INFORMATION BLOG: https://www.repentancerevival.com/single-post/corporate-weekly-friday-fasting
Exodus 33:9-10 “As Moses entered the tent, the pillar of cloud would come down and remain at the entrance, and the LORD would speak with Moses. 10When all the people saw the pillar of cloud standing at the entrance to the tent, they would stand up and worship, each one at the entrance to his tent.”
Precious Saints, it is Gods desire for you to have strong families built up and grounded strong in faith, that will be separate from this world and all its trappings. When the Israelites were coming out of Egypt on their way to the promised land, they would camp and when they saw the glory cloud descend upon the tent of meeting, each family would stand at the door of their tent and worship God in one accord.
Psalm 100:3 “Know that the Lord, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.”
We are the sheep of His pasture and God desires us to dwell in unity together. Yes, God desire for families to be unified by the bond of HIs Spirit, that they also may worship Him in Spirit and in truth. Therefore, I would like to encourage all those that are wanting to go to a deeper level in the Lord and that desire their families to be revived to join us for this day of Corporate Friday Fasting for a revival of God’s presence and work in your own life’s, our families and church.
See when churches conduct “revival” services, they frequently see many people place their faith in Christ. Consequently, many think of revival as an evangelistic service ale. But revival is what God accomplishes with His people when they return to Him. Revival comes when God restores life and vitality to His people. Revival is evident when His power and presence is made know in an individual, family and community. When genuine revival comes to God’s people, God’s activity becomes the talk of the individual, family, and town. When John the Baptist preached a message of repentance, he required “fruits of repentance.” I asked, “What is the fruit of repentance for prayerlessness?” it is prayer and fasting precious saints!
So as an individual or family let us pray and fast regularly together for our nations to come to repentance within this hour before the Lords soon snatching away. It is vital that we come together corporately to surrender our Life’s and apathy, for a revived heart that is set ablaze for the Lord, so that people will start to come to the faith in Christ! I believe this truly is the hour for revival, but we as His remnant must be the first to cry out for God to pour out His Spirit upon our lives, so we can be the spark within our families, cities, and nations. May the below true revival story stir up your heart to repentance and cry out for so much more within these latter days.
1997 – January: Baltimore, Maryland, North America (Pastor Bart & Coralee Pierce)
As with the centripetal influence of Azusa Street from 1906, centres of revival in the current developments influence ever widening areas receptive to it.
A significant, on-going example is the influence of revival in places such as Houston on other areas. Bart Pierce, pastor of Rock Church in Baltimore, Maryland, with a 3,000 seat auditorium, invited Tommy Tenney to speak at his church. Charisma magazine reported:
Bart Pierce will never forget the day the Holy Spirit fell at his church in the rolling suburbs of Baltimore, Maryland. It wasn’t gradual, nor was it subtle. God showed up during the Sunday morning service on January 19, 1997.
Pierce, pastor of Rock Church in Baltimore, and his wife, Coralee, had just returned from a pastors’ retreat in St. Augustine, Florida. Pierce says he went to the retreat with “a desperate, deep hunger for more of God.”
While there, he heard Tommy Tenney recount an event that occurred in a Houston church a few months earlier. …
Tenney, a third generation travelling evangelist, told the gathered pastors that the drama of the split pulpit was totally eclipsed by the awesome presence of God that filled the sanctuary immediately after the supernatural event. “The revival,” Tenney told them, “Was characterized by a deep sense of humility, brokenness and repentance.”
While Tenney spoke, many of the pastors, including Pierce, fell on their faces weeping. Pierce spent much of his time at the retreat prostrated and weeping before the Lord. When it ended, he asked Tenney to come back to Baltimore with him for the weekend.
On the 18-hour drive home, Pierce, his wife and Tenney had “an encounter of God as we talked about what God was doing and what we believed,” Pierce says.
“We would sit in the car and weep,” recalls Tenney. They reached Baltimore on Saturday night, filled with a hunger for more of the Lord.
The next morning Pierce knew something was up as soon as he got to the church building. “Two of my elders were standing inside the door weeping,” he says. “We started worshiping, then people began standing up all over the building crying out loud.” Some came forward to the altar; others would “start for the altar and crumple in the aisle.”
Even those outside the sanctuary were affected. “Back in the hallways, people were going down under the power of God. We never really got to preach,” Pierce says. Tenney and Pierce were supposed to be leading the service, but both were too overcome by the intense presence of God to do anything but cry.
“There was a deep sense of repentance that grew increasingly more intense,” Pierce recounts. At 4 p.m. there were still bodies lying all over the church floor. Pierce and Tenney tried several times to speak, but each time they were overwhelmed by tears.
“Finally,” says Pierce, “we told our leadership team, ‘We’re going home to change clothes.’ We were a mess from lying on the floor and weeping.”
The two men went home and changed. When they got back to the church at 6 p.m., people were still there, and more were coming. That first “service” continued until 2 in the morning.
Monday night, people returned, and the same thing happened. It happened again Tuesday night.
“Many people simply crawled under the pews to hide and weep and cry,” remembers Pierce. “At times the crying was so loud, it was eerie.”
Pierce noticed new faces in the congregation. “We didn’t have a clue as to how they knew about the service, because we don’t advertise at all,” he says. When he asked, some of the visitors told amazing stories.
One man said he was driving down the road when God told him, “Go to Rock Church.” Another woman said she was sitting at her kitchen table when she got the same message. She didn’t know what a “Rock Church” was, but she found a listing in the phone book. After the service she tearfully confided that she had been planning to leave her husband the next morning.
“God had totally turned her heart,” says Pierce. “She and her husband have been totally restored.”
For the first few weeks, Pierce says, “every ministry at the church was turned upside down.” The church has always been known for its mercy ministries — its homeless shelter for men, its home for women in crisis, its food distribution program, which moves 7 million pounds of food a year, and its ministry to revive Baltimore’s inner city.
But when the revival started, everything took a back seat to what God was doing. Pierce would find his staff lying on the floor in the hallways or hear a thump against the wall and find someone lying on the floor in the next room, crying uncontrollably.
People reported supernatural events in their homes, too. One woman’s unsaved husband had a dream in which everyone spoke Chinese. He came downstairs and found his wife lying on the floor speaking Chinese. His son, who was supposed to be getting ready for school, was lying on the floor in the living room, weeping and crying. That day, the man got saved.
One night a boy from a local gang came forward weeping while Tenney was still preaching. “He came to the front, looked up at me and said, ‘You’ve got to help me, because I just can’t take it anymore,’” Tenney recalls.
The church doesn’t keep figures on the numbers of people who have come to faith in Jesus since the revival started because they encourage people to go back to their home churches. Many pastors bring their people to the services in Baltimore because they know that Rock Church won’t steal their flock. … “On any given night we have 12 to 20 pastors from the Baltimore area,” Pierce says.
Still, some do come long distances. One night they looked out and saw 47 Koreans who had chartered a plane to come. Another time a group from Iceland was there. They have had visitors from Britain, Germany, the Ukraine and all across America. …
Today, services in Baltimore are quieter and gentler than they were during the first few months of revival. But the worship music is powerful, and the singing draws the congregation to Jesus. Most of the songs were written by people in the church after the revival began.
The convicting presence of God draws people to this church which also invests heavily in social caring ministries. Like other centres of revival, it has seen thousands make commitments to Christ, lives transformed, and it continues to minister to people in need. Bart Pierce is the co-founder of Global Compassion Network (GCN), an organization that networks USA and foreign nations for the purpose of reaching those in crisis. He offers apostolic oversight to churches throughout the US, and in nations such as Ukraine, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, India and Pakistan.
Many countries worldwide have been experiencing similar Spirit movements in which a specific impact, anointing or ‘baptism’ of the Spirit on a group of people ignites a revival movement. This includes Australia.
Let us pray saints:
1. Lord, please let your fire of revival fall upon every hungry heart that is reading this program today in Jesus Mighty Name!
2. Lord let your Holy Spirit fire fall upon each person's home today in Jesus Mighty Name!
3. Lord we ask through the name of Your Son Jesus that you destroy every work of the devil delaying the fire of repentance revival coming to our lives in Jesus mighty name!
4. Pray that God will reveal His requirements for genuine revival in your life, family, church, community, and nation. Ask God to start that revival in your own heart and life that repentance revival will flow.
5. Ask God what He wants you to do today to apply what He has revealed to you and run with it. What actions will you take after this fasting day?
6. Pray for an alertness and an awakening from spiritual slumber, do that you may be ablaze. Ask the Lord to awaken the remnant body of Christ and draw more saints into the Body of Christ.
7. Declare readiness over God’s people for radical change that will come from a powerful move of God!
8. Decree that lives are being characterised by an increasing hunger for a new move of God in Jesus mighty Name!
9. Ask God to do a fresh work within y9our heart this weekend that will prepare you for what is to come in God’s outpouring.
10. May revival come to each of our homes and change family members to be on fire for God in Jesus Mighty Name!

I am fasting for the salvation of my family. My son and daugthers.