each of our homes and change family members to be on fire for God in Jesus Mighty Name!
11. Lord we pray for Pastor Robert’s Meetings scheduled in 2023, may You come and visit Your people within those respected nations as You have promised in Jesus Mighty name!
12. Any principality in the heavenlies delaying your progress and Gods messengers be removed in Jesus mighty name!
13. Any agent of satanic delay in my (office, home, school, place of work, city, and nation), withholding my promotion/graduation, revival may they be completely removed and rendered powerless in the mighty name of Jesus!
14. Father we ask that you please send angelic reinforcements from the 3rd heavens to release our blessings and arrest all demonic hinderances in the 2nd heavens, in the mighty name of Jesus!
15. Father for my shame, troubles, and delay, I shall receive double honour, in the mighty name of Jesus!
16. I refuse to give up until my testimony gives birth to many other testimonies and revival comes to my home, church, city, and nation, in the mighty name of Jesus!
17. Lord let your Holy Spirit fire fall upon each person's home today to stir revival in the hearts of Your remnant in Jesus Mighty Name!
Glory be to God