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3 DAYS FASTING AND PRAYER FOR JANUARY 26th, 27th & 28th 2024

Writer's picture: Robert ClancyRobert Clancy


3 DAYS FASTING AND PRAYER FOR JANUARY 26th, 27th & 28th 2024




SCRIPTURE: Hebrews 2:18 “For in that He Himself has suffered, being tempted, He is able to aid those who are tempted.”


Precious saints no matter what you may be passing through at this time Jesus is still Lord. Whether you are passing through trials, tribulations or some habitual sin that needs breaking free from. Then you have come to the right place today because no matter what it may be fasting, and prayer is key to your spiritual breakthroughs. When Jesus taught us to pray the Lord’s prayer, He knew what he was talking about after His temptation experience according to the fourth chapter of Matthew.


Matthew 6:13 “And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.”


Temptation is something everyone experiences, without exception as according to (1Co 10:13).


“The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.” 1 Cor 10:13


Each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desires and enticed by the devil. Jesus did not have a sinful nature, but he still underwent temptation by the devil in the wilderness. In the time of temptation, when we come to Jesus, he helps us. Do you really want to live a victorious life? Let’s come to Jesus.


Hebrews 2:18 “For in that He Himself has suffered, being tempted, He is able to aid those who are tempted.”


This scripture in Hebrews tells us that Jesus who was tempted in everything, He now can aid us. The Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness, where He was tempted, and He overcame. He not only sympathizes with us, but He has given us the ability to do the same. The key to gaining strength is allowing the Spirit of God to continually transform and lead us.


Galatians 5:16-18 “I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.”


So, Galatians tells us that when we daily pursue God it produced godly desires within us by the Spirit of God living within us, instead of giving in to our selfishness, we overcome the flesh allowing us to do what we were originally created to do precious saints and that is to live lives that glorify God.


See it is not just avoiding sin in our own strength, but rather it is us following the spirits leading within our lives. Walking in the spirit is a constant daily practice that Jesus modelled for us and makes it also possible for us precious saints. When we abide in His Word, yield to His pruning, respond to His leading’s day-in-day-out, it will produce Godly fruit. Fruit does not simply appear; but it grows over time when watered and fed each day.


As we rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to change our motivations, and conform our thoughts, feelings and habits, we’ll discover not only how to resist temptations precious saints, but we will be used also to see others set free. For as it says in Obadiah 1:17 He desires deliverance, so that He can raise delivers up to deliver others also as according to Obadiah 1:21 “Then deliverers shall come to Mount Zion to judge the mountains of Esau, And the kingdom shall be the Lord’s.”


So, it is important for you to know that you are not alone precious saints. God put you into His family to help strengthen you and equip you. We need brothers, sisters, spiritual leaders to equip us according to (Eph 4:11-12), to hold us accountable, and train us in the ways of the Spirit. Disciples never walk alone, but the Spirit will always connect us even via the internet today.


Ephesians 4:11-12 “And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ,”


Remember it is the Spirit of God living inside of you that bears witness that we are children of God and no one can take that away precious saints.


Romans 8:16-17 “The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.”


Let us see what Jesus was telling us here: Matthew 26:41 “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”


What was Jesus warning us about? What is the answer Jesus provided to overcome this power? What temptations seem to have more power in your life right now?


My question to you: Do you have someone, or a group of people you have asked to be spiritually accountable in your journey, so to help defeat any ongoing persistent temptations? This is also key to breakthrough. The bible says to watch out for the little foxes that attack the vine, these are the little sins that keep us bound. I would encourage you as we prepare for the rapture of the remnant bride to keep pressing into God and surround yourself or your social media with also Christian friends and content.



God declares that if we fast with the right attitude, “Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will come quickly. Your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard.” (Isaiah 58:8).


In other words, zealous prayer, combined with diligent obedience to God, with the added impact of faith, and fasting, leads to BREAKING FORTH from the bonds of sin and the chains of spiritual SLAVERY! It is the KEY TO OVERCOMING ALL PROBLEMS, FAULTS, SINS, OPPRESSION, WEAKNESSES, AND OBSTACLES IN LIFE!


It is the key to SPIRITUAL BREAKTHROUGH! Like an army that suddenly BREAKS THROUGH the enemy lines, and begins rampaging and smashing forward, advancing forward, cutting the enemy down and destroying their supplies and lines of communication.


God goes on, “Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; you will cry out, and He will say, ‘Here I am.’ If you remove the yoke from your midst, the pointing of the finger and malicious talk, 10 and if you give yourself to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted soul, then your light will go forth in the darkness, and your night will be like noonday” (Isaiah 58:9-11).


Jesus received power from God the Father to do mighty works, miracles, and accomplish the Work of God! What were the KEYS to Jesus' spiritual power? He fasted and prayed and obeyed God, continually. You also can receive that spiritual power – great power from God – and strength and energy and spiritual resources to break through, and break out of the narrows, trials, problems, obstacles. How? By drawing closer to God in prayer and fasting! You can receive new vigour, enthusiasm, spiritual steadfastness and staying power!


Fasting can change your approach to God, broaden your horizons, fill you with greater FAITH, and change your LIFE! Through true fasting, and drawing close to God by afflicting yourself, you can become a MIGHTY MAN AND WOMEN OF SPIRITUAL VALOR!


In this 3-day fasting program you will clearly see that Satan is the master mind behind all our headaches, but we need to arise above in prayer. Now we will tackle all these subjects of the enemy that is trying to hinder us and reveal to you how we are in the situation we are at present. Now because we are tackling spiritual matters against the enemy, that means spiritual forces, which means we are going to enter spiritual warfare, so we can combat all demonic powers over our lives. Some Christians today may still not be ready for such teachings that expose the enemy, because they do not want to know the truth, but let me tell you the world that we know, is not what it all cuts out to be. Therefore, before you proceed, I encourage you to put on the full armour of God on, as we go into spiritual war, for we will tackle spiritual forces that are combatting our life’s and those around us this weekend.


Please click onto the Link for more details of the program:


This month of January l we want to encourage all Christians on social media that want breakthrough and restoration to Fast & Pray along with us this month’s 3 day fast.


This is an event anybody can partake of anywhere around the world, in your home, church, friend’s house, in the village or in the city etc. The main purpose is to get people to repent and turn back to God. By using the same calendar day through fasting and prayer taken from 2 Chronicles 7:14, that it will build awareness of the need to pray for your local church. Though we are on different timeline I encourage you to just follow the dates for your respective countries.


Date: January 26th, 27th & 28TH 2024

Fasting Days: Friday, Saturday, Sunday


Fasting Type: It is your choice what level you wish to fast, maybe you wish to do 3 days dry fast without water or food, maybe you wish to do 3 days with water fast? Or you could fast from food but drinking water or fluids partially. You are welcome to break the fast each evening and start again either after meal (6am-6pm) or you can go straight through as I said. The key is I want you to abstain from something to seek a closer walk with the Lord and see your spiritual breakthroughs. The key is to also follow the program that is designed to assist and be a guide to press into the Lord. You will find some helpful tips below also.


Fasting Teaching -







What am I required to fast from?


We want to leave this decision up to you. We do not have any mandatory church-wide requirements for how you fast, but here are a few ideas:


Food Fast


When we choose not to eat or not to eat certain foods, we allow our physical bodies to hunger and to bring our desires into alignment with our spiritual need for God. There is a clarity in hearing from the Lord which comes when we fast and pray; making a small sacrifice to give up a “pleasure” or comfort to increase your spiritual sight and vision.


We are providing the following options for you to consider:


1. Food Fast


You fast from all foods from either 10pm-6pm (20 hours) or 6am-6pm (12 hours) each day with fluids allowed.


2. Partial Fast


You choose to eliminate certain things i.e., fizzy drinks; sweets/chocolates, bread, no red meat etc, but the rest of your diet remains mainly the same


3. Fruit and Veg


Eat fruit during the day, with liquids (tea/limited coffee, herbal drinks, and water) with a veg meal in the evenings


4. Liquids only during day and veg meal for dinner


Drink water and herbal drinks during the day with a veg meal in the evenings. Please consult your doctor if there are any medical concerns before you commence the fast.


Media Fast


During this time, we encourage you to turn off the TV, computer, video games, Facebook, twitter, Instagram, the Internet, and any other form of social media for a brief period of time. You may decide to fast from Facebook or some other form of media altogether or to limit your time to only 1-2 hours per week. When we do this, we create more time when we can read our Bible, pray, worship, and hear from God.


Search your heart in deciding what type of food fast you want to do. If you have never fasted, maybe start off with a partial fast and progress to a fruit and veg option for the last couple of days. Remember, the most important consideration in fasting is your motive. Why are you fasting?


What will we be praying about?


Check each day for the next 3 days there will be theme topics, scriptures, and prayers so you may follow corporately all together. We are trusting the Lord that this time of fasting, and prayer will release a passion for His name within us – to cut off what belongs to a past seasons, to receive renewed hope and vision for our lives/ministries, to be conduits for signs, wonders, and miracles and to fulfill the mandate of sharing the gospel to the ends of the earth! During this time of fasting, be intentional about your priorities. Set aside ample time to be alone with the Lord. The more time you spend with God, the more meaningful your fast will be. If you need an overview or suggestions on what you can do to make the most of the fast in terms of having a daily routine, use the below points:




Begin your day in praise and worship


Read the days program and meditate on God’s Word


Invite Holy Spirit to work in you




Take a short prayer walk


Spend time in intercessory prayer for the theme of the day




Make time for an unhurried time of “seeking God’s face”


If others are fasting with you, meet for prayer


Avoid television or any other distraction that may affect your spiritual focus and watch the daily uploads to YouTube. You are welcome to watch Christian movies etc.


When possible, begin and end each day with your spouse, family, or friend for a brief time of praise and thanksgiving to the Lord. Please let us know you’ll be fasting & praying with us!




1. Avoid medical and even natural herbal drugs. However, if you are under medication, these should only be withdrawn upon the advice of your doctor.


2. Limit your physical activity and exercise. If you have a workout routine, adjust it accordingly.


3. Rest as much as you can if needed be.


4. Maintain an attitude of prayer throughout the day. Intercede for your family, pastors, church, nation, missionaries & world missions, etc.


5. Drink plenty of clean water if you are joining the water fast.


6. As your body adjusts, be prepared for temporary bouts of physical weakness as well as a greater likelihood of impatience, irritability, and anxiety.




“. . . in the first year of his reign I, Daniel, understood from the Scriptures, according to the word of the LORD given to Jeremiah the prophet, that the desolation of Jerusalem would last seventy years. So, I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes.” Daniel 9:2,3


Fasting helps us prevail in prayer and intercession. Daniel understood that Israel was headed for destruction. He also knew that in times like these, there is only one recourse—intercession through praying and fasting. Throughout human history, God has brought revival and delivered nations from destruction in response to prayer and fasting.




“. . . I put on sackcloth and humbled myself with fasting . . .” Psalm 35:13


Humility results in the grace of God (James 4:6). When we humble ourselves in prayer, we have instant access to the heart of God. As we deny ourselves as an act of consecration, we are better able to exercise self-control over our emotions and desires.



Fasting can be done for one meal, one day, one month or for however long God leads. It depends on how the Holy Spirit speaks to us. Shorter fasts are easier to endure until we have built up our “spiritual muscles”. A three day fast is most beneficial as a spiritual cleansing. An example of this is Paul being thrust into his fast upon conversion. After the three days of cleansing, he received the Holy Spirit and his eyesight when Ananias laid hands on him (Acts 9:17-18). We also can be spiritually cleansed by fasting so that we receive more of the Lord’s Spirit and have our spiritual eyes opened to new dimensions. A three day fast is also especially helpful in breaking any addictive habits.


These then are two reasons for fasting: We receive spiritual cleansing, and our spiritual eyes are opened, and we also obtain victory over the devil. When Jesus encountered Satan, He was able to overcome Him because His fasting had given Him spiritual strength. Isaiah 58:6 also gives us light on this purpose of fasting: “Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loosen the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?” Many people believe that fasting is to move the hand of God, when in it is to make Satan turn loose of the things he is holding.



Fasting loose the bands of wickedness. When Jesus discussed the keys to the kingdom, He told us to bind and loose. When we fast, we loosen the bands of wickedness, undo the heavy burdens, set the oppressed free, and break every yoke of the enemy. Fasting is an important key to getting the victory over hard situations that do not seem to respond to normal prayer.


Fasting builds our faith. In fact, this is what Jesus meant when he spoke to the disciples in Matthew 17:21 in answer to why they were not able to cast a demon out of a child. He said, “However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” He was telling them if they wanted their faith to be at such a level as to be able to cast out demons, then they must fast and pray for their faith to increase.


Fasting also makes it easier for us to hear the voice of the Lord. We find an account of this in Acts 13:2 “While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.”


While fasting, the Holy Spirit spoke to them and gave them direction. We too can be directed by the Lord if we seek Him through prayer and fasting.


When we deny our natural cravings, our spiritual antennas become more attuned. We become more sensitive to His voice as we divest ourselves of worldly distractions. We are better able to focus on God and submit to His will. This opens the door for more of the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.


Fasting and mourning are closely associated in the Bible. Two examples of this are found in Ezra and Nehemiah.


Ezra 10:6: “Then Ezra rose up from before the house of God and went into the chamber of Jehohanan the son of Eliashib: and when he came thither, he did eat no bread, nor drink water: for he mourned because of the transgression of them that had been carried away.”


Nehemiah 1:4: “And it came to pass, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned certain days, and fasted, and prayed before the God of heaven.”


From these Scriptures, we see that fasting and travail (a prayer burden from the Lord that brings crying and tears) were combined. Both men were fasting for the repentance of God’s people. How we need this same kind of intercession today. Here were men so burdened for the sins of their people that they fasted, travailed, and prayed.




Friday, January 26th, 2024


Scripture Reading for Today: Hebrews 12:1 “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”


Today, we declare freedom and release over all spiritual bondages and mental strongholds, in our personal lives as well as for our body of Christ, in Jesus’ name.


Scripture: Psalm 25:4,5 & 15


Psalm 25:4-5 “Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths. 5 Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation; On You I wait all the day.”


Psalm 25:15 “My eyes are ever toward the Lord, For He shall pluck my feet out of the net.”


To begin with, you need to repent of any sin and confess them. Release any hurt or anger, and to extend forgiveness to others and yourself. Letting people go whom have held you in bondage and guilt. We need to let go of disappointments, regrets and missed or lost opportunities suffered in our life or the churches. Get ready, for there is a great move of God stirring in the atmosphere and even through the distress of the Corona Virus Pandemic. The remaining of 2024 will be tremendously powerful and significant year for the remnant church of Jesus Christ across the globe, for there is a sifting of the sheep in this hour.



Scripture: Psalm 24:7-10 “Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. 8 Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, The Lord mighty in battle. 9 Lift up your heads, O you gates! Lift up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. 10 Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory.”


There appears to be 2 main points in Psalm 24:7-10


1. Lift up your heads, O you gates/doors


2. Who is this King of glory? He is the Lord Almighty


This passage is one of energy, excitement, and great commotion. It is not just the normal mundane boring stuff of life. The passage gives the impression that there is something going on. Not just, normal boring day-to-day stuff. But something HUGE is going on. Something exciting is happening! Something is happening that should attract our attention! Something is happening that should make us all “lift up our heads”! So, what is happening? The answer is simple. We are preparing for the “King of glory” to come in! God almighty is coming in!


Many times, the presence of God is undervalued. Did you know that God Almighty comes every time you gather with 2 or 3 in agreement? Even when you listen to a prophetic utterance or prayer video from our channel you are coming into agreement with the person praying and the Lord is there in your midst. Every time you come together as a family to pray, or you meet for fellowship with fellow brethren like church service, God Almighty has promised to show up. Yes, did you know that God Almighty is amongst us when simply 2 or 3 believers gather in His name? Yet many times it seems that we are just attending either church or fellowship meetings, as if we are attending “just another gathering” attitude. And perhaps we think a little too much about who will be attending the meeting? who will be sharing at the meeting? Or who will be leading worship? Does this fit my schedule? What am I going to have for lunch or dinner after? Its not even about catching up with friends. It is to allow the King of Glory to Come. Hallelujah!


I believe with everything happening around the world at present, it just confirms the sign of the times we are living in. We are in the End-times. So, as we reflect over the last 3 years, what is significant is that we realise the global church is more than a building but rather living stones across the globe. And within this church is a remnant that are looking for a genuine move of the Holy Spirit within this hour. We are more than a church building as God lives inside of us. You are a temple of His Holy Spirit that lives within you and when you gather with your families, or online brethren as many have for the previous months God is separating us for a mighty work. Therefore, as we pray today, let’s remember. We have Almighty God in our midst and yes even in your house that wants to reveal to you great and mighty things as you seek His face today more and more.


PRAYER FOR REVIVAL AND HARVEST OF SOULS (Psalm 85:6; 126:4, 5-6 you may search in your own time)


Pray that God will restore what is rightfully His remnant churches, as we claim the souls within nations far and beyond our borders, that though maybe some cannot get there physically that God would increase the supernatural translation of servants to nations as well as using the Internet to reach His children in every land in Jesus Mighty Name! (Psalm 2:8).


Let us claim that our morning and day will be a day of reaping, and rejoicing because God is for us in Jesus’ name (Psalm 30:5)




God’s heartbeat for your home and your city to be transformed. As this takes time, so don’t lose heart and never give up. Pray with shameless persistence like never before to take one day at a time and reach those that will listen.


The focus for today is to repent of any sin you need to confess, any hurt or anger to release, extending forgiveness to others and yourself, letting people go whom have held you in bondage and guilt.


We need to let go of disappointments, regrets and missed or lost opportunities suffered in our lives or the churches. Get ready, for we are only one month into this year and I declare 2024 is a tremendously powerful and significant year for YOU our ministry and the global body of Christ hat desire revival.






Heavenly Father in the mighty name of Your Son Jesus Christ. I come boldly to your throne of grace today through the blood of Your Son Jesus Christ! For blessed are you God the father of our Lord Jesus who loved and adopted me into his family. Blessed are you Lord Jesus Christ my teacher and deliverer whose blood ransomed me from destruction and death. Blessed are you Holy Ghost, the energy of God and power for pulling down strongholds. Lord, please release warring angels around My dwelling. Lord today I activate the power in the blood of Jesus and plead the blood for my healing, deliverance, victory, intercession, and forgiveness today in Jesus mighty Name!


I acknowledge the supremacy in the name of Jesus, and I submit to the victory of the cross. I therefore expose the tricks/tactics of the enemy, all his subtlety and darkness. I bring out of hiding all lower and higher-ranking demons, all work of darkness their symptoms and patterns.


I command out of my body, mind and spirit, any spirit of witchcraft, false gifts, errors, bondages, rejection, lust, bitterness, and addiction. I break all generational curses that opened door for any spirit of poverty, destruction, failure, infirmity, and rejection. I cast out of my life demons in the form of dogs, serpents, owls, scorpions, bulls, reptiles, flies, and all masquerades in Jesus Mighty Name!


I command and cough out of my life spirits of hurt, sadness, immorality, mind conflict, roots of bitterness, disobedience, and addiction in Jesus mighty Name! I command and spit out of my body every spirit operating in my head, eyes, mouth, tongue chest, heart kidney, my blood, and my sexual organ in Jesus Mighty Name!


I command, beat, and cast out any spirit hiding in any part of my body, bones, joints, circulatory system, muscles, my palm, and my feet back to the pit of hell in Jesus Mighty Name! I command and scream out from my life every spirit of tradition and customs, ancestral spirit, marine spirits, territorial spirit, and powers that bind me to the past in jesus Mighty Name!


Lord, I destroy any satanic altar that influence my life and I render their sacrifices invalid in the name of Jesus Christ! I bind powers that feed me in the dream, have sex with me, suck blood and manipulate me in the dream in jesus Mighty Name!


In the name of Jesus, I disconnect myself from influences that comes from shrines, deities and occult chambers, occult objects and all hexes and exes in Jesus mighty Name! In the name of Jesus, I pull down strongholds and altars that are set up by the enemy to launch attacks and influence in my life in Jesus Mighty Name! In the name of Jesus, I abolish legal claims the enemy has over my life. I disarm all princess of darkness that imprisoned any area of my life in jesus Mighty Name!


In the name of Jesus, I abolish any spell cast over my life and my family. I disarm spirits that influence my life through government, people, different structures, and institutions in Jesus Mighty Name! All monitoring spirits are rendered powerless today in Jesus Mighty Name! In the name of Jesus, I frustrate the activities of human agents, household enemies and people in authority whom the enemy has been using to keep me in bondage and in sorrow in Jesus Mighty Name!


In the name of Jesus, I cleanse my body, soul and mind from pollution, infestation, and manipulation. I close any door the enemy has opened, or I have opened to the enemy, and I cast and breathe you out of my body now in Jesus Mighty Name!


In the name of Jesus, I prevail over you-spirits that operate through covenants, spirits that operate according to seasons and time, spirits of generational curses, spirits of the graveyard and powers that attack at night in Jesus Mighty Name! I command you and chase you out every spirit of slumber in my life, spirits that want to tear my life apart, seducing spirits and spirits assigned to abort my destiny. I rebuke and bind every devil in high places that influence my life. I destroy any strongman that operates behind the scenes in my life. In the name of Jesus, I bind negative energy operating in my life in Jesus Mighty Name! I openings and gates to the enemy may they me sealed up in the name of Jesus. I close all spiritual and physical doors against demonic rats, spirits that influence my fruitfulness and finance, and powers that destroy the works of my hand in jesus Mighty Name!


In the name of Jesus, I upturn every bewitchment and rebellion to the word of God. I uproot sicknesses, disappointments, demonic priesthood, evil trees, and roots of bitterness that exist in my life in Jesus Mighty Name! In the name of Jesus, I disconnect myself from every bondage, imprisonment, invisible rope, and evil manipulation. I uproot the seeds planted in my life when I was still a child. I stop and ban spoilers from entering my life and I break any alliance formed against me in Jesus Mighty Name! In the name of Jesus, I bind any spirit that torment and oppress my mind and body. I break every yoke from off my neck and I neutralize every spell and barriers. I pull down any altar erected by the enemy. I paralyse any sacrifice made against me physically and spiritually in Jesus Mighty Name!


In the name of Jesus, I prevail over desert spirits in my life, every beast of the desert and every dragon that fights my progress in life in Jesus Mighty Name! I bind every spirit that attempt to keep me in the valley. I break and neutralize any spiritual programme in the atmosphere that operates against me through the stars, the moon, the sun, rainfall, thunder, and wind in Jesus Mighty Name!


I accept the freedom God has given me through Christ Jesus. I decree that I and my family are for signs and wonders in the name of Jesus Christ!




Thank the Lord for every person who fasted and prayed during this period – that they too will experience the fullness of transformation and transition in spirit and circumstances.


Pray for an alertness and an awakening from spiritual slumber, and a grafting in of the saints into the Body.


Pray for a new and great manifestation of God’s miracle power in your life, Repentance revival Movement, Your church, and Your nation. Seek the Lord for miracles, signs, and wonders that will amaze the people and bring glory to the Lord Jesus Christ.


Pray that God’s healing power would come into your life in all its fullness. Ask that He would heal you from sickness and disease, and from every hurt, brokenness, and defeat. (3 John vs. 2; Isaiah 53:5)


There are hidden strongholds that are blocking your progress in life. Pray against those strongholds. Ask God to reveal them to you so that they can be broken (2 Corinthians 10:3-5). Name the specific stronghold in your life and family and command it to be broken in Jesus’ name.


Thank the Lord that He is changing you. Thank Him for His love that does not want to leave you the way you are. Pray that His plans and His will come to pass in your life as you submit to Him.


I remove myself, my family and my church from every demonic influence that has sabotaged our progress in Jesus Name.


I command a restoration of God's timing and order in alignment with His master plan for my life, my family, and the church in Jesus's Name.


Meditate as we are on day one for this month's fast. Is there anything you need to do or redress to position yourself for what you are praying to God for in your personal life?


Begin to petition God based on His word and pray that you will begin to walk in the tangible manifestation of open heavens over your life—your household, family, ministry, business, finances, church etc.


Declare and confess over your life, that from today, you will begin to operate and live under open heavens and the spirit of sabotage will no-longer have any effect over you or your family.


Declare that every area of your life will begin to manifest the blessings and evidence of Gods restoring power to every area of your life.


Claim the promise of God’s blessing today. Ask God to increase you finances. Pray for Divine favour to open doors for you so that you will have contracts that will lead to financial success. Promotions in the workplace. Inherited blessings that will chase you. Seek the Lord for the wisdom you need to make wise financial decisions and investments.


Ask God to cause revival living waters to begin to touch every area of your life, family, your nation, your church, (Pastor Robert & Aida Clancy) and for them to bring healing to every sickness, life in place of death, fruitfulness in place of barrenness, multiplication in place of stagnation. Cover Pst Robert Clancy and his family from every reprisal attack from the enemy for all the work he is doing on the front lines against the forces of darkness. Yes, Lord protects them with your warrior angels as a hedge of protection around everything they do and go in Jesus Mighty Name!


Give thanks to God for this and for answered prayers in your personal life also that He would provide for you according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus. Remember as you pray for others, God takes care of your needs according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus.


Pray for the Lord to open the doors to revival within each of our cities to reach the lost souls within this hour, that a mighty move of God would sweep the nations and whatever God is doing in this hour He would include all those that hunger and thirst for Him.




Saturday, January 27, 2024


Scripture Reading for Today: Eph. 4:16 "From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work."


Precious saints for us to see this next move of God, we need to be willing to work with others that the Holy spirit brings in our path. For the enemy of our souls is prowling around seeking whom he may destroy, so we will need each other’s help to accomplish building Gods kingdom. Unity can only be achieved as we stay connected to the Holy Spirit through prayer and fasting.


The bible says, how blessed it is when brethren dwell in unity for it commands a blessing. (Psalm 133:1-3) This unity is only achieved through the anointing of the Holy Spirit and the Lord will gather the remnant saints across the face of the earth that may not of even meet before. But they will be drawn together by their search heart for righteousness. Now sin separates us not only from God but can bring a wedge in divine relationships.


Sin is always a barrier; nothing reveals the horror of sin other than the presence of God. Just as we can see from the examples below.


Isaiah said “Woe is me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips, And I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; For my eyes have seen the King, The Lord of hosts.” (Isaiah 6:5)


Zechariah said that he saw Joshua the High Priest who was unable to perform his duties because of sin. Zechariah 3:1-3 “Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the Angel of the Lord, and Satan[a] standing at his right hand to oppose him. 2 And the Lord said to Satan, “The Lord rebuke you, Satan! The Lord who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you! Is this not a brand plucked from the fire?” 3 Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments and was standing before the Angel.”


See Angels assisted he Lord to even minister unto the High Priest the Jewish priest. Angels also respond to the word of God upon our lips, as we speak Gods word, God will send them on missions to assist. The blood of the lamb was pleaded in Rev 12 by the saints and angels are empowered in the spiritual battle.


Isaiah 6:6-7 “Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. 7 And he touched my mouth with it, and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips; Your iniquity is taken away, And your sin purged.””.


God has been using angel to administer the blood of atonement and reconciliation. They also defend us when the accuser speaks against our sins. The angel said to Joshua, Zechariah 3:4-5 “Then He answered and spoke to those who stood before Him, saying, “Take away the filthy garments from him.” And to him He said, “See, I have removed your iniquity from you, and I will clothe you with rich robes.” 5 And I said, “Let them put a clean turban on his head.”


So, they put a clean turban on his head, and they put the clothes on him. And the Angel of the Lord stood by. Angels are coming down with the news that you have been forgiven.


Divine presence brings revelations and uncovers hidden secrets. Our God lives in unapproachable light and his angels are full of light saints.  This glory from God the enemy does not like this glorious light, because it exposes his works and renders them powerless.


Acts 12:7 “Now behold, an angel of the Lord stood by him, and a light shone in the prison; and he struck Peter on the side and raised him up, saying, “Arise quickly!” And his chains fell off his hands.”


See the glorious light that angels carry comes from standing in heaven before Gods presence. When we spend more time in God’s presence we are also being transformed into His Marvelous image.


When angels and preachers of the gospel minister, hidden issues are exposed, and witchcraft or charms are revealed saints. Reasons for delay are made known and secrets of the enemy are laid bare. For us to see revival we need to keep the unity and pray in agreement together that all tactics of the devil are exposed in Jesus Mighty Name!


Remember there is always a cause for every disappointment and blockage within your personal life and the church as a corporate body. We need alignment in thought life, relationships & for unity of heart and to bring restoration and deliverance.


Prayers and fasting’s help also in getting to the root causes for anytime root cause of a problem is known, solution becomes easier to overcome. Remember when we pray fervently, heavenly angels and divine helpers are released. The Holy Spirit will come with revelations, dreams, visions and a recall of what happened in the past. Most times, solutions do not come until we know how the problem started and learn our lessons. As you embark on day 2 of the fasting may the Lord release ministering angels and divine helpers to assist you in your current need. May the Holy Spirit also come to bring encounter to you through dream, visions and prophetic words and even help you to recall of past events needed to heal or get to the root cause.


Take time also and pray for their interpretations. Jesus! Let the healing start from the root, let the cause of our problems be exposed through the activities of the Holy Spirit that lives inside of us.


1 Corinthians 16:9 “For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.” So in spite of the fact that there are many opponents to the gospel and revival, there are greater opportunities coming in 2024 saints. 


Romans 8:32 “He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?”


So, won’t he also freely give us all things to complete the mission ahead saints? We just need to remove the bl0ockages before us that we have control over. Now some of the most common obstacles that limit our ability to go through open doors include Ancestral challenges, Curses, Delays, Doubts, Fear, Lack of Helpers, Previous failures, Satanic attacks, Sicknesses, Sin, Spiritual limitation/embargoes, etc.


Nevertheless, the Lord that opened the great door for us does not intend that we go through it alone in 2024. He has promised when we call upon His name that He will save us from any challenges. He has already won the victory for us and is with us to see us through any actual or perceived challenges. The names of God remind us of His ability, track record, what He has done, His nature, and what He will do again. When you declare Him as Jehovah Rapha, you are tapping into His healing virtues and when He shows up with healing in His wings, every sickness and disease will vanish in Jesus’ name.


In John 10:7-10, Jesus not only introduces himself as the good shepherd or the door to the sheep; but He is actually also the door; “The Door to all doors.” Just call upon Him today, for His name can be trusted and He will answer you saints!


Proverbs 18:10 “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; The righteous run to it and are safe.”


Psalm 91:14-16 “Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known My name. 15 He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. 16 With long life I will satisfy him and show him My salvation.”


Our God is the creator of the heavens and earth. He restores sight to the blind, He raises the dead, He gives children to the barren, and causes rivers to appear in the desert. There is nothing impossible with God. Is there anything that you are going through today that seems difficult? Is there a challenge or lack that is making your situation feel like a desert? Call unto God in faith and He will make a way for you in the wilderness and create rivers in the desert. Yes open doors shall be your portion in 2024 in Jesus Mighty Name!



Start today's prayers by first meditating on Philippians 4:13 “13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”


Think about your life and your situation - Is there any way you have limited God by making Him smaller than the giants or the mountains that you are facing? Get on your knees and repent. Ask God to forgive you for dishonouring Him.


Remind yourself of all the promises of God concerning your life and make a good warfare with your prophecies.


Ask God to revive the right spirit in you, and to give you the strength to follow Him wholeheartedly, as you rise and move forward to claim His promises.


Father, thank You for giving me Your name, the Strong Tower that guarantees our safety and protection and may I overcome every attack against me in Jesus Mighty Name!


Lord, I thank You that you are the door that secures our salvation and in You we find rest and preservation in Jesus Mighty Name!


Father, I confess and renounce every sin that closes doors unto me in life and ask You to cleanse me in the name of Jesus Christ!


In Jesus name, in my life and family, I declare open doors of fruitfulness, doors of greatness, doors of anointing, doors of celebration, doors of promotion, settlement, doors of peace in the name of Jesus Christ!


Father, be merciful unto us and save us for the sake of Your name.


Pray for freedom from all forms of imprisonment, all that limit or hinder progress in life and in ministry. Call on God to appear and speak to you in your situation and show you what you don't know that keeps in prison, and that He’ll show you great and mighty things (Jer. 33:1, 3; Ex. 5:22-6:1; Habakkuk. 2:1)


Pray God to help as you pursue your adversary and enables you to recover all that you may have lost as He helped David in 1 Samuel 30:8 in Jesus Mighty Name!


Father, let the snare of the enemy be broken in Jesus’ name.


Father, like a bird, cause my soul to escape the fowler's snare in Jesus’ name.


Father, my help is in you Lord; deliver me from the hands that hold a man down.


Father, let not my life be used as a bait by the enemy or for the enemy in Jesus’ name.


Lord Unveil my eyes; let me know the truth of Your word concerning my life and every situation that I am in right now.


Expose every lie of the enemy that has been designed to sabotage your plans and purposes for my life.


Deliver me from every deception and the lies that the enemy has used to distract me; whether through words, my thoughts, my emotions and feelings, false prophecies, dreams and visions that are not from God.


Uproot everything in my life, my thinking and my emotions, that has kept me in bondage to the spirit that has been deployed to hinder the fulfilment of your word concerning my life.


Pray that February and into the remaining 2024 will continue to be a mountain conquering year, that in this month and beyond, God will cause you to walk upon your high places - in the places of honour, promotion, and elevation in the Mighty Name of Jesus.


Declare that on Day 2, your transformation and breakthrough will be complete according to God’s will and riches.


Decree that you will have a relentless pursuit to walk in the fullness of what Christ has promised you.


Decree that there is no going back to the old season. Speak completeness of turnaround in your healing, health and wealth in your spirit, emotions and physically.


Thank the Lord for every person who fasted and prayed during this period – that they too will experience the fullness of transformation and transition in spirit and circumstances.


Pray for an alertness and an awakening from spiritual slumber, and a grafting in of the saints into the Body.


Declare readiness over God’s people for radical change!


Decree that lives, are being characterised by an increasing hunger for a new move of God.


Pray for a new and great manifestation of God’s miracle power in your life, Ministries, Your church, and Your nation. Seek the Lord for miracles, signs, and wonders that will amaze the people and bring glory to the Lord Jesus Christ.


Pray that God’s healing power would come into your life in all its fullness. Ask that He would heal you from sickness and disease, and from every hurt, brokenness, and defeat. (3 John vs. 2; Isaiah 53:5)


There are hidden strongholds that are blocking your progress in life. Pray against those strongholds. Ask God to reveal them to you so that they can be broken (2 Corinthians 10:3-5). Name the specific stronghold in your life and family and command it to be broken in Jesus’ name.


Thank the Lord that He is changing you. Thank Him for His love that does not want to leave you the way you are. Pray that His plans and His will come to pass in your life as you submit to Him.


Pray for all the bachelor and bachelorette’s partaking in the fast who are seeking life partners. Ask God to guide them to the person who will really be a blessed spouse to that person. Pray for wisdom, guidance, and strength to overcome fleshly desires.




O Lord, according to Your Word, we enter Your courts with Thanksgiving and Praise.


Most High God, Master, and Creator of the Universe, we humbly bow before You and worship You with all of our heart, soul and mind. Like Jesus instructed us, we start this prayer out with Thanksgiving—deeply grateful and thankful that You DO, indeed, hear the prayers of Your children.


The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. James 5:16


We acknowledge the incredible right and privilege You have given us to walk directly into the Presence of the most Powerful and Effective force in the Universe and BOLDLY ask for assistance.


The devils tremble at this privilege that You have afforded us through the Blood of Jesus Christ. Help us to fully take hold of the extent of this opportunity. Forgive us for the times when we have not utilized this right effectively through lack of Faith.


Lord Most High, we are in dire need of Your assistance. There are forces afoot that would attempt to destroy Your Creation--Forces that seek to steal, kill, and destroy Your Church. You said that we would have Life and have it more abundantly. You said the gates of Hell would not prevail against your Church. For Your sake, O God, and based on the unfailing promises of Your Holy Word, do not let the forces of Evil and Darkness prevail. We ask that Righteousness, Peace and Joy would abound so Your name would be honoured and glorified. We believe that both Israel and other "bridal nations" were founded expressly on Your Power in their Law and Constitutions. These types of countries were formed for Your Glory---Providentially placed under Your Covenantal Contract to be shining cities upon a hill whose Beacon Light was to guide freedom-loving people and other nations globally.


We acknowledge our failure in the Body of Christ to live up to our side of the Covenant. We have NOT lived as we should. We have NOT obeyed all Your commands. We have NOT placed You first in our lives. We confess that our nations are currently on a dangerous pathway towards the idolatry of Human Secularism which seeks to remove You from every aspect of our daily public lives. In doing so, we have not only failed to follow in Christ’s footsteps to help “set the captives free” but have become captives ourselves to an un-Godly philosophy that will ultimately destroy the very foundations of our nations.


O God, we sincerely repent of our personal and national sins. We repent of the sins of omission as well as commission. These sins include idolatry, murder, anger, stubbornness, dishonesty, corruption, greed, sloth, lust, envy, compromise, fear, gluttony, gossip, hypocrisy, impurity, ingratitude, profanity, stealing, unforgiveness, untruthfulness, worldliness, worry and the ultimate sin of Pride. We take no solace in the fact that some of us may not have personally embraced sins such as abortion or marriage redefinition BUT by apathy or indifference have allowed evil to flourish. We have not followed Your Biblical mandate to submit to You, obey Your Holy Commandments and resist the Devil. Nor have we had a zeal to repent which invites You to commune with us, enabling us to become overcomers who will sit with You on Your throne (Rev 3:19-21).


Instead of embracing righteousness we--individually, in our families and in our nations--have performed evil acts. We have fallen short of Your Glory, for which You have cursed our nations with drought and pestilence and have opened our borders to the plunder of foreign armies. Even with obvious signs in the stars, moon, sky, and weather, we have not repented and returned our nations to You Lord in corporate repentance. Instead, our leaders have vowed to rebuild us in their own strength thus raising a fist is defiance to Your judgments.


Master, please have mercy on us. We beg for Your grace and mercy. We are undeserving of your mercy, but Your Holy Word says you are patient, kind, loving, merciful and longsuffering. Please, because of who YOU are and not because of what WE are—hear our prayer and grant our petition this day. We know You will hear from Heaven and will forgive our sins and heal our lands if we humble ourselves, pray, seek Your Face and turn from our wicked ways.


Then may all the kingdoms of the world truly know that YOU are our God and that we have no other gods but You.


May You get all the glory, honor and praise. May Your Kingdom come quickly, and may Your will be done here on Earth as it is in Heaven.


We pray this prayer with great expectancy, looking upwards for our ultimate Salvation when You will return to set things right forever Amen!


2 Chronicles 7:14 "if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."






Sunday, January 28th, 2024


Scripture Reading For Today: Isaiah 58:1-7 “Cry aloud, spare not; Lift up your voice like a trumpet; Tell My people their transgression, And the house of Jacob their sins. 2 Yet they seek Me daily, And delight to know My ways, As a nation that did righteousness, And did not forsake the ordinance of their God. They ask of Me the ordinances of justice; They take delight in approaching God. 3 ‘Why have we fasted,’ they say, ‘and You have not seen? Why have we afflicted our souls, and You take no notice?’ “In fact, in the day of your fast you find pleasure, And exploit all your laborers. 4 Indeed you fast for strife and debate, And to strike with the fist of wickedness. You will not fast as you do this day, To make your voice heard on high. 5 Is it a fast that I have chosen, A day for a man to afflict his soul? Is it to bow down his head like a bulrush, And to spread out sackcloth and ashes? Would you call this a fast, And an acceptable day to the Lord? 6 “Is this not the fast that I have chosen: To loose the bonds of wickedness, To undo the heavy burdens, To let the oppressed go free, And that you break every yoke? 7 Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, And that you bring to your house the poor who are [d]cast out; When you see the naked, that you cover him, And not hide yourself from your own flesh?”


In today's bible passage it begins with a message from God through the Prophet Isaiah to the Israelites. This message was a rebuke, that addressed some questions that the people had previously asked of God.


They had queried God — “Why have we fasted,’ they say, ‘and You have not seen? Why have we afflicted our souls, and You take no notice?’'' (Isaiah 58:3)


From this text we can see that the people, had gone through a period of fasting and praying, when they were disappointed and that their expectations had not been met by God. They had accused God of neglect and lack of concern for their plight and answered prayers.


Have you ever been in that place yourself? I think we all have at some point.


Imagine when you've gone through a period of fasting, praying, and actively believed God for answers to your prayers but have become disappointed? The times when it seemed like the heavens were like brass and the earth was like iron. Or simply put where the heavens seemed closed and God is overlooking your plight, while others were testifying?


See Israel had sought God daily, they approached Him in faith and with expectant hearts, they sought to know His ways and know His mind and His will.


They had done all the right things, but unfortunately, they had neglected to also do the needful things! See the anointing will flow when we do things Gods ways.


Listen to what God said in response to their queries — "Yes though you have been dutiful in your attitude towards me and in how you have carried yourself in relation to the sacrifice of your fasting, but where you have failed is in your attitude towards others! I'm not just looking for you to deprive yourself of food or afflict your soul with suffering and sacrifice; that's not what I call an acceptable fasting!


You have dealt unfairly with your workers, you have spent your time in needless bickering’s, you have neglected to liberate and break the yoke of the oppressed and failed to share your bread with the hungry. You did not cover the naked, neither have you sheltered the homeless. You have wickedly turned your eyes away from those that needed your help!"


Please consider this — Could God be saying the same thing about you right now? Is there something within our life’s that He wants to reflect on that maybe hindering our answers that is not always demonic, but it can be ourselves?


Reflection Time:


Spend some time in prayers now for the next 15 minutes before going onto the next part of the teaching. Wait upon the Lord in prayer and ask Him to show you how He wants you to respond to today's message during this period of fasting and prayers. Then ask yourself these questions below:


1.           Is there someone that you need to forgive?


2.           Is there someone that you need to reconcile?


3.           Is there someone that you need to bless?


4.           Is there someone that you need to encourage?


5.           Is there someone that you need to honour and appreciate?


This may be the missing link in the breakthrough that you've been praying and believing God for precious saints? Yes, for if we want the anoint to break the yoke within our life’s we must do things Gods ways precious saints.


So, once you have spent time reflecting on the above then I want us to move further in Isaiah 58:8-14. So above God had said to the Israelites, that their fasting and prayers had been futile, because they had not done the needful, but in the below text, He promises them a turnaround if they changed their attitude and begin to do what mattered to Him. So, let us now read more:


Isaiah 58:7-14 “Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, And that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out; When you see the naked, that you cover him, And not hide yourself from your own flesh? 8 Then your light shall break forth like the morning, Your healing shall spring forth speedily, And your righteousness shall go before you; The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. 9 Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer; You shall cry, and He will say, ‘Here I am.’ “If you take away the yoke from your midst, The pointing of the finger, and speaking wickedness, 10 If you extend your soul to the hungry And satisfy the afflicted soul, Then your light shall dawn in the darkness, And your darkness shall be as the noonday. 11 The Lord will guide you continually, And satisfy your soul in drought, And strengthen your bones; You shall be like a watered garden, And like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail. 12 Those from among you Shall build the old waste places; You shall raise up the foundations of many generations; And you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach, The Restorer of Streets to Dwell In. 13 “If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath, From doing your pleasure on My holy day, And call the Sabbath a delight, The holy day of the Lord honorable, And shall honor Him, not doing your own ways, Nor finding your own pleasure, Nor speaking your own words, 14 Then you shall delight yourself in the Lord; And I will cause you to ride on the high hills of the earth, And feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father. The mouth of the Lord has spoken.”


So, this is what I highlighted after reading Isaiah 58:8-15 for God promises that when we fast and do things His way, making Him known to others in and through our actions. Then He has promised to do the following in our life’s precious saints when we seek Him in fasting also —


1. Breakthrough — Prosperity (Isaiah 58:8)


2. Speedy Healing (Isaiah 58:8)


3. Manifestation of the covenant blessings of Salvation (Isaiah 58:8)


4. Divine Protection — God’s Glory will be your defence (Isaiah 58:8)


5. Answered Prayers (Isaiah 58:9)


6. Prominence and Divine Favour (Isaiah 58:10)


7. Continual Divine Guidance (Isaiah 58:11)


8. Divine Sustenance (Isaiah 58:11)


9. Divine Health (Isaiah 58:11)


10. Divine Provision and Nourishment (Isaiah 58:11)


11. Fruitfulness (Isaiah 58:11)


12. Restoration (Isaiah 58:12)


13. Honour, Promotion and Elevation (Isaiah 58:12)


14. Victory (Isaiah 58:12)


Every single one of these is a promise that we can pray and claim over our lives precious saints. So even as we are preparing ourselves for His soon coming, we can claim these promises over our lives each day until that day comes. Hallelujah! Isn’t that amazing? Now you know what to believe God for when you fast and pray in accordance with God’s guidance no matter the past discouragement during fasting. It is now time to expect the impossible precious saints in every season.




Start to Pray that this fast will loose the bonds of wickedness, undo the heavy burdens, to let the oppressed go free, And that you break every yoke. For In Luke 4:18, Jesus declared His mission statement – “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, Because He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent me to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed;”


Start to declare that the work of Jesus rendered the gates of hell powerless to stop or hold back His people. Hell & death could not hold Him according to (Acts 2:24, 31), and thereafter could no longer hold His people in bondage according to (Hebrews 2:14-15).  So just as Christ has led His people, Israel, out of the power that held them from their destiny, so He is breaking through every obstacle before you. He is removing all opposition in your way, In Jesus Mighty Name. For Indeed, one of the names attributed to the Lord is Master of Breakthroughs:


So, start to declare and pray that according to Matthew 11:28-29, Jesus tells us his yoke is easy and his burden is light. So, all burdens are melting off now in Jesus Mighty Name!


Start to pray through Isaiah 10:27. The anointing lifts the burden, breaks, and destroys the yoke. So, no more oppression and no more bondage on your life and that of your family in Jesus Mighty Name!


Pray that the Lord’s light shall break forth like the morning and that you would also shine like the morning light and break through all darkness in Jesus Mighty Name! (Isaiah 60:1-4)


Pray that you would “arise” in boldness and “shine” precious saints, so you can positively impact all those around you in Jesus Mighty Name!


Pray that your light has come, and favour shall be your portion in Jesus Mighty Name! (Psalm 5:12)


Pray that your loved ones, sons, and daughters will come home.


pray for salvation of friends and family before His soon coming in Jesus Mighty Name!


Pray for your health that it shall spring forth speedily. For Health means you will have healing, restoration, and wholeness in Jesus Mighty Name! And speedily means soon, quickly, and/or shortly and it shall be so in Jesus Mighty Name! For Jesus is our balm in Gilead that heals and makes us whole, so receive it in Jesus Mighty Name! (Jeremiah 8:22)


Pray according to first Thessalonians 5:23- 24: “May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” In this verse, Paul encourages us to attend to all three aspects of who we are. And we try to do this the best we can, but often in our own strength and fail miserably. Verse 24 holds the key to being successful at attending to our spirit, mind, body health; “The one who calls you is FAITHFUL, and HE will do it.” Lean on God for your healing and preparation for His soon coming in Jesus Mighty Name!


Lord, we rebuke any evil foundations in our life’s and cast them back into the pit of hell in Jesus Mighty Name!


Pray that the remaining of 2024 will be for you a mountain conquering year, that in this year, God will cause you to walk upon your high places - in the places of honour, promotion, and elevation in the Mighty Name of Jesus.


Pray for (Rev Robert & family) and your church that God will supply exceeding, abundantly above all we could ask or think. Lord any spirit of sabotage that is coming against this ministry be exposed and cast back into the pit of hell in Jesus mighty name! Pray that every financial need will be met and that we will have more than enough to carry out the vision for this month of July and beyond. Pray that doors will continue to open in 2024 to reach nations that are ready for the gospel and hungry for revival.


Pray this prayer: Father, we are confident of this very thing; that He who has begun a good work in us; and in Robert Clancy’s Ministry will fulfil it. Give thanks to God for this and for answered prayers in your personal life also that He would provide for you according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus. Remember as you pray for others, God takes care of your needs according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus.


Pray for an alertness and an awakening from spiritual slumber, and a grafting in of the saints into the Body.


No weapon that is fashioned against me shall prosper.


My life is hidden with Christ in God. My destiny is secured in the Faithfulness of God's word concerning my life.


My purpose is a sure testimony that is complete and perfect in accordance with God's plans for my life.


I command a restoration of God's timing and order in alignment with His master plan for my life, my family, and the church in Jesus's Name.


Shalom, Shalom, Shalom




14,235 views115 comments


If Pastor Clancy was not obedient where would we get this Heavenly Food from? Who wants to get out of bed to the Prayer Mountain of God to deliver these Powerful Utterances through the Holy Spirit? Sometimes we are/ me so down to the ground in the mornings and after hearing God's spoken words of power from Pastor Clancy they penetrates Fire in ones heart , mine. I completely transform for the day and we/ me do not remember that were just on the ground. Who out there is ardently and urgently giving us empowerment and encouragement through fasting and praying through the word of God? For Jesus is coming soon and me/ we must live Righteously to meet Jesus.…


Jan 30, 2024

I’m so glad I got to participate in this fast. It gave me a reminder of the areas I need to work on to please God so my fasting will be honored by him. Congratulations on completing the fast!


shark boy
Jan 29, 2024

Another powerful fasting wknd again 🔥🙌


Unknown member
Jan 29, 2024

My heart was truly blessed in this 3 day fasting. I thank God that even though I forgot about Isaiah 58:6-7 that I unconsciously still practiced what should be done during fasting. I highly recommend you do this fast again but this time, be intent on living your life and doing things God's way.

I thank God for you Robert Clancy, your family and your ministry. I thank God for His Holy Spirit that is upon you, raising you up more and more as a servant-leader, and a warrior for Christ, to put together these prayers and fasts that lives around the world are transformed and changed for Christ. May the Lord raise up His remnant bride in these last…


Jennifer Robichaux
Jennifer Robichaux
Jan 29, 2024

May God bless those who partook in the 3 day fasting in Jesus name.

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