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Affiliation & Spiritual Covering


As part of our vision it is our desire to affiliate ourselves with other ministries to accomplish more in building His kingdom and support those in some of the furthest of places. The purpose of spiritual covering is to offer paternal protection and a place where the children who are discouraged can find shelter. Spiritual covering is like an umbrella of paternal spiritual protection that provides anointing, blessings, refuge, and rest. Furthermore, it feeds character, raises low self-esteem, and affirms the purpose. It is a continuous source of revelation and spiritual nourishment.

"There shall no evil befall you, nor any plague or calamity come near your tent." Psalm 91.10 — AMP

What is a Covering?

A spiritual covering is a spiritual father who becomes a source through which we find nourishment, wisdom, protection, and counsel. A covering is a father who invests all of his available resources in a son or a church so they can reach their purpose or destiny. As we are a ministry that goes by complete faith, we encourage all to trust God with all their needs and not to look unto man for their provision. Peter said to the beggar "Silver and gold have I none, but get up and walk" (Acts 3:6) see the key to spiritual covering is the anointing, for you can have big churches that have no anointing that use entertainment to draw people. Where you can have a small church that worship Jehovah under a tree with no building, but the anointing and presence of God is very strong. Remember church is never about numbers, but how many people leave that place of worship changed as a result of the fear of the Lord and anointing that is there to set the captives free. A covering or a spiritual father is a cultivator, endorser, protector, mentor, progenitor, leader, encourager, stabilizer, provider, transmitter, trainer, a source that feeds, a teacher, one who disciplines, and one who makes his children accountable.

A father identifies the gifts in his children and trains them so their gifts can bear fruit. He gives identity, provides shelter and refuge, grants safety, and raises their self esteem. A father takes men and women without direction, purpose, or destiny and teaches, loves, and helps them to find direction in their life in God.

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