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Writer's pictureRobert Clancy



I bind all the principalities and powers of the air, the wickedness in high places, and any dominions of world rulers, or any strong men exerting influence over any areas of my life: over my workplace, over my finances, over my home, over my children, over my health, whatever it is, I forbid them to operate against me today in the mighty Name of the Lord JesusIn the Name of Jesus I bind and break witchcraft, witchcraft control, mind binding spirits, spirits that block and or bind the will, the mind control, or destruction, or lust, or fantasy lust, or perversion or intimidation or rebellion or rejection or schizophrenia or paranoia or anger or hatred or wrath or rage or resentment or bitterness or unforgiveness or slander or unteachableness or deception or doubt or unbelief or passivity or pride or false humility.In the Name of Jesus I bind and break the spirits of Ahab, of Jezebel, fear, hypnosis, hypnotic trance, rock music, greed, addiction, drugs, alcohol, and compulsive behavior today in the mighty Name of the Lord Jesus.In the Name of Jesus I bind kings, princes, and world rulers for each spirit name. I strip each sprit and his hierarchy of power, armor and rank and separate each from the other. I speak confusion to the ranks of the enemy and declare their assignments against me today are hereby rendered null and void in the Name of Jesus. I rend you powerless today in the Name of our Lord Jesus.In the Name of Jesus I bind and break all evil affecting the sense of sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing, all evil against the emotions, all evil against the seven points of the body used by witchcraft: the base of the spine, the spleen, the navel, the heart, the throat, between the eyes, and the top of the head.In the Name of Jesus I bind and break all evil on the systems of the body: the reproductive, the skeletal, the muscular, the digestive, Lord every area, the respiratory, the circulation, the nervous system, every other part.In the Name of Jesus I bind and break any and all evil powers giving aid or pulling these systems in our bodies towards evil by means of energy drawn from the sun, the moon, the stars, the planets, the constellations, earth, air, wind, fire, water, light, darkness, matter, elements, or from lines, squares, circles, symbols, artifacts or any other potions against me in the Name of Jesus.In the Name of Jesus I bind and break any transference of spirits in family, friends, or associates of any of those names of those people that are around me to permit transference of spirits now that they would curb me or others in this way.With the sword of the spirit I sever all evil soul ties between these negative persons and me today in the Name of our Lord Jesus.I declare that the blood of Jesus covers me right now over my mind, my emotions, and my will and from preventing these soul ties from ever being reestablished in the Name of Jesus.In the Name of Jesus every spirit in this prayer is bound off me as I am uttering this prayer under Mt 18:18. This prayer is also in effect for every person that I have contact with and am praying for.In the Name of Jesus, spirits from the netherworld, spirits between, over and around me and those I’m praying for, any familiar spirit are completely bound and are forbidden to manifest in the Name of our Lord Jesus.In the Name of Jesus I bind and break the power of all curses spoken, or rituals, or sacrifices, or divination, or spells, or incantations, or meditations, and all sorcery or magic.I release and call upon the Spirit of the Lord, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of wisdom, of understanding, of counsel, of might, of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord (Is 11:2) upon me and the persons being prayed for also, along with the spirits of mercy, grace and peace.In the Name of Jesus I place shields of faith over my mind, over my person, to protect against infiltration from every type of mind control.Thank you Father for no weapons formed against me shall prosper because I am covered by the blood of Jesus. You have put all things under my feet today because Christ dwells in me.I declare that greater is He, Jesus Christ, that is in me than he that is in the world.I pray today in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I bind every spirit coming against me.I reject right now every demonic spirit:rejection by Christian bothers and sisters and pastors be cast out in the Name of Jesus;rejection by husband, wife, mother, father or children be cast out in the Name of Jesus;rejection between deliverance workers and pastors be cast out in the Name of Jesus;rejection in the womb of self or others be cast out in the Name of Jesus;rejection of deliverance and all groups involved in deliverance ministry also be cast out in the Name of Jesus;hurts and deep hurts by Christians be cast out in the Name of Jesus Christ;inability to give or receive love or conception of life be cast out in the Name of our Lord Jesus;false doctrines and heresies be cast out in the Name of our Lord Jesus;all false preachers, teachers, evangelists, prophets and apostles be cast out right now in the Name of our Lord Jesus;false tongues, prophecy, interpretation or demonic gifts be cast out in the Name of Jesus Christ;every false religion, false cult, eastern religion be cast out in the Name of our Lord Jesus;false love, sweetness, and sentimentality that has taken over me be cast out in the Name of our Lord Jesus;false positive thinking, or any faith or soulish faith be cast out in the Name of our Lord Jesus;false charismatic movement, false partial gospels that do not ??? be cast out in the Name of our Lord Jesus;false shaking, quaking, crying, putting on a show in the presence and in the understanding that it is the Holy Spirit be cast out in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ;false prosperity, love of money, think to grow rich, or money by faith be cast out in the Name of our Lord Jesus;charismatic witchcraft, witches, warlocks be cast out in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ;that spirit of dominion, of control, manipulation, or any other area of mind control, blanking, blocking, binding, confusion, witchcraft, occult, antichrist, familiar spirits, divination, be cast out in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ;spirit of Jezebel, Ahab, passivity, destruction of family priesthood or lukewarmness be cast out in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ;commanding angels for riches, imaging, visualization be cast out;greed, covetous, mammon, financial prosperity of workers/partners be cast out in the Name of our Lord Jesus; a different gospel other than Jesus be cast out now in the Name of our Lord Jesus;where a spirit of error, a spirit of the world, or a vaulted spirit, soul ties, and curses from control be cast out in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ;rulers, demons over workers/pastors/family/church/kids/husband/wives/children be cast out in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ;Lord I pray for strife, contention, bickering, quarrelling among brethren, inability to work with other Christians be cast out today in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ;spiritual pride, ego, vanity, preeminence, haughtiness, idolatry I pray that they will come out;every fear of man, spirit of fear come out;Mormonism, Jehovah Witnesses, and bloodless religions, all those spirits of occults through Catholicism, freemasonry, religious demons come out in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ;every evil eye, third eye, masonic eye, all seeing eye, everything come out in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ;Christian fantasy, or falseness, or false love, or play acting, theatrics, whatever they are, hypocrisy, lying, deceit, deception, delusion, compromise come out today in the mighty Name of our Lord Jesus Christ;Lord I come against every curse, I break all generational curses of pride, lust, perversion, rebellion, witchcraft, idolatry, poverty, rejection, fear, confusion, addiction, death, and destruction in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ;I break all spoken curses and negative words that have been spoken over my life in the Name of our lord Jesus Christ;Lord I command all ancestral spirits of freemasonry, idolatry, witchcraft, false religion, polygamy, lust, and perversion to come out now in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ;I command all foul spirits broken today;I break the legal rights of all generational spirits operating behind the curse in the Name of our lord Jesus Christ;you have no legal right today to operate in my life, you will be gone in the Name of Jesus;I bind you and rebuke all familiar spirits and spirit guides that will try to operate in my life from my ancestral lines in the Name of Jesus Christ;I renounce all false beliefs and philosophies inherited by ancestors in the Name of our Lord Jesus;I break all curses on my finances from my ancestors that cheated or mishandled money in the Name of our Lord Jesus;I break all curses of sickness and disease and command all inherited sicknesses to leave my body today in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ;through Jesus my family is blessed today;I renounce all pride inherited from the ancestors, now be gone in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ;I break all oaths, vows, and pacts made with the devil by my ancestors in the Name of Jesus;I break all curses by agents of satan spoken over my life in the secret places in the Name of Jesus;I break all written curses that would effect my life in the Name of our Lord Jesus;I break every time a released curse that would be active in my life be broke in the Name of Jesus Christ;I thank you Lord Jesus for what you are doing right now and I just ask You Lord Jesus that You would send Your Holy Spirit right now to fill me with Your love, with Your peace, with Your joy right now.You will fill me to overflowing with Your righteousness, with Your holiness today as You fill me and touch me in the mighty Name of our Lord Jesus.

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