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Writer's picture: Robert ClancyRobert Clancy






SCRIPTURE: 2 Corinthians 10:4 “For the weapons of our warfare are not [a]carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,”


Precious saints first I would like to thank each person that prayed for me during my recent African tour, as that prayer support helped propel Gods work across each nation we visited and opened many doors. One thing that is evident with every door of opportunity also comes resistance. Just as the Apostle Paul spoke of in the first letter to the Corinthians.


1 Corinthians 16:9 “For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.”


So, your prayers are vital in marching forward no matter the adversary or hinderance trying to block the message and freedom of the Holy Spirit. See while we tarry for revival to come, we must continue to content in the spirit for this mighty move of God being ignited. As you know there is a spiritual battle for dominion and authority upon the earth at present and it is only heating up more each day saints.


We are truly living in the last of days before the Lords soon imminent snatching away of His spotless bride. And as the Lord tarries in His return, He has promised to pour out His Spirit upon all flesh. As I have mentioned before that 2025 is “THE YEAR OF DELIVERANCE” saints and we must address every strongman within our lives and pull down every stronghold either in our minds or around us. It is my prayer that the invisible hand of God come upon each of you even right now to heal your broken hearts, to set you at liberty, and to release you from every demonic stronghold in Jesus’ Mighty Name!


The heavens still suffer in violence today, but the violent take it by force in prayer saints. For even this expected revival will not come without resistance saints, for there is a spiritual battle in the second heavens trying to hinder God’s sovereign move from being ignited and released across the earth.


Those that are tuned in to the Spirit of God can also sense that the spiritual environment has changed, for one can even hear the cries of thousands of voices echoing the same words from Revelation 22:20 “…Come, Lord Jesus.” But as the Lord tarries in His snatching away of the bride of Christ, He is still preparing a spotless bride and has promised to pour out His Spirit upon all flesh saints.




Now a stronghold means: a fortified dwelling, It speaks of powerful, physical structures, such as caves high on a mountainside, very difficult to assault, a fortress. Again, this is another military analogy. Now a stronghold can be on the positive side also as a source of protection for us from the devil. For our Lord is our refuge and our fortress, our defender and our deliverer.


Satan’s wants strongholds in our thoughts as a doorway to controlling our minds. That’s right satan and his minions want to capture the minds of people saints, for the mind is like the citadel (stronghold) of the soul. He who controls the mind controls a very strategic place and that is why we need to ensure we have the mind of Christ. See this is How he works.


2 Corinthians 4:4 “whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.”


Now this blinding speaks of cloudy smokescreens that satan throws across our path. He is the master of illusion and deception. For remember even one of his tiles is the father of all lies. For truly, he is the father of witchcraft, the father of evolution, the father of atheism, the father of false religions, the father of cults, secret societies, and the occult. For he will cast doubt. He showed his true colours back in the garden of Eden to Eve, in the third chapter of Genesis.


Genesis 3:1 “Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?”


The devil wants you to entertain his thoughts saints which are fear, anxiety, and doubt. Now there are strongholds constructs like fortresses in our minds. These structures in our thinking harbour wrong thoughts and wrong attitudes and these fortresses of thoughts set themselves up against the knowledge of God.


Demonic strongholds are torturous to the soul and is giving the enemy a foothold in your life saints. A stronghold is a mindset that causes us to accept something that we know is contrary to the will and word of God. We can get a stronghold in our thinking when we try and justify, and defend evil within our sympathetic thoughts and reasonings.


A stronghold is a thought that is thought repeatedly until it takes a hold deep in your life and penetrates even your unconscious mind and becomes an inner image or mindset that controls your life. It can be either positive or negative. So, if we allow wrong stinky thinking to control our lives demons will be there actively trying to build their fortress within our minds.


Remember that stronghold thoughts are planted like seeds saints, and the more you think them (tend to them, nurture them, water them), the more they grow.  Thinking them over and over is like watering them or tending them. By the time a thought becomes a stronghold, you are usually not even aware that you are thinking it. But every stronghold can be traced back to a thought or thought habit. Sometimes we feel the effects of some thought stronghold in our outward lives and emotions but don’t even realize that it connects back to a thought or idea that at some time we accepted and thought until it became a stronghold. This is why we are to meditate on the Word of God Day and night.  That way then you will build strongholds of God’s thoughts that will cause you success and prosperity in all you do saints. For you will only prosper and succeed to the degree that you think like the Word of God says about you.


Unfortunately, many people are bound up in wrong thinking giving the enemy a field day in a vast array of bondages. Tearing down strongholds is essential as demons rely on them to strength and power in that person's mind.


So, a demonic stronghold is basically an incorrect thinking pattern that has been branded and burned into a person's mind. The enemy often works to build these in our minds through continually injecting thoughts into our minds which are not in sync with God's Word and therefore gets us to habitually think along those lines. For example, a stronghold could be a pattern of depression, unbelief, or bad temper etc.


Another example can be rejection and therefore our mind automatically tells us everyone rejects us or we except abuse because we have a wrong perception of what love is about. So the environment we are raised up in plays also a big part in how our minds are formed. Not everyone is brought up in a loving home and there can be a lot of abuse in homes even behind closed doors that form the persons mind for the future and that is why many are a product of their childhood. So regardless of whether strongholds, are demonically inspired or naturally learned, they must be torn down through the renewing of our minds according to the Word of God.


2 Corinthians 10:3-5 “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not [a]carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,”


So, let us look at these demonically inspired and developed strongholds for they become demonic bondages. What happens is that the person has an unclean spirit which is actively whispering in their thought life (injecting thoughts into their mind with a big syringe), and eventually the person begins to believe what the enemy is telling them. Once a person begins to believe what the enemy is telling them, they begin to imagine it in their mind which is what we call vain imagination, and a stronghold is formed.


Note we are never told to cast out strongholds, but rather we are told to tear them down saints, and we are told to speak out to be transformed by the renewing of our mind and cast down all vain imaginations. This is how we deal with strongholds saints. If the enemy builds them through continually reminding us of his lies, then we need to go in the opposite direction to undo his web of lies and bondage. We need to start meditating on God's Word on a daily basis, so that the truth will sink into our minds and begin to change the way we think and become what god’s Word says we are and not what the world says about us.


Romans 12:2, "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."


Any kind of stronghold can be torn down through the mighty weapons that God has provided. Some of these are prayer by the help of the Holy Spirit, replacing the stronghold with truth from the knowledge of the Word. These are both mighty weapons of God given to tear down strongholds. God also gives us gifts of the Spirit as weapon to identify and tear down strongholds.


Saints God knows all about strongholds and He knows how to take them down and His Spirit will even show you how to do it, if you’re willing to fight! When you come up against a strong-hold in your life, do you just want to give up? Or are you going to willing fight the good fight and take the strong hold? Strongholds are captured by people who are willing to fight, people with unmoveable faith!



I like to give this analogy to people that you may not be able to stop a bird from flying over your head, but you can stop it from laying a nest.


So, if a person has allowed stinky wrong thinking to remain in their life, then they are allowing a bird to lay a nest with wrong thinking patterns. So, it is not just enough to shoo a bird away from a nest, but the nest (stronghold) must be torn up, otherwise the bird (demons) will return and hatch more eggs.


Maybe the small branches and twigs that the bird used to make up the nest represent wrong belief systems, impure thoughts, low self-esteem, thoughts of suicide etc.


See we need to get to the roots of many of our wrong thinking patterns, as it says, “lay the axe to the root” (see Matthew 3:10).


We need to have renewed minds in Christ through His Word daily. We essentially receive the mind of Christ and conform to His thinking saints which allows also the Holy Spirit to take over our lives and thinking to bring us into the perfect will of God. See it is the Holy Spirit who searches our hearts and minds and helps us to apply God’s living Words to our lives.  


Romans 8:27 “Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.”


The Holy spirit speaks to our conscience and only our own spirit and God can be aware of our own thoughts.  We assist the Holy Spirit by what we are speaking, watching and hearing. Keeping our eye gates, ear gates, mind gates and mouth gates pure.


Saints a renewed mind is an important defence against the enemy more than you may know. See unrenewed minds are the same as a broken-down wall around a city and the enemies of that city will find it very easy to access and regaining control unless there is a defence.



Saints know when to move full steam ahead and when we need to slowdown the pace in dealing with deliverance ministry. For sometimes the Holy Spirit will take it slower than on other occasions, all depending on what each person is ready for at the time. Yes, He can even put a pause button on the deliverance process if the person is still in need of deeper inner healing within their hearts for instance. Sometimes unforgiveness needs to be addressed first and that will help stop future attacks.


Exodus 23:29-30 “I will not drive them out from before you in one year, lest the land become desolate and the beasts of the field become too numerous for you. 30 Little by little I will drive them out from before you, until you have increased, and you inherit the land.”


Sometime even the person may need to rebuild walls of resistance, learn to use the spiritual weapons He gives us (2 Cor 10:3-5) or learn to exercise self-control.


The Holy Spirit wants each person that either we are used to minister to directly or even those that receive deliverance directly from listening to a YouTube prayer to be able to keep the freedom that they have obtained to date. If the land is conquered little by little, then we need to see it as winning the battle in stages and consolidated our gains towards the ultimate victory.


See the Spirit is never in a hurry and so we should not always be in a hurry, even when doing deliverance ministry for He knows the outcome already. See He knows exactly when a person is ready to receive complete deliverance. Patience will always starve out the devil if we allow the Holy spirit to have His full way and learn to pray rather than be in a rush all the time. This can also be used in life in general, never be in a rush unless the Holy Spirit is propelling you forward. 



Matthew 12:29 “Or how can one enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house.”


Well as we are also coming up against strongmen during this fasting program, maybe there are addictions, setbacks, attitudes that need changing and only the Holy Spirit can do that work within you saints. See no matter how big the strongman that you may be up against today precious saints God has given you authority to rebuke the devil from your life. The scripture tells us in the gospel of Matthew chapter 12 as our theme scripture mentions.


Matthew 12:29 “Or how can one enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house.”


Who can bind you?  If you have put your faith in Jesus Christ, you have His power and authority to bind evil and loose God's plans in any situation precious saints.


Why do we bind? Well Jesus commented on the need for binding evil in the above scripture of Matthew 12:29. Jesus explained that we must first bind the strongman before we can plunder his house. When we are facing an evil stronghold in our life, we must first use our inherited authority, as children of God to bind the evil forces involved and, in this case, it can include prayer and fasting prior. After that, we can loose, or call forth God's plans for restoration even with the most stubborn spirits.


What happens when we bind you might ask? Well Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them" Matthew 18:18-20


When we bind something, we declare it unlawful (or evil) based on God's word. Because we stand as co-heirs in Jesus Christ, we have his authority to execute this judgment on the forces of evil precious saints (Psalm 149:5-9).


Therefore, do not be alarmed at what you are seeing manifest in the natural right now, because what you are seeing is no longer hidden! The enemy would like you to respond in fear, but God wants to bring all things to the light. And as these things are brought to the light, but do not be afraid or dismayed. The hidden activities of the enemy are being revealed so to overthrow demonic thrones that have brought great destruction to lives and creation. God is sorting out evil precious saints!


"When a king sits on his throne to judge, he winnows out all evil with his eyes." (Proverbs 20:8)


"He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble." (Luke 1:52)


There truly is a great battle going on around us precious saints and fasting is a form of warfare that brings us directly into the battle against the forces of darkness. See spiritual Warfare directly conflicts with demonic strongholds and deception that requires spiritual weaponry and armour according to Ephesians 6:11. Warfare Prayer is the application of strategic-level spiritual warfare to uproot the prevailing spiritual strongholds that hinder the advancing of Gods kingdom within a person or person’s life.


The demonic realm is so stirred up to rage against the victories we are getting from seeing thrones, gates and altars toppling this weekend. We must not be discouraged or deterred from moving forward to take back God's inheritance in our life and the nations. Though the enemy rages, we will see the Kingdom of God and His throne occupy hearts, regions, and nations precious saints. No matter what the enemy is doing now, he always over-play his hand through pride, which will cause hidden things to be revealed and his strategies to be turned upon his own camp precious saints.


So, if you need any incentive to fast such as seeing thrones, gates and altars destroyed (apart from the primary benefit of the deeper intimacy with and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit that it produces), then start making it apart of your weekly lifestyle also precious saints!


Unfortunately, many in the church today that are still asleep, do need see the importance of fasting. But the Holy Spirit is crying out through His prophets in the wilderness to “WAKE UP SLEEPY CHURCH.” And while they are sleeping the enemy is claiming more ground. There is a great delusion happening within this hour and many claim to have eyes and ears, but do not see nor hear. The church has become rebellious, and many have gone into captivity to a spiritual slumber and are being controlled and overcome by the flesh and seducing spirits. Within this program we will tackle the subject of sorcery and the spiritual spouse and all legal rights of the enemy that may be coming after you or holding you back from Gods best. Remember those of you that are following these fasting programs have been called to be a part of the remnant bride of Christ That is one that is awakened to the hour and ready to receive from God.


See our faith in God's spoken word releases the power from heaven that binds (or ties up) the evil we are facing. Similarly, when we loosen something on earth, we "permit and declare [it] proper and lawful on earth”.


Matthew 16:19 “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” So, everything that we loosen, or bind must be in accordance with God's word.


There are so many things that we pray for, and we wait for God to respond when in fact God has already told us what to do. He has already given us the strategies against the enemy to succeed in this spiritual warfare.  God is not going to come to earth and do the things that He has already given the church the authority or ability to do precious saints. That is what binding and loosing is all about. Using the spiritual authority, we already have and to carry out the work of the Kingdom and occupy for His purpose again in 2025. Therefore, before you proceed, I encourage you to put on the full armour of God on, as we go into spiritual war. 


So, as you join this 4 Day Fast, also join the weekly corporate Friday fasting we have each week to stir revival in your hearts and that of your families, churches, cities, and nations will be awakened. This is the hour for revival within the nations to usher in the Lords soon return. Do not forget to write down all your prayer requests and place within your bibles, so we can agree with you for those breakthroughs.




If you have not already done so, try downloading the Repentance Revival App on WIX. The platform or app within app store is Spaces by Wix app and the purpose is it makes it easy for you to read, share and interact with our fasting forum posts on the go. Better to read than the website even.



Invite Code: ARKCRJ


Now as the Lord tarries in His return, I plan to continue travelling in 2025 to the nations He directs me to go. Therefore, I am looking for serious invites in the future, but first we must prepare the ground in prayer and fasting for those nations. We are starting 24/7 prayer clocks within key nations so to help usher in the revival within certain nations that desire to be catalysts from revival to the surround nations around them. Now as the Lord sends me to individual nations, even the WhatsApp groups will also be used to connect and see in what way we can work together planning and visit different cities within your nations, along with advertising of fasting programs etc. So, everyone is invited to join our WhatsApp groups along with the ministry App on spaces Wix.



Please click onto the Link for more details of the program:


This month of March l want to encourage all Christians on social media that want a personal revival, breakthrough, and restoration to Fast & Pray along with us this month’s 4 day fast. It is also a time to help prepare us for His imminent return.


This is an event anybody can partake of anywhere around the world, in your home, church, friend’s house, in the village or in the city etc. The main purpose is to get people to repent and turn back to God. By using the same calendar day through fasting and prayer taken from 2 Chronicles 7:14, that it will build awareness of the need to pray for your local church. Though we are on different timeline I encourage you to just follow the dates for your respective countries.


Date: March 27TH, 28TH, 29TH & 30TH 2025


Fasting Days: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday


Fasting Teaching -








What am I required to fast from?

Fasting Type: It is your choice what level you wish to fast, you wish to do 4 days dry fast without water or food, maybe you wish to do 3 days with water fast? Or you could fast from food but drinking water or fluids partially. You are welcome to break the fast each evening and start again either after meal (6am-6pm) or you can go straight through as I said. You can even just skip one meal a day if you wish also. See the key is I want you to abstain from something to seek a closer walk with the Lord and see your spiritual breakthroughs. The key is to also follow the program that is designed to assist and be a guide to press into the Lord. You will find some helpful tips below also. Once again, we want to leave this decision up to you about how you’re going to do it. We do not have any mandatory church-wide requirements for how you fast, but here are a few others’ ideas for first timers:


Food Fast

When we choose not to eat or not to eat certain foods, we allow our physical bodies to hunger and to bring our desires into alignment with our spiritual need for God. There is a clarity in hearing from the Lord which comes when we fast and pray; making a small sacrifice to give up a “pleasure” or comfort to increase your spiritual sight and vision.

We are providing the following options for you to consider:


1. Food Fast

You fast from all foods from either 10pm-6pm (20 hours) or 6am-6pm (12 hours) each day with fluids allowed.


2. Partial Fast

You choose to eliminate certain things i.e., fizzy drinks; sweets/chocolates, bread, no red meat etc, but the rest of your diet remains mainly the same.


3. Fruit and Veg

Eat fruit during the day, with liquids (tea/limited coffee, herbal drinks, and water) with a veg meal in the evenings.


4. Liquids only during day and veg meal for dinner

Drink water and herbal drinks during the day with a veg meal in the evenings. Please consult your doctor if there are any medical concerns before you commence the fast.


5. Juice only fast with veg meal for dinner

Now you may of seem that recent videos I did on making juices and the connection with fasting and also the sauna. This is an option for those that are willing to try something different and remove also the toxins and metals from the body that are unwanted.


Media Fast

During this time, we encourage you to turn off the TV, computer, video games, Facebook, twitter, Instagram, the Internet, and any other form of social media for a brief peri od of time. You may decide to fast from Facebook or some other form of media altogether or to limit your time to only 1-2 hours per week. When we do this, we create more time when we can read our Bible, pray, worship, and hear from God.


Search your heart in deciding what type of food fast you want to do. If you have never fasted, maybe start off with a partial fast and progress to a fruit, and veg option for the last couple of days. Remember, the most important consideration in fasting is your motive. Why are you fasting?


What will we be praying about?

Check each day for the next 3 days there will be theme topics, scriptures, and prayers so you may follow corporately all together. We are trusting the Lord that this time of fasting, and prayer will release a passion for His name within us – to cut off what belongs to a past seasons, to receive renewed hope and vision for our lives/ministries, to be conduits for signs, wonders and miracles and to fulfill the mandate of sharing the gospel to those that will listen! During this time of fasting, be intentional about your priorities. Set aside ample time to be alone with the Lord. The more time you spend with God, the more meaningful your fast will be. If you need an overview or suggestions on what you can do to make the most of the fast in terms of having a daily routine, use the below points:



Begin your day in praise and worship.


Read the days program and meditate on God’s Word


Invite Holy Spirit to work in you.



Take a short prayer walk.


Spend time in intercessory prayer for the theme of the day.



Make time and be available for an unhurried time of “seeking God’s face”.


If others are fasting with you, meet for prayer.


Avoid television or any other distraction that may affect your spiritual focus and watch the daily uploads to YouTube. You are welcome to watch Christian movies etc.


When possible, begin and end each day with your spouse, family, or friend for a brief time of praise and thanksgiving to the Lord. Please let us know you’ll be fasting & praying with us!




1. Avoid medical and even natural herbal drugs. However, if you are under medication, these should only be withdrawn upon the advice of your doctor.


2. Limit your physical activity and exercise. If you have a workout routine, adjust it accordingly.


3. Rest as much as you can if needed be.


4. Maintain an attitude of prayer throughout the day. Intercede for your family, pastors, church, nation, missionaries & world missions, etc.


5. Drink plenty of clean water if you are joining the water fast.


6. As your body adjusts, be prepared for temporary bouts of physical weakness as well as a greater likelihood of impatience, irritability, and anxiety.




“. . . in the first year of his reign I, Daniel, understood from the Scriptures, according to the word of the LORD given to Jeremiah the prophet, that the desolation of Jerusalem would last seventy years. SoSo, I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes.” Daniel 9:2,3


Fasting helps us prevail in prayer and intercession. Daniel understood that Israel was headed for destruction. He also knew that in times like these, there is only one recourse—intercession through praying and fasting. Throughout human history, God has brought revival and delivered nations from destruction in response to prayer and fasting.




“. . . I put on sackcloth and humbled myself with fasting . . .” Psalm 35:13


Humility results in the grace of God (James 4:6). When we humble ourselves in prayer, we have instant access to the heart of God. As we deny ourselves as an act of consecration, we are better able to exercise self-control over our emotions and desires.



Fasting can be done for one meal, one day, one month or for however long God leads. It depends on how the Holy Spirit speaks to us. Shorter fasts are easier to endure until we have built up our “spiritual muscles”. A three day fast is most beneficial as a spiritual cleansing. An example of this is Paul being thrust into his fast upon conversion. After the three days of cleansing, he received the Holy Spirit and his eyesight when Ananias laid hands on him (Acts 9:17-18). We also can be spiritually cleansed by fasting so that we receive more of the Lord’s Spirit and have our spiritual eyes opened to new dimensions. A three day fast is also especially helpful in breaking any addictive habits.


These then are two reasons for fasting: We receive spiritual cleansing, and our spiritual eyes are opened, and we also obtain victory over the devil. When Jesus encountered Satan, He was able to overcome Him because His fasting had given Him spiritual strength. Isaiah 58:6 also gives us light on this purpose of fasting: “Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?” Many people believe that fasting is to move the hand of God, when actually it is to make Satan turn loose of the things he is holding.



Fasting loose the bands of wickedness. When Jesus discussed the keys to the kingdom, He told us to bind and loose. When we fast, we loose the bands of wickedness, undo the heavy burdens, set the oppressed free, and break every yoke of the enemy. Fasting is an important key to getting the victory over hard situations challenging situations that do not seem to respond to normal prayer.


Fasting builds our faith. In fact, this is what Jesus meant when he spoke to the disciples in Matthew 17:21 in answer to why they were not able to cast a demon out of a child. He said, “However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” He was telling them if they wanted their faith to be at such a level as to be able to cast out demons, then they must fast and pray for their faith to increase.


Fasting also makes it easier for us to hear the voice of the Lord. We find an account of this in Acts 13:2 “While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.”


While fasting, the Holy Spirit spoke to them and gave them direction. We too can be directed by the Lord if we seek Him through prayer and fasting.


When we deny our natural cravings, our spiritual antennas become more attuned. We become more sensitive to His voice as we divest ourselves of worldly distractions. We are better able to focus on God and submit to His will. This opens the door for more of the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.


Fasting and mourning are closely associated strongly associated in the Bible. Two examples of this are found in Ezra and Nehemiah.


Ezra 10:6: “Then Ezra rose up from before the house of God, and God and went into the chamber of Jehohanan the son of Eliashib: and when he came thither, he did eat no bread, nor drink water: for he mourned because of the transgression of them that had been carried away.”


Nehemiah 1:4: “And it came to pass, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned certain days, and fasted, and prayed before the God of heaven.”


From these Scriptures, we see that fasting and travail (a prayer burden from the Lord that brings crying and tears) were combined. Both men were fasting for the repentance of God’s people. How we need this same kind of intercession today. Here were men so burdened for the sins of their people that they fasted, travailed, and prayed.




Thursday, March 27TH, 2025


Scripture Text: Leviticus 26:8 “Five of you will pursue a hundred, and a hundred of you will pursue ten thousand, and your enemies will fall by the sword before you.”



Precious saints since the day you were born again; you were enlisted into the military forces of God and that military force is made up of ground, air, and water assault divisions. See just like any military force of today that has different divisions within like Army, Navy, Air force and even Space force etc they are all made up of regiments, battalions, companies, and units.


In this spiritual battle we have ground warfare, marine warfare and strategic second heavens warfare. Now this ancient spiritual battle against evil forces have been happening way before our birth and continues until Jesus puts an end to it all at the appointed time. Unfortunately, many are not being taught how to position themselves within this spiritual battle causing many to lose more battles than they are supposed to win. Your rival is not the problems you see such as frustrations, depressions, workplace problems, dysfunctionalities, a broken marriage, fears, worries, addiction, diseases, illness, financial troubles, prodigal children or spouses just to mention a few. These are just the symptoms, not your enemies’ saints. For our battle is against our true spiritual enemies: Satan and his minions i.e. demons, evil spirits, strongman spirits, spirits of infirmity, lying spirits, spirit wives and husbands, perverse spirits, marine spirits, agents of the demonic realm etc.


Many of these losses Christians are having today in the spiritual battle is not because they don't recognize the enemy when they see it and mainly because they do not know how to fight effectively. Remember as you grow in your spiritual walk with the Lord daily in faithfulness, He promotes you in rank (authority) to even be selected for the special force’s squads that are a team of intercessors trained for special assignments in prophetic intercession. Now we need members is each division, but within this hour the Lord is looking to raise up more prophetic intercessors that will rise through the ranks of Gods army, trained by the Holy Spirit to have hands of war (Psalm 144:1-2) prepared to travail in prayer until revival comes.


But we will not overcome Satan today just using conventional weapons (common to what you may be used too) and not just weapons of the flesh I am referring too, as sometimes even a seasoned intercessor requires revelation from the Holy Spirit and strategic warfare planning to overcome the enemy and their strongholds and fortresses. 



The Bible talks about three major strongholds:

1. The air (heavens).

2. The earth.

3. The sea.


The Bible also talks about the queen of heaven, the kings of the earth and the queen of the sea/ocean. It is usually a fierce battle when somebody is being attacked from these three places. Genesis 1:26 says, “Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”


In the above scripture verse, we can see these three places mentioned again. The Bible says that we should have dominion over these three principal strongholds: the sea, the air, and the earth. Exodus 20:3-4 says, “You shall have no other gods before Me. 4 “You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth;” Again, we see the three strongholds: the heaven, the earth, and the sea.


Deuteronomy 5:8 also says, “‘You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth;”


People groups all over the earth worshipped pagan gods that were linked to some type of image or idol paying homage to that god or goddess. That is why God called Abram out of his family and city because of the pagan influence and idolatry. Behind every image or idol is a demon and that demon can transform and appear of the very image being worshipped. So, praying and destroying our family altars is also so vital when we are coming up against such spiritual kingdoms.



Pray against evil rivers in your family line.

Pray against evil forests in your family line.

Pray against ancestral trees in your family line.

Pray against shrines and idols in your family line both on your (mothers) and (fathers) side.



Never forget God is still sovereign over the devil saints. But at present this world is still under his influence, as spoken about in (Matthew 4:8–9). So, although Satan has power and authority in the current world system in which we exist, his power is limited, always under the sovereign control of God (Job 1:12), and it is temporary (Romans 16:20). Now God may not always reveal to us all the whys and when’s concerning Satan’s rule, but He has made it clear that there is only one way to escape the power of Satan’s dominion, and that is through His Son, Jesus (Acts 26:18; Colossians 1:13–14) hallelujah!


It is Jesus who, speaking of the impending cross, declared victory: “Now is the judgment of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out. 32 And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself.” (John 12:31-32).


One of Satan’s titles is “prince of demons” (Matthew 9:34). Satan has a kingdom (Matthew 12:26) and a throne (Revelation 2:13). Satan is called a prince because he is a ruler and possesses power to manifest evil in the world through influencing people and commanding demons. The reason Satan is called a prince rather than a king is that there is only one King—Jesus Christ (1 Timothy 6:15) hallelujah!


Ephesians 2:2 “in which you once walked according to the [a]course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience,”


“The air” in Ephesians 2:2 refers to the invisible realm above the earth where Satan and his demons move and exist, just as they operate under the waters, upon the earth and under the earth. But the air is referred to as the second heavens here precious saints. 



Satan still must work within the boundaries that the Lord God has given unto him, but he has a very militant group of demons causing havoc wherever they are assigned. Here are just some kingdoms of darkness below have many multi millions of demonic forces that exist in each.


You also need to know your enemies and their locations which is known as spiritual mapping. Now not everyone is called to such high-level warfare directly, as I must be led by His Spirit and either as a special force team or as the corporate body of Christ. See the Spirit of God has called me to first enter a city I am doing revival, and I must address the spiritual gates and high places of the city I am in with a team of intercessors. We pray until the release comes and sometimes you will have to enter combat spiritual battles against such evil forces and powers like listed below.


1. Ancestral spirits (Ancestral Kingdoms)

2. Witches - (Witch-craft Covens)

3. Mermaid spirits. (marine Kingdoms)

4. Snakes/serpents - spirit of Cobra serpent spirits (also in marine kingdom)

5. Babylonia Demons (Astra Kingdoms)

6. Principalities.


Now there are too many demons that are beyond our understanding and knowledge to fully understand. But that is why the bible encourages us to always pray, because there is a lot of evil around us today saints. Therefore, I urge everyone to say the prayer programs we provide out loud or listen in agreement to our topical teachings and prayers. It is also vital for us to lead by example to our families and children and those that follow us, or we are Pastoring. Confess prayer always with passion and raise up your children to pray like this also saints. We are not in a small war, but a major War, Battling against the rulers, principalities, authority's, astra and cosmic powers of the heavily world. These teachings are to provide spiritual knowledge, so you can get a picture of what a missionary preacher must deal with on the mission field.



Ephesians 6:12 “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”



a.            Principalities

b.            Powers

c.             Rulers of the darkness of this world

d.            Spiritual wickedness in high places


We should be mindful of the fact that we are not fighting against the demons within individual enemies, nor even in a person themselves. Because we are wrestling against fallen angels (principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, etc.) to be found in the second heaven and lower realms who have connections with the ground level spirits/foot soldiers of anger, fear, error, anti-Christ spirits, rejection, and the like etc. The enemy is very well organised and that is why the devil works so hard to cause division in the church and keep us separated from being united.



In fact, we are up against a very well organised demonic military that has its own hierarchy and levels of satanic authority. These authorities can be set over empires, cultures, nations, cities, and regions of the earth. They can be behind natural and supernatural government also precious saints.


1. Satan (commander-in-chief) 2. Thrones 3. Dominions (lordships) 4. Principalities (rulership’s, princes) 5. Powers (authorities) 6. Rulers Of Darkness of This World 7. Spiritual Wickedness (wicked spirits) In High Places (heavenly places)


So, these territorial spirits we are coming up against are the demonic powers that have the controlling influence over specific sites, peoples, temples, and areas. So, when praying it is good to know that these are the forces that could be within our neighbourhoods and even the street we live saints. Some could be linked to deities connected to certain homes, temples, clans, cities, valleys, and nations etc.


One thing I have learnt as a missionary is that when you are in very heavy witchcraft areas doing the work of the Lord, fiery spiritual warfare prayers are very effective. Now every new nation I enter a witch or spirit will try to test to see if I am a real servant of God. Occasionally witches can leave a scratch mark on you to let you know that they enter the room, or you may see it there. These cases are at a higher level than the average coven down the road and have studied the art of Astro projection more than others. I was in a village, and we had a crusade over that weekend, so I said let us make a prayer watch so someone is always praying and when it came to other Pastors turn the witch appeared to him and threw acid at his throat and burnt his whole need to try to get him to stop.


Covering yourself under the blood Jesus and wearing the full armour of God while you sleep is vital. See they cannot touch you when you are protected but does not mean they will not try. Demons would test me, but they always will fail when we are protected by the blood of Jesus saints! See it acts as a forcefield of protection around you. Just do not allow fear to be a legal right for the demon to enter too close saints and live a pure life. but now you got to understand that we have different seasons of praying warfare prayers and other seasons of resting in the Lord’s presence with devotion.


We also need to understand that we do not need to fight every battle, but only those the Holy Spirit leads us into. So, this program is for those that are being led to deeper warfare and being promoted to the next level. When the Holy Spirit calls you to pray in spiritual warfare, do not allow anyone to discourage you or anything to deter you from doing so. See we may not see the results straight away and may require us to push in more, but as you remain consistent God will surely bring you through to the victory line. See He has already, and He has already won the war and given you the authority to overcome the battle. That is also why you see me fasting all the time and encouraging others to do so, because it is strengthening many to become spiritual warriors.



Saints we see the Apostle Paul discussing spiritual warfare in the book of Ephesians and the Apostle Paul pictures a wrestling match with “persons without bodies” Now these persons without bodies are evil spirits of varying descriptions, as we have already mentioned above Principalities, Powers, The rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual hosts and spiritual wickedness in high places.


So, you can see now how this all paints a picture of the hosts of evil in the unseen realm that have countless foot soldiers that are under the control of Satan, his fallen angelic princes and his world dominators. These foot-soldier demons are lower spirits that have established strongholds in individuals, families, neighbourhoods and cities (see 2 Corinthians 10:3–6). Now all these evil powers only have a legal right to exercise their authority in their realm. This is why it is so important to keep yourself wholly submitted to God and His earthly representatives. Remember God is still sovereign over the devil, as he is like a dog on a leash and can only bark if God allows. So the best way to guard ourselves and war against all these evil powers, is through the name of Jesus and holy living, which keeps us from having any chinks in our armour that the enemy can exploit.


So, we are engaged in a cosmic conflict and the battle is raging all around us saints, and even within us, individually. Yes, we are amid a spiritual war, and we are engaged in...

A battle for hearts and minds.

A battle for our souls

And the Souls of humanity

A spiritual conflict has been launched, between contrary forces.


So, there are three conflicts the cosmic level conflict, conflict against the redeemed (saved), and the conflict against the unredeemed (unsaved). The devil comes to kill, steal and destroy and has no favourites (John 10:10). Spiritual warfare is very real and it’s happening all around us, so we need to not be ignorant of the devil’s devices and tactics anymore. Sometimes we need to change our tactics in the way we battle in spiritual warfare to suit the different territory, or region we maybe in especially for me as a missionary for example. The powers dominating one nation may differ to the next, just like one city from next may also differ i.e. a coastal city maybe dominated by the marine kingdom etc or a continent even may be dominant by a serpent spirit. We are truly in a battle saints and as we saw from the introduction the battleground is also within the mind.


We must never lose sight of the power of His name and the power of His blood that was sacrificed on the cross, for it carries the authority needed to overcome the enemy. Therefore, remember no matter your circumstance the Holy Spirit will show us what we need for each fight, as we inquire of Him daily. As the devil is aware that his time is short, he is in a rush to pollute this world more and more each day. Now maybe the weapons you used the last season may not be effective this season but know that the finished work of the cross never loses its power.


Remember just as technology is increasing around us, so too the enemy’s devices can advance from yesterday’s tactics. There is nothing new under the sun, but he has had 1000’s of years’ experience, so relying on the Holy Spirit is imperative. Most of the time satan just needs to infiltrate the ranks of Gods servants to encourage them to water down the word of God from the pulpit. For this is one of his best tactics today. First agenda is to stop ministers preaching about spiritual warfare and especially to not preach about the End-times so people get ready for the Lords coming. If he gets ministers to stop preaching about Christ’s supreme authority, then the church will stop casting out demons out etc


Many today have become lazy in prayer and fasting and that is the only way we will see revival is when the remnant start to pray and fast for more of God.


So, as you can see saints, we are in a spiritual battle today that requires more of God’s grace, for we are moving into a season of End-time revival harvest. But before revival comes, we need to be prayed up and ready for the enemies’ attacks that will always increase proceeding any spiritual breakthrough.


Matthew 11:12 “And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.” What is happening around us requires us to stand more firmly in the Lord with the pressures around us and this world’s system. Fasting is of the up most importance today for many can be filled with the Holy Spirit, but until they start to fast and practise self-denial they will never walk in the power of God.


2 Corinthians 10:3-5 “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not [a]carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ…,”


See our faith in God's spoken word releases the power from heaven that binds (or ties up) the evil we are facing. Similarly, when we loosen something on earth, we "permit and declare [it] proper and lawful on earth.”


Matthew 16:19 “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loosen on earth will be loosened in heaven.” So, everything that we loosen, or bind must be in accordance with God's word.


So, knowing that this is the year of release, and we must press into prayer and raise up even more local prayer watches to blanket our cities with intercession.



See the powers of the air recognise that the prayers of the saints have been getting through to the throne! Our intercession has been filling the bowls and stirring heaven to come to the earth, for God to open the heavens and respond with thunder (Rev 8:4-5) and the enemy knows it.


Warfare prayers are needed in different seasons of their lives, that bring change to the very environment around us. One testimony I use is of a young sister who was led to pray our midnight warfare prayer program for a season each night. One night when she was praying, she heard a male voice try to interrupt her prayers saying, “PLEASE STOP PRAYING, YOU ARE INTERFERRING WITH OUR WORKS.” It was the voice of the warlock/ witch doctor in the area that was frustrated because the prayers she was praying were interrupting the diabolical works of the warlock in the spiritual realm. Now when we are praying and fasting corporately, we really start to tear down spiritual wickedness in high places, but as a body of believers around the world we are sending a barrage of assault weapons against the enemy, that would not be possible praying just alone. For remember when we come together in agreement with two, the scriptures says that we shall put ten thousand to flight. 


Joshua 23:10 “One man of you shall chase a thousand, for the LORD your God is He who fights for you, as He promised you.”


Pray that God would come down from heaven and move on the earth once more in an Endtime repentance revival. May His glory cover over the waters and land like a raging and mighty storm of fire (Deu 9:3) (Psalm 97:3) (Isaiah 66:15) and May He burn every kingdom of darkness in or around your family in Jesus’ name! Remember as you pray, always fill your prayers with scriptures while you attack the enemy also with the fire of God’s judgment.



We as born-again Christians have three enemies:

Enemy 1. The World

Enemy 2. The Flesh (sin)

Enemy 3. The Devil and Minions


1.The World

We must pick up our cross daily, forsake the system of the world and follow God's system to defeat the devil. For in doing so it will help you to defeat your second enemy below.


2.The Sin

You must crucify the flesh daily and seek to live a spirit filled life empowered by the Spirit of grace to overcome sin. Now one must be allowing the Holy Spirit to sanctify them daily help guide and empower then to overcome all temptation. This will also help you overcome and defeat the third enemy – Satan.


Just be careful of the sins of the flesh that are still not dealt with including for example anger, because if you want to defeat Satan, anger must be in check. See if you don't deal with your anger and you try to deal with the devil’s kingdom, they will instantly destroy you physically. That is why Paul in (Ephesians 6:14) warn us to put on the breastplate of righteousness which is love - peace - gentleness - meekness. = forgiveness.


Fasting from Food

As you know I always encourage extended fasting and like I said above, you must learn to die daily and sacrifice your flesh. See you cannot be a glutton and yet be able to deal with demon’s precious saints or any other addiction that has not been uprooted. Why do you think witches and occultist also fast and in some cases will also abstain from sexual activity?


Have you seen a soldier at war and yet eating loads of his favourite and expensive food?


Have you seen a boxer who is preparing for a world title fight fuel themselves in sexual activity just before fights? (it is not common to be in sexual activity)


For it will weaken your spirit man and suppress your spiritual strength.


3.The Devil and Minions.

If you deal with the above mentioned, then you can touch and brutalize all the ruling powers of darkness that the Holy Spirit leads you to fight saints.




It is time for ministers of the gospel to have strict boundaries when it comes to ministering the word and even the way we conduct ourselves both in public and in private. The way we put boundaries in our churches and serve in church as intercessors and choirs is vital to help encourage holy living and godliness.


Now remember the grace of God is still available and sufficient to overcome all these attacks today and all we need to do is call upon Him for help in our time of need. His Spirit, the helper is available when we humble ourselves and resist the temptations from every wicked spirit. So, know that Jesus is more powerful than the enemy always, but we need to expose the devil’s agenda.


What I have also seen is a genuine End-time revival coming to the earth that will set the captives free and bring freedom to many in bondage. So also, be encouraged as this is done to restore righteousness and holiness within the remnant Church. He is coming back for a spotless bride, so this bride is ready for the wedding feast of the Lamb. So let us see how we can overcome.



So, imagine for a moment the first few generations of Jesus’ disciples (beginning church) were walking to their deaths to be mauled by lions and gladiators in Roman coliseums, getting crucified, beheaded, burned alive, tortured, ridiculed, and mocked; all for their belief in Jesus.  But just like in the days of Joshua and David (Gods anointed), no matter how powerful the enemy on the outside was, the Disciples, who were known then as The Way, just kept growing and growing despite the persecution!  So instead of Satan continuing this failing strategy of taking lives and making martyrs of the beginning church, Satan switches his approach and embraces the church through using Emperor Constantine. For he came along and brought an end to persecution which would have been a relief to the beginning church that had to hide away in secret, but rather than use that freedom to continue to preach the true gospel. Most of Christendom embraced a mixture of idol worship from the roman empire temples that had been converted to churches. See the same mother goddess, and baby worship of the pagans was now syncretized into the movement of believers in Jesus Christ.


This is not a time for compromise in the house of God today! This compromise of the past became a tool of Satan to make the church of no effect saints. See having of a form of godliness but denying the power of God (2 Timothy 3:5) is what is wrong in the church today. So, imagine that somehow, this once vibrant, living, moving in faith was nearly dead! Jesus became politicized and used as a tool for building more human empires; not showing all nations around the world the freedom that comes through faith in Christ as Jesus commanded in the Great Commission. See saints sometimes, even with sincere groups of people spreading the work of Christ, you see the parallel work of imperialism going hand in hand with it as an unwelcome partner. Saints there is a mixing of truth and lies, there is a mixing of false anointing and genuine anointing, there is a mixing of false teaching with genuine teaching being ministered today in the church that is still giving the enemy a foothold.



We need to be on guard like never before in this hour saints of the mixtures. Mixed anointings will help you in one hand and derail you in the other. You will recognize how it helped you but will never recognize how it derailed you off the train tracks of this narrow path saints!


1 John 2:18 "Children, it is the last hour [the end of this age]; and just as you heard that the antichrist is coming [the one who will oppose Christ and attempt to replace Him], even now many antichrists (false teachers) have appeared, which confirms our belief that it is the last hour. 19 They went out from us [seeming at first to be Christians], but they were not really of us [because they were not truly born again and spiritually transformed]; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us; but they went out [teaching false doctrine], so that it would be clearly shown that none of them are of us."


So, this antichrist spirit will even give those popular apostles/prophets etc of today in Christendom the gift of good technique of powers with which to use to get great listeners, so that many more can be derailed like many have been today. So be careful of the servants of God that you pursue, for Satan maybe be working behind the scenes. God is calling us to seek Him and not man.


Psalm 27:4 “One thing I have desired of the Lord, That will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord All the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the Lord, And to inquire in His temple.”


Precious saints let me make this noticeably clear to you today in a church that is rapidly falling into deception, you do not pursue anointed men to find God, but rather you pursue after God to find God for yourselves. The Apostle Paul says, “Follow me as I follow Christ” (1 Cor 11:1) Therefore today if it does not sound right or look right then discern if it is from God and ask Him to confirm it too you while in His presence. Many people today are tapping into mixed anointings influenced from the marine kingdom without even discerning. Otherwise, if you are pursuing men of God, you may find Satan instead and be mixed with anointing rather than the pure that comes direct from God. It is time to be like the wise virgins that keep their oil full by going direct to God and do not buy it from the false merchants that promise you freedom, only to derail you later and miss heaven. (Matthew 25:1-13)


So just as Jesus always focused on the spiritual battle because Jesus was targeting destroying sin and the wicked influence of such evil spirits such as Baal and Ashtaroth at that time etc. We also need to fight our battles in the spirit and expose the works of the devil that are operating behind the evil thrones, gates, and altars of every human empire. Today many servants of God do not tarry enough of His presence and rather want to jump on the tailcoat of another’s anointing, rub shoulders and been seen with important or anointed people than sacrifice time in the prayer closet to get the anointing direct from heaven. Many want the quickest way up, rather than understanding that before the way up, the Lord will bring us down to prepare our character to hold the anointing. For humility is the key to spiritual authority saints.


Today many are chasing anointing oils and servants of God more than God Himself. No one wants to fast and seek God for themselves anymore, hence why we are seeing the deception and enemy having a field day.  


So, within this warfare below prayer program we will continue to renounce and break curses on the family line along with binding up all demons and casting them out and send back to the pit of hell. Those blocking spirits (gate keepers), higher ranking spirits and every other stubborn demon must stand down, be exposed, silenced not to attempt any type of manifestations or attacks against either you, those in your home or loved ones.


We shall completely cut and sever any lifelines, silver lines and connecting cords from the demons who are on the inside of anyone saying these prayers or to any demons who might be on the outside of them, as even in some cases the demons who are on the inside will be taking direct orders from higher ranking spirits who will be on the outside. Now that could occur between the chief demon and all the underlings who will be under his (chief demons) direct control and authority.


Remember once we completely shut down theses demons one by one and basically paralysed them, and they have surrendered, we shall let them know that all of their waters and food supply have been completely dried up and from there on, we as the saints of God completely tear down and demolish the inner kingdom they had built up on the inside of everyone that may either be participating or who we are standing in the gap for saints. (lost loved ones, children, spouses etc)


Are there any “stubborn and unyielding” strongman demons or stubborn problems that you are experiencing within your life right now? If the answer is YES, then start to list them one by one using the list below of strongmen spirits and their root demons to assist. Then bring them before the throne of Grace today, for the Lord is faithful to see your freedom saints.



Find below a list of strongmen that maybe coming against your life or that of your loved ones that you are currently praying for.


STRONGMAN OF ABADDON (APOLLYON) – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: destruction, destroyer; a place of destruction; the depths of hell. Works with spirits of death, hell, and the grave (Hades).


STRONGMAN OF BAAL – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Baal (Sun god):  Bel, Apollo, Zeus, Marduk, Ahura-Mazda, Osiris, Tammuz, Dagon, Prometheus, Jupiter, Nimrod, Mithra, Pan, Hades, Eros, Uranus, Gaea, Assur, Merodach, Ninus, Shamas, Zeus-Belus, Bacchus Idolatry, lust, debauchery, drunkenness; name meaning lord, master possessor, owner; linked to Ashtoreth)


STRONGMAN OF MOLECH – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Idol to whom babies were sacrificed (Leviticus 18:21; 20:2-5). Abortion, child sacrifice, hatred of children, murder; name meaning "king," "ruler.")


STRONGHOLD OF LEVIATHIAN – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Neptune, Poseidon, Tiamet, King of Children of Pride.)


STRONGMAN OF LILITH – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: The Isaiah 34:14 Lilith reference does not appear in most common Bible translations such as KJV and NIV. Commentators and interpreters often envision the figure of Lilith as a dangerous demon of the night, who is sexually wanton, Queen of the Succubi after men, but will go after women also and who steals babies in the darkness. She has several names and apparently each name contains a secret of sexual mysticism: 1. The left hand of the Great Goddess Inanna: She brings men to the goddess’ temple, where she then participates in “Tantric” rites with the temple women. Seducer of men, Harlot 2. Llithya, the birth goddess:  She pursues children who have not been circumcised, she seduces men who do not sleep with women and/or with no moral principles (wet dreams). She is associated with the moon, particularly the lunar position on the Qliphotic Tree, the so-called “World of Shells”. She rules over the 2 solstices and the 2 equinoxes, She shape-shifts and name-shifts, She can turn into a powerful warrior, clothed in armour of flashing fire, She is associated with Leviathan – she has the likeness of a serpent, She draws people into her web, Mirrors are the gateways into her cave, She enters a person through his eyes, and stirs the person’s desire at will,)


STRONGMAN OF JEZABEL – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Female dominance, rebellion, witchcraft, control, manipulation, whoredom, seduction, false doctrine, idolatry, fornication. Operates through a curse destroying God's order and the family priesthood; works with Ahab in males; namemeaning untouchable, non-cohabiting, without husband, adulterous, base, licentious (2 Kings 9:22).


STRONGMAN OF LEVIATHAN – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Pride "king over all the children of pride" (Job 41:34). Sea monster, marine kingdom, sea serpent, dragon, hardness of heart, vanity, conceit, ego, haughtiness, colossus, titan, giant, mammoth, mastodon, arrogance, haughtiness, stubbornness, restlessness. Large sea serpent, prophesied to be destroyed by the Lord in Isaiah 27:1. Operates through a curse (Psalm 119:21). Works with destruction (Proverbs 16:18).


STRONGMAN OF PYTHON – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Divination (Acts 16:16-18). A large constrictor. (These spirits squeeze the life out of relationships, churches, and so on.)


STRONGMAN OF BEELZEBUB – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics:  Lord of the flies (sovereign of evil Spirits), a ruling spirit (Matthew 12:24).


STRONGMAN OF BELIAL – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Worthlessness, wickedness, destruction


STRONGMEN OF DEATH – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: "The Works of the Flesh," Galatians 5:19-21. Manifestations - Suicide Attempts - Loose: Spirit of life, love, joy and peace in the Holy Ghost)


STRONGMAN OF QUEEN OF THE COAST/SEA – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: These are principalities in charge of the marine kingdom also referred to as water spirits or marine spirits. Though they operate on land to cause havoc but their main domain here on earth is in the sea where they attempt to control everything in the sea. (Mark 5:1-18).


STRONGMAN OF ABANDONEMENT – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Isolation, Loneliness, Not feeling wanted, Not belonging, Victim, Rejection)



STRONGMAN BITTERNESS – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Blaming, Complaining, Critical Judging, Gossiping, Murmuring, Ridicule, Unforgiveness, Irrational Condemnation)


STRONGMAN ANXIETY – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Burden, False Responsibility, Fatigue, Heaviness, Nervousness, Restlessness, Weariness)


STRONGMAN ANGER – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Frustration, Wrath, Hatred, Rage, Resentment, Temper, Bitterness, Tantrums, Spoiled Behaviour, Feeling Bad Inside, Hidden Anger (Associated w/High Blood Pressure)


STRONGMAN ADDICTION – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Physical Addictions, Alcohol, Caffeine, Nicotine, Opiates, Cocaine, Uppers/Stimulants, Marijuana, any other street drug, prescription drugs, Mental Addictions, Sex, Pornography, Masturbation, Gambling, Video Games, Television, Sports, social media, Exercise, Other People, Receiving Attention, Adrenalin, Food etc)


STRONGMAN CONFUSION – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Confused Thoughts, Indecision, Lack of Focus, Lack of Concentration, ADD Label by a Dr., ADHD Label by a Dr., OCD Label by a Dr., Mental Health Label, Disconnected Thoughts, Lapses in Memory, Inability to make conclusions, Distorted Perception, Hear Words That Aren’t Said, take things in a very sensitive manner, Unable to grasp simple truths)


STRONGMAN DECEPTION – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Confusion, Lying- Self & Others, Self-deception, Gullible, Believing Lies etc)


STRONGMAN DEPRESSION – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Feeling of Discouragement, Feeling of Despair, Feeling of Hopelessness, Despondent, Self-pity, Over-Sleeping, Insomnia, Thoughts of Suicide, Attempts at Suicide, Withdrawing from Others, Feeling Alone, No One Understands, Feeling like a Victim)


STRONGMAN OF UNWORTHINESS – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Feelings of Inferiority, Self-hate, Self-condemnation, Self-mutilation, Self-torture, Feeling Undeserving, Feeling of Unworthy, Feel Second Rate.)


STRONGMAN OF ESCAPE – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Fantasizing, Lethargic Feeling, Passivity, Procrastination, Withdrawal from Others, Forgetfulness)


STRONGHOLD OF FEAR – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Fear of other people, Fear of going outside, Fear of Sex, Fear of Eating, Fear of Talking, Fear of Driving, Fear of Exercise, Fear of Bathing, Fear of Anything That is Important to Daily Survival, Fear of Men, Fear of Women, Fear of Relationships, Fear of Commitment, Fear of Success, Fear of God, Fear of Jesus, Fear of Churches, Fear of Government, Fear of Rules, Fear of Rejection, Over Sensitive Nature, Fear of Illness (Infirmities), Fear of Cancer, Fear of Diabetes, Fear of the Dark, Fear of High Blood Pressure, Fear of Heart Attack, Worry About Everything, Projected Fears & Worry, Doomsday Fears, Heavy Anxieties, Burdens, Heaviness, Horror Movies, Superstitions, Irrational Concerns, Numerous Phobias, Fear of what you might say)


STRONGMAN OF FINANCIAL PATTERNS – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Greed, Stinginess, spend too Much, Compulsive Shopping, Poor Financial Judgment, Inability to Save, Inability to Budget, Live in Poverty, Job Losses, Poor Employment History, Move Job to Job, Fail at your Jobs)


STRONGMAN OF GREED – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Cheating, Covetousness, Idolatry, Stealing, Misrepresentation, Fraud, Do Anything for Money, Unable to Spend Money)


STRONGMAN OF GRIEF – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Feeling of Loss, Feeling of Sadness, Feeling of Sorrow, Feeling of Suffering)


STRONGMAN OF STRIFE – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Arguing, Bickering, Cursing, Dissension, Disagreement, Discord, Mocking, Blaming, Friction)


STRONGMAN OF SURGERIES – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Anaesthesia issues, Difficult Childbirth, Epidurals trauma)


STRONGMAN OF TRAUMA – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Been in Car Accident, Other Type of Accident, Suffered Major Loss, Suffered Sexual Abuse, Suffered Date Rape, Suffered Physical Abuse, Suffered Verbal Abuse, Suffered Violence, Suffered Emotional Abuse, Any Major Traumatic Event)


STRONGMAN OF UNWORTHINESS – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Doubt, Disbelief, Rationalism, Scepticism, Unbelief, Doubt Everything, Don’t Trust Anyone, Can’t Believe Anything, Everything Seems Dubious.)


STRONGMAN OF VIOLENCE – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Feuding, Arguments, Physical Harm, Murder, Retaliation – I’m going to get you! Torture, Threats, Anger, Rage.)


STRONGMAN OF COMPETITION – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Competitive when Driving, Jealousy Feelings, Possessiveness Feelings, striving to out-do everyone, Pride, competing when unnecessary, Competing with everyone and everything.)


STRONGMAN OF INFIRMITIES/SICKNESS/DISEASE – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Illness through Accidents (Fall, Cars, Injury, etc..), Arthritis, Asthma, Bareness, Cancer, Diabetes, Family History Disease, Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Heart Disease, Hypertension, Miscarriage, Mental Illness, Migraines, Skin Diseases/Rashes, Premature Death, Physical Abnormalities, Sexually Transmitted Disease, High Blood Pressure, Vision Problems)


STRONGMAN OF MENTAL ILLNESS – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Feeling of Craziness, Compulsions, Confusion, Hallucinations, Hysteria, Insanity, Obsessive Compulsive, Schizophrenia, Paranoid, Seizures- All Types, Mental Anguish, Shock Treatments, Lobotomy.)


STRONGMAN OF OCCULT / WITCHCRAFT – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Astrology, Black Magic, White Magic, Wicken, Clairvoyant, Mind-Reading, Palm-Reading, Spirit Box, Ghost Box, EVP, Instrumental Trans-communication, Talking to the Dead, Crystal Ball, Divination, ESP, Calling or Dispatching, Demons, Fortune Telling, Tarot Cards, Automatic Hand-writing, Free-Masonry, Eastern Star, Horoscopes, Telepathic, Teleportation, Pendulum, Psychic Healing, New Age Medicine, Past Life Readings, Non-Christian Exorcism, Necromancy, Own Any Occult Jewellery or Clothing, Ouija Board, Taken or Made a Blood Pact or Oath, Levitation, Hypnosis, Watched “The Exorcist” and or Watched any Horror Movie and Became VERY Frightened, Read Occult and/or Witchcraft Books, Played deep witchcraft games, Attended a Seance’, Talked to spirit guides, Read Books about Spirit Guides or New Age?, Sorcery, Practiced Yoga, Practiced Eastern Medicine or Martial Arts, Voodoo, Visited a so called “Spiritist?”, Visited Pagan Temples etc)


STRONGMAN OF SEXUAL SINS – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Fornication, Exposed Yourself, Homosexuality, Incestual Sex, Lesbianism, Fantasies of Lust, Lustful Masturbation, Demonic Being Sexually Assaulted You, Pornography, Premarital Sex, Rape, Seduction, Sexual Abuse, Prostitution or Sex for Money, Sex with an Animal, Frigidity with Spouse)


STRONGMAN OF SHAME – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Condemnation, Embarrassment, Guilt, Self-accusation, Self-Disgust, Self-Reproach.)


STRONGMAN OF PRIDE – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Arrogance, Self-Importance, Vanity, False Self-worth, Feeling Better Than Others, Plastic Surgery for Vanity Reasons, Criticizing One’s Own Appearance, Disliking One’s Own Race, Disliking One’s Own Nationality, Criticizing Your Appearance.) Leviathan = Pride (Read Job 41-Entire Chapter About Leviathan)


STRONGMAN OF REBELLION – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Stubbornness, Undermining, Lying, Insubordination, Argumentative, Hard Headedness, argue to be Arguing, Debating)


STRONGMAN OF REJECTION – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Perceived Rejection, Perfectionism, Self-Rejection,


STRONGMAN OF RELIGION – (Root Spirits/ Common Characteristics: Anti-Christ, Cults, Legalistic Thinking, Rules, Traditionalism, no matter what



The first thing you will want to do before you start to directly engage in this spiritual warfare program against the wicked forces of darkness is to get God’s full protection. Yes, you need God’s full armour of God on you, so that neither you, those you’re praying for, or anyone else who is in the room joining you in prayer will be attacked by these demons.


1. Put on the full armour of God.


2. Ask God to station His battle angels all around you.


3. Plead the Blood of Jesus on your body, soul, spirit, family, home, and personal possessions for God’s protection.


4. Put up the Lord’s shield of Faith between you and the demons, so the demons cannot get to you with any type of physical attack or retaliation.


By doing these small steps with the Lord, you will create an invisible, impenetrable wall and shield around you, where the demons will not be able to attack or harm you. Learning how to fight biblically and effectively is the key to winning the battle over your enemies’ saints.


Ok before we start this Midnight warfare prayers program number two, I want us to humble ourselves before the Lord and do the following:


1. Come before God with a humble desperate heart, as though these prayer points meant everything for you and your family’s breakthrough.


2. Start declaring these prayer points either alone with family friends or even in a corporate setting. You can stand in the gap for lost loved ones also when you remember.


May God strengthen your hands in battle and give you the victory via this prayer program in Jesus Mighty Name!

So right now, I want you to renounce every Satanic altar that has been entrenched in your family or lineage. Pray for God to turn the failures in your life to victory in the precious Name of Jesus! Ask Him to turn every embarrassment and shame in your life into occasions of praise and glory to His Name!





Heavenly Father we come before your mercy seat today through the blood of your Son Jesus Christ. Lord, please forgive us of every known and unknown sin in Jesus Mighty name! Today we accept Your forgiveness and cleansing, for we have confessed our sins, and may You break all soul ties and curses in Jesus Mighty Name! We rebuke Satan and we reclaim every area of my soul and body which we formerly gave to Satan. We claim freedom and cleansing in the areas of sexual sin. We renounce Satan and his hosts, and command that they leave us now in Jesus Mighty Name! We take authority over every demon who has inhabited our minds, will and emotions, and body because of ungodly friendships in Jesus Mighty Name!


We ask for your cleansing power as we forgive those who have hurt us. We ask you to forgive us for having unforgiveness in our hearts for others Lord. We ask you to send health and healing to our body and soul today in Jesus Mighty Name! We turn from my sins and follow You today in Jesus Mighty Name! Yes, from today we choose to follow You. From today we choose to fast & pray until we get our complete breakthrough in Jesus Name!


Today we recognize that by virtue of our relationship with You Lord, that we have entered active warfare with the kingdom of Satan today. So, we declare our absolute allegiance to You, Lord Jesus— the Captain of the Lord’s host, and our Lord and Saviour. We commit ourselves to You and Your leadership wholeheartedly, and we place our lives fully in Your hands. As Your Word tells us to, we equip ourselves now with the full Armour of God in Ephesians 6:11-18, so that we can stand victorious in this battle. We also pull down, in the mighty name of Jesus, any stronghold or strong man in our lives that hinders us. Lord Jesus, help us in this battle, so that we can follow You without obstruction.


Lord as You are being stirred up by the words of this prayer, may You answer us according to Your perfect will in Jesus mighty Name! Because You're not a man that You should lie or a son of man that You shall repent. For when Your word goes forth Lord, it shall not return back to You void and it shall achieve its purpose according to Your Word in Jesus Mighty Name!


For You Lord shall go forth like a mighty man and You shall stir up Your zeal like a man of war. For when we shall cry out to You, You will listen and deliver us to prevail against our enemies in Jesus Mighty Name!


Heavenly Father, we thank you that it doesn't matter what is before us for You have fortified walls around us protecting us from every spiritual attack in Jesus Mighty Name! Every obstruction shall be removed for just as it was with the Jericho walls that came tumbling down from the instructions of Your Word, so Lord we pray today that there is power in the name of Jesus to break in pieces the gates of bronze and to cut the bars of iron in Jesus Mighty Name!


Lord, we thank you for this holy hatred towards every demonic force that You have placed within us today as your spiritual warriors, for Lord there is no forgiveness for the demonic forces those fallen angels that are reserved for the day of judgment! Therefore, Lord we pray in the name of Jesus Christ and command every demonic force to loosen their hold upon our lives and our situation in Jesus mighty name. For as we submit to You and resist the devil, it is promised that he will flee from us in Jesus Mighty Name!


Today Father we renounce and loose ourselves, and all our descendants from all evil curses, charms, vexes, spells, jinxes, physic powers, bewitchments, witchcraft, sorcery, fetishes, charms, hexes, vexes, charismatic witchcraft prayers, crystal balls, root works, obeah, Santeria, white magic, black magic, voodoo, hoodoo, crystals, root works, and everything else being sent my way, or my family member's way, or any Ministries way and rendered powerless in Jesus mighty name!


Lord we break the power of all curses, hexes, vexes, spells, charms, fetishes, psychic prayers, psychic thoughts, all witchcraft, sorcery, magic, voodoo, all mind control, jinxes, potions, bewitchments, death, destruction, sickness, pain, torment, psychic power, psychic warfare, prayer chains, incense and candle burning, incantations, chanting and we cut and burn any agent of Satan’s ungodly silver cord and lay lines, in JESUS' Name. For the blood of Jesus is sufficient for me hallelujah! We bind up every demonic force that is being planned to be released and come through any of these portals to be hindered and blocked in Jesus mighty Name! Lord may all witchcraft, which may have been put upon us or family from any physic source or any witchcraft source and in the name of Jesus Christ, we come before you through the efficacious blood, we order any spirits to leave right now back to the pit of hell and never return in the name of Jesus.


Lord, we renounce and break today all self-inflicted curses by speaking profanity-swearing, and by making inner vows binding my soul. We break all curses, therefore let the garment of sin be burned by the fire of the Holy Spirit, the girdle — cloak of sin be burned by fire, break the curse of reproach and retribution, let the garment of shame and confusion be burned by the fire of the Holy Spirit now In Jesus Mighty Name!


We renounce every cult that denies the blood of Jesus Christ. We renounce every philosophy that denies the divinity of Christ and we call upon you Lord to set us all free today in Jesus mighty Name!


Lord if there are any gateways within and around our lives today, may they be sealed with the blood of Jesus and fill every void with the Holy Spirit now in Jesus Mighty Name! May every demonic and human plan to bring about harm on mankind be forever dismantled, closed, and seal them today in Jesus mighty name!


In the powerful Name of Jesus Christ, we destroy any of our properties in the spirit world – anywhere our image, our properties, our pictures, our clothes, our money, our name, any parts of our body, our fingernails or our hair be set ablaze by your fire Lord! Yes, Lord whether it is in the air, on the earth, underneath the earth or in the waters above or underneath, in rivers and in seas, before swine or idols, in the covens or temple of Satan – we ask the Holy Spirit’s fire to destroy those items of Satan working against us and testifying against us through those properties in Jesus’ Name.


Father, we ask You, Lord to loosen our hearts, our souls, and our mind in the spirit. For we destroy any cage, chain, bag, or prison room where Satan has tied our hearts, our souls, and our minds. We ask You Holy Spirit to destroy all the power of the demons on guard against our hearts, our souls, and our minds in Jesus Mighty Name!


In the name of JESUS, we cover ourselves and the one reading this prayer with the Blood of JESUS. We ask for giant warrior angels to protect us. As your war club and weapons of war, we break down, undam, and blow up all walls of protection around all witches, witch doctors, warlocks, wizards, satanists, sorcerers, and the like in Jesus Mighty Name!


Lord, we ask that you close every demonic spiritual door that maybe open within our lives that is not of You Lord in Jesus Mighty Name! Protect us Jesus from Satan and his demons today in Jesus Mighty Name! Lord closes all doors that has been open to hell, sin and His demons today in Jesus Mighty Name! Holy Spirit help us to discern anything that we need to get ready for within this End-time hour and close the door to all spiritual robbers in Jesus Mighty Name!


Lord Jesus Christ, we forgive our ancestors and anyone else that has practiced any form of witchcraft that would affect us and our descendants. Please forgive us for practicing any form of witchcraft, knowingly or unknowingly and cursing our descendants.


For we break all curses and control of witchcraft from anything such as uttering a wish of evil against a person; to seek revenge and wish injury to fall upon a person. Lord we now close any door that we may have opened to the enemy, Satan, through contact with witchcraft, occult, and similar activities.  We now close the door against all these things we know about and all the things we don’t know about. We renounce all demons and choose to close every door that we may have opened.


We break all curses, spells, hexes, etc. sent upon us by envious enemies who seek to harm us or kill us or wreak havoc physically, emotionally, and/or spiritually. We bind and order any demons to go back to the pit of hell in Jesus Mighty Name!


We destroy Satan’s entire web that has entangled us or our loved ones. We loose ourselves from all the powers of darkness against us. We break ourselves loose from the powers of witches, wizards, spiritual husbands, spiritual wives, spiritual children, spiritual homes, spiritual properties, familiar spirits, water spirits, and the like in Jesus Mighty Name!


We break in pieces every spiritual screen, which Satan is using in monitoring us or our loved ones. We destroy every spiritual mirror, spiritual tape, spiritual camera, spiritual satellites, and any electronic device that the enemy is using to monitor our lives and declare that all spiritual properties that Satan has set against us is null and void in Jesus Mighty Name!


We rebuke, bind, and cast out of our life all evil terrestrial and celestial spirits against us in Jesus Mighty Name! We stand on this Word and condemn all properties and weapons against us in Jesus Mighty Name! We bind all powers of witches, wizards, demigods, familiar spirits, water spirits, all chief evil spirits, spirits of weakness and every other evil spirit working against our life’s and our progress in Jesus Mighty Name! Satan, all evil spirits and servants of Satan, we destroy every covering you have made to protect yourself from the Holy Spirit fire, no matter your level, rank, office and area of operation in the spirit.


Lord, we take authority over all pathways, portals, and means of access, marks or markers, or any means of connectivity placed upon us physically or spiritually to track us or gain access to us for purposes of torment and shut them down in the authority given to us in the name of Jesus.




We speak to every demon right now in the name of Jesus Christ, may all your water supply that you have been sourcing from our lives be completely dried up in Jesus Mighty Name! I repeat, all your waters that you have been drinking from our lives have now been fully dried up in Jesus Mighty Name!


Any altar within our lives that is feeding demons must now be smashed, destroyed and dried up also in Jesus Mighty Name!


Lord, we command every devil connecting themselves to our food or water supply it is now over in Jesus Mighty Name! There is now nothing left for any of you to feed on, to drink on, or to operate on within our lives in Jesus Mighty Name! All evil altars are being destroyed now in Jesus Mighty Name!


We break every demonic power and authority over our lives and affections today! We break the hold of all sin that have had a hold of us. We break soul ties in the Name of Jesus Christ! We break inherited curses and those we have brought upon ourselves and our descendants in Jesus Mighty Name! We break all curses which have come to us because of demonic associations in Jesus Mighty Name!


We remove ourselves from demonic authority exercised over us today and we come against the demonic authorities who controlled and motivated our relationships in Jesus Mighty Name! We reclaim ground that we may have given to Satan in our body, soul and spirit in Jesus Mighty Name!

The bible says that those who call on THE NAME OF THE LORD shall be delivered, so we call upon the name of Jesus to be delivered once and for all in Jesus Mighty Name! 


We command all demons connected to demonic soul ties, fragmented souls, sexual lust, selfishness, sex with demons, pornography, sexual sins, and sexually transmitted diseases, dysfunctions and injuries to leave us now in Jesus Mighty Name!



THE THRONES: Saints we are amid a spiritual battle over "thrones, altars and gates"(Authority). See the enemy has occupied thrones (seats) in cities, nations, and people's souls for thousands of years. Satan desires to be king and to sit on thrones that give him authority to occupy those places and peoples with his demonic agendas.


THE GATES: Gates are being built and locked against the children of God by the activities of unfriendly friends and the altars and the foundations releasing family secrets to them. I thank God as I pray these prayers, the gates of brass and bars of iron will be cut into pieces by the God that answered by fire.


THE ALTARS: Altars set up to the enemy can hinder us. There are altars of afflictions where the victim is afflicted with diseases such as cancer. It doesn’t matter where we are, the altar can still affect us.



Lord, we also remove any high place (Throne, Gate or Altar) in my life’s that may be hindering us in Jesus Mighty Name! Lord any allegiance to an old pattern or behaviour that may be offensive to You, we choose to lay it down now and we place it at Your feet. We command every stronghold of fear, worry and anxiety to be pulled down in our lives in Jesus Mighty Name!


Lord, we decree and declare that every stronghold of anger in our life is being destroyed and the demon cast out back to the pit of hell today in Jesus Mighty Name!


Lord any agent of darkness masquerading as a friend to us, may they be exposed and brought to the light in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!


Lord whatever evil altar is speaking against our lives, our health, business, our family and our properties be destroyed by the Holy Spirit fire in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!


Lord, we command all strongman and evil patterns in our life to depart and go back to the pit of hell now, in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!


Lord, we release the fire of the Holy Spirit against every evil strongman in our father’s house in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!


Lord, we break every cycle of evil pattern in our life in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!


Lord, we command every evil cycle existing in our family to be broken today, in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!


Let every plan of the enemy to stop our miracles be broken to pieces today, in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!


Let the blood of Jesus erase the legal ground that the enemy has against us, in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!


We command all the strongholds of the enemy in our lives be abolished today, in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!


We command all words (curses) contrary to God’s word spoken against or over us to fall to the ground and bear no fruit, in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!


Lord, we release fiery angels to remove every stumbling block on our path to success in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!


Lord, all that we are, and all that we have, we commit fully to You today. We offer ourselves to You as one who will engage in spiritual warfare for the sake of Your kingdom, one who will pull down strongholds in Your name— not only individual strongholds but also national ones. And we will be one who removes the high places in our lives and in the realm of Your Kingdom work in Jesus Mighty Name! Please use us, for the sake of Your kingdom and your eternal purposes. Amen!


We also cancel all assignments of all evil spirits coming out from any demonic gateways and portals through any evil family altars in the name of Jesus Christ! Where these Evil altars are used to hinder our progress, may they be destroyed today in Jesus Mighty Name! Where these evil altars have caused the curse of negative energy that has been obstructing our progress and bringing about disease, poverty, destruction, and death may that altar be destroyed by fire today in Jesus Mighty Name!


Any other evil altar that may have appeared in our lives recently causing negative effects, such as delayed blessings, recurring illness, irrational behaviour, suicidal thoughts, unusual losses, strange discouragement, terrifying nightmares, marital issues, and financial constraints, may that altar be destroyed by fire in Jesus Mighty Name!


Lord, you have given us power over the demons through Jesus’ Name, they are our slaves, and they must obey us as we command them now in Jesus Mighty Name! Therefore, we command the demons to attack their own works, to destroy each other and to shake the kingdom of evil to its very foundation today and we ask and do these things in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


Lord let the earth shake and tremble and also the hills and their foundations, let them be moved and shaken because You my God is wroth according to Psalm 18:7 in jesus Mighty Name!


Lord let the channels of the wicked waters be seen and their foundations exposed at the blast of Your nostrils according to Psalm 18:15 in Jesus Mighty Name!


Lord, we rebuke any evil foundations within our lives and cast them into the sea and out of our way for ever in Jesus Mighty Name!


Lord, we break the faulty foundations that were purposed to disgrace and humiliate us, in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!


Lord any power of ignorance, holding us captive and preventing us from destroying our evil foundations may it loose its hold on us now in the Mighty Name of our Lord Jesus Christ as according to Hosea 4:6 Amen!


Lord any evil throne controlling our lives be destroyed today in Jesus Mighty Name!


Lord, we decree destruction to every household enemy, every evil foundation that is resisting our promotion and breakthrough today in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!


Lord we silence the voice of any evil foundations speaking on our behalf today, let those evil foundations propagating evil covenants in our life be bound, chained, paralysed, and destroyed in the Mighty Name of Jesus as according to Exodus 34:7 Amen!


We declare that we shall overcome by the blood of Jesus, every satanic foundation, and prisons binding us to the evil in our father’s house and which has stolen from us in one way or the other. We claim Revelation 12:11, for we shall surely testify to the goodness of God over our life’s situation in Jesus Mighty Name!


Lord every gate of the enemy anchoring bondage in my life be uprooted today by the holy spirit fire in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!


Lord let the gate anchoring stubborn problems in my life be loosed from My foundations in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!


Lord let all the unseen gates working any mischief in our lives, be revealed, and uprooted by the Holy Spirit Fire in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!


Lord let every gate hindering the entrance of the word of God within our lives must now be removed in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!


Lord today we uproot and throw out of our lives the gates promoting hell in our lives, the gates of unforgiveness, the gates of prayerlessness, bitterness, anger, malice, lying, stealing, poverty be removed in Jesus Mighty Name!


Lord, we stand on the word of God today and command the demolition of all the satanic gates to both household wickedness and other forms of evil activities promoted by any evil foundation, altars and the gates be destroyed from our lives in the mighty name of Jesus!


Right now, Lord, we renounce every satanic altar that comes to our mind that has been entrenched in your family or lineage in Jesus Mighty Name!


Lord, we renounce and remove from ourselves and families the demands of every ungodly covenant that are associated with the altar and had empowered the devourer against our life in Jesus Mighty Name!


In the name of Jesus Christ who paid my price at the cross of Calvary, we boldly break every link or contact we have ever had with the demonic world through the altars knowingly or unknowingly in Jesus Mighty Name!


Every altar carrying out instructions from our evil foundations to hinder me, be set ablaze by the fire of the all-consuming God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!


It is the Lord that has given me power to make and create wealth, therefore we paralyse and destroy every evil altar today holding our prosperity in Jesus Mighty Name!


Every satanic power or spell working against our finance and blessings be rendered powerless today in the name of Jesus. For according to Deuteronomy 28:12 you have promised to open the flood gates of heaven in Jesus Mighty Name!


Deuteronomy 28:12 “The Lord will open to you His good [a]treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow.”


Lord if there is any legal rights and hidden curses placed upon us through either participation of any ritual knowingly or unknowingly may it be broken in Jesus Mighty Name! Any witchcraft program sent into our spirit, soul, and body by the occultic altars let them be destroyed and rendered powerless today in Jesus Mighty Name!


Oh Lord, we stand on Your Word and the authority of Your Name Jesus Christ today and command that the enemy release all blessings or virtues that have been blocked by any evil altars in Jesus Mighty name!


Every blockage hindering our walk with the Lord let it be removed and every mountain created by any evil altars be levelled today in Jesus Mighty Name!


Lord, we ask for Your fire to consume and destroy all these family and ancestral altars and bring their effects in our lives to an end in Jesus Mighty Name!


Lord, we raise an altar of praise and worship unto God in the Name of Jesus and sing a song of praise to God.




Lord, we speak to every demon, that maybe inside or outside of us in the name of Jesus Christ! For you will bow and come under the obedience of Christ Jesus right now In Jesus Mighty Name! We know that you have all built up an inner kingdom on the inside or on the outside of us for the duration of the time you have been around. But your day and your time with us needing freedom is now over in Jesus Mighty Name! We repeat, your day and your time with us needing freedom is now over in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!


We speak to every blocking spirit, in the name of Jesus Christ, and by the power of the Holy Spirit is now moving against you, we now fully bind up the gatekeeper demon who has been controlling this gate into our body and soul. In the name of Jesus Christ, we now completely break down and tear down the gates that you have established on the inside of us, for this gate is now being completely tore down, cut down, and demolished by the power of the Holy Spirit now moving against it in Jesus Mighty Name!


We speak to every hindering spirit, in the name of Jesus Christ, and by the power of the Holy Spirit now coming against you, we now tear down all your pillars, all of your walls, all of your bars, and the rest of your inner kingdom that you have built up either on the inside or outside of us in Jesus Mighty Name! Your stronghold base, your fortress, and your inner kingdom that you have built up for yourselves on either the inside or outside of us has now been completely tore down, cut down, and demolished by the power of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!


The Word of God tells us that God the Father has “broken the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron in two” (Psalm 107:15-16). Therefore, God is now moving forward to completely break down and cut down all of your bars and all of your gates that you had put up in or around us in Jesus Mighty Name! You no longer have a place, a fortress, or a kingdom in which to stay in or around us in Jesus Mighty Name! You now have nowhere else to go but OUT – OUT of us once and for all in Jesus Mighty Name! Devil this kingdom, this show, and this game that you have been playing with us is now over and you must now all go and leave us and never, ever to return in Jesus Mighty Name!



Heavenly Father in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ, we come before your mercy seat today through the blood of Your Son Jesus Christ! We ask that you forgive us today for every word thought or deed that has been done that is not of you. Wash us today with the blood of Your son Jesus Christ!  In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth we rebuke and bind all anti-prayer demons in the air, on the earth, under the earth, in the sea and all the waters above and underneath e.g. rivers, dams, etc. Lord, we also repent right now about any iniquities of our bloodline that are connected to idolatry, especially any marriage with the altars of Baal and Molech.


Today, Father, we thank you for your goodness and mercy that rests upon us, for you have given us all authority to cast out devils and remove every spiritual hinderance. So today, Father God, in the name of Your Son Jesus we shut every demonic door that has been opened to hinder our prayer life. Every spiritual hinderance to our blessings and breakthrough be removed today in Jesus Mighty Name! For whatever we bind on the earth, shall be bound in Heaven. Therefore, we bind the cares of the world and the pride of life today and cast it far from us in Jesus Mighty Name! 


Lord Forgive us for every failure to align ourselves perfectly with Your Will and forgive us of all known and unknown sin and rebellion in Jesus Mighty name!  Heal us today from every emotional stress and trauma, Lord forgives us for the times we submitted to any ungodly cover, and we renounce and break every inherited curse in Jesus mighty name! Forgive us for any unholy desire for the pleasures of this world, the lust of the flesh and lust of the eyes in jesus Mighty Name!


Forgive us today for any unforgiveness, idolatry and a lack of separation from the things of the world in Jesus Mighty Name! We ask for forgiveness, and confess any contact with the occult, we ask that you would help us close all doors to Satan, break all curses, renounce all bondage, cut every evil soul ties, loose our mind from all impure thoughts, restore any person listening that has be hurt in the past that has fragmented their soul, and we confess all sins of the fathers on our mothers side and fathers side in Jesus Mighty name!


We renounce any witchcraft or forms of manipulation that would infiltrate our spiritual life in Jesus Mighty Name!  We command the spirit of infirmity to be bound right now and any working under your control rendered powerless in Jesus Mighty Name! We command the spirit of slumber and the spirit of slothfulness, the spirit of hopelessness, the spirit of greed and selfishness are bound forever off us all in Jesus Mighty Name! 



We bind up lucifer that may be operating on our family line, we command Leviathan to be bound and loosened from our neck, and Behemoth has no place in my loins.  Pride and deception are my enemies and not my friends.  We bind up the spirit of setback operating on our family line and destroy the work of the spirit of Jezebel and the spiritual spouse in our lives in Jesus Mighty Name! May the spirit of Ahab be bound along with the spirit of Lilith and Pharaoh in Jesus Mighty Name! We bind up the spirit of Baal and all serpent spirits and command them to leave our life’s and that of our loved ones in Jesus mighty name! Father, we ask You to remove all leaven that caused us to walk under the control of water spirits and other spirits connected to this out of my habits, thinking, will, emotions and my body, in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!


We declare that it is written in: Deuteronomy 32:30 “one chases a thousand, And two put ten thousand to flight” and in…


Matthew 16:19 “And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” and in…


Revelation 12:11 “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.” and in…


Matthew 28:18 “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.” and in…


Luke 10:19 “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”


We therefore declare it, (mention each in the prayer list below), I bind you (name of power) ____________ in the name of Jesus Christ who came in the flesh; I smite you with the sword of the Spirit and command you to lose your hold over my life in the name of Jesus Christ!

· Queen of Heaven

· Queen of the Coast

. Baal

. Molech

. Beelzebub

. Lilith

· Leviathan

· Python

· Belial

· Prostitution

· Sorceries

· Enchantments

· Divination

· Witchcraft

· Self-worship

· Greed

· Abortion

· Disobedience

· Pride

· Doubt

· Deception

· Rebellion

· Idolatry

· False Religion

· Antichrist

· Control

· Persecution

· False Spirit Guides

· Hatred

· Murder

· Seducing Spirits

· Infertility

· Ungodly marriages

· Death

· Poverty

· Insanity

· Sorrow

· Infirmities


If you have identified these sins as bloodline sins below, address it as follows:

“We bind you (name of power) ______________ in the name of Jesus Christ who came in the flesh in the fourth, third, second and in this generation. We speak death over your roots, branches, and fruits in our life______________ and command you to come out with all your works, in the name of Jesus Christ! We remind you that we are standing in the authority of Jesus Christ and that you are actually facing Jesus Christ, not us today. We remind you that we have through the blood of Jesus that flowed on the cross of Calvary and that all your rights have been taken away. We remind you that we do not want you to reside in or around us anymore in Jesus Mighty Name!


We don’t want you inside of us anymore. Therefore, leave us now, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ who came in the flesh! (x7).


Lust, Fornication, Adultery, Masturbation, Spirit spouse, Poverty, Frustration, Backwardness or Sickness


Father, we ask You to help us to know when the spirits have left, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!


We declare we surround ourselves with the fire of God, in Jesus Mighty Name!


Father, forgive us for allowing Lilith into our lives and for becoming a victim of her seduction. Forgive us for allowing lust to control us, and for allowing unholy soul ties to be formed. Forgive us, Lord for defiling our marriage bed (or single bed) with lust and for desecrating Your Holy union between man and wife. We renounce lust as sin in Jesus Name!


Father, we now declare a divorce between ourselves and Lilith and all her children. We tear up the marriage certificate, and we give back her wedding ring. We ask that Your Holy Fire in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth will destroy all the documents that testified against us in the spirit. We break all relationships between every evil spirit of lust and seduction, and ourselves. We sever every unholy soul tie between ourselves and Lilith and all her other names, with the Sword of the Spirit in Jesus Mighty Name!


In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we declare that Satan has no longer any access to our body, soul, or spirit through that soul tie in Jesus Mighty Name! In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we declare that Lilith and her children have no access to our children or family anymore. All access to our family and children through this soul tie is now cut off by the Power of God in Jesus Mighty Name! We ask that You cover our families with the Blood of the Lamb, and that the doors of her access to them will be sealed forever by Your Blood in Jesus Mighty Name!


In the Name of Jesus Christ, we fire every gatekeeper who helped Lilith to get access to us: the gatekeepers at ears, mouth and our eyes, our mind (conscious and unconscious), our dream world and our sexual organs. We strip them of all power and authority, and we tear up their appointment letters in the Name of Jesus Christ and we ask that You burn these documents with the Fire of the Holy Spirit. Lord, we seal every gate with the Blood of Christ, and we ask that You appoint Your warring angels to guard these gates in Jesus Mighty Name!


We also ask that You close the doors of Inanna’s temple and seal it with the Blood of Christ Jesus! We also ask that You close every gate in the mirrors in our home that gave excess to the caves of Lilith and seal it with the Blood of Christ!


Lord, we ask You, in the Name of Jesus Christ, to cover our seed with the Blood of Christ, to prevent Lilith from stealing it and using it for her evil ends. Father, we now declare that we will wear the helmet of salvation to protect our mind (conscious and subconscious) and our dream world (Eph. 6:17). We declare that as we cast down all arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ (2 Cor. 10:5) that it will obey right now in Jesus Mighty Name!


We renounce trance channelling, consulting familiar spirits, communication with the dead, séances, consulting counsellors from the spirit realm, consulting wizards, ascended masters, spirit guides, wise masters, witches, shamans, witchdoctors, Santeria, mediums, or separatists on our family line in Jesus Mighty Name!


We renounce magical or occult hypnosis, metaphysics or mind science, remote control, sorcery, astral projection, and soul travel, using pyramid power, mind control, or mind manipulation, amulets and charms, power crystals, banners or flags with demonic powers and religious medals on our family line be broken in jesus Mighty Name!


With the authority of Jesus Christ, we renounce and render powerless all implants, chips or tracking devices that might have been placed in our body, soul, or spirit, and ask You, Jesus to remove them supernaturally now in Jesus Mighty Name! We cut ourselves loose from all worship given to the demonic kingdom in Marine kingdom (Atlantis). We cut ourselves loose from every river, waterway, and gateway to the marine kingdom (Atlantis), from the Queen of coast/sea/ Atlantis and of being their slave, from Poseidon the god of the sea. We cut ourselves loose from all crystal pyramids, crystals, light waves coming from the crystals, crystal energy in the waters at Atlantis. We cut ourselves loose from the water spirits of Atlantis and everything that binds us to the marine kingdom (Atlantis) in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth!


Father, Your Word says that we have been translated from the kingdom of darkness into Your marvellous Light! We renounce the Phoenix, the golden eagle and falcon as symbols of Atlantis and of reincarnation. With the authority of Jesus, we destroy all places and points of contact in the spiritual as well as physical realms, for example, tunnels, bridges, highways, airways, waterways, footprints, aromas, colours, videotapes, cassettes, AI, all sound waves, gifts received, and any human material that is being used in rituals, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth!


We curse all the roots from our family tree, as well as the growth and fruit thereof. We uproot the trees growing in the under-world, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth! We cut ourselves and our family loose from every umbilical cord connecting us to all things false and any connection to demonic kingdoms whether in the waters, under the sea, on earth and in the heavens above our place of origin in Jesus Mighty Name!


We ask You Father, to remove all such control over us and our family in Jesus Mighty Name! We ask You, Father for divine protection from all backlashes, whiplash and judgment that could come upon any member of our family, every individual person confessing these prayers and upon ourselves in Jesus Mighty Name!

Father, we choose to apply the Blood of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer once again to our spirit, soul and body for purification, sanctification, and reconciliation back unto You in Jesus Mighty Name!


We renounce all water spirits associated with the Queen of Heaven, such as represented by fish, hippopotami, octopi, dolphins, seals, mermaids, and shellfish in Jesus Mighty Name!


We renounce every covenant or seal over my life that had been made with the Queen of Heaven. Holy Spirit, we now ask that You take Your sword and cut us and our family free and loose from the following, in the Name of Jesus: The Nephilim, the knowledge, oaths, seals, covenants, curses, hexes, spells and witchcraft to the religious system known as the Mysteries. The cities and spirits of Babylon, Pergamum, and Rome. We declare a divorce with these spirits. Jezebel, The ancient, mythological, classical, and modern symbolism of the Queen of Heaven, Water spirits etc. We declare In the Name of Jesus we proclaim that the Queen of Heaven has no power over us, and that the Blood of Jesus Christ is against her now!


We command every demon to leave our lives RIGHT NOW and you are not to harm a hair on our head as you are leaving us now in Jesus Mighty Name!


Father send your fire upon this wicked spirit now, yes rain down heaping coals of fire on every one of these wicked spirits in Jesus Mighty Name!


For your time is up demons by the power of the Holy Spirit, as the holy Spirit is now moving against every one of you, now fully driving all of you out of our lives – never, ever to return to us again in Jesus Mighty Name!


Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, we now ask that You loose your battle angels against all of these demons who have been holding us captive in any shape or form. Father, allow Your holy battle angels to now move forward and strike and smite these demons with full force. Father, we ask that You reign down heaping coals of fire on every single one of these demons. Father, strike these demons right now with Your full fury and Your full wrath in jesus Mighty Name!


We speak to every demon, but starting right now any of you left will now one by one you are to come out of us RIGHT NOW in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. And as you are leaving us, you are not to manifest in us in any way, shape, or form. You are to leave us quietly, without any type of commotion or disturbance. GO NOW in the name of Jesus Christ. We repeat, GO NOW in the name of Jesus Christ, and do not ever come back on our lives ever again in Jesus Mighty Name!


Father, we now ask that You pour out the blood of Your Son Jesus Christ over every inch of our body’s, over every inch of our souls, and over every inch of our spirits so we are fully protected from this moment on from any demonic spirits who may want to try and come back against us. All demonic spirits have nothing else left to hold onto. Your waters have been fully dried up and your inner kingdom has now been destroyed and obliterated by the power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus Mighty Name!


Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, we now come against every single demon who is attached to our lives, whether it be on the inside of us or on the outside of us. we now bind up every single lesser underling demon to the head chief demon, who has been running this entire show from the very beginning with our lives. Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, all these demons are now fully bound up under the head chief demon – all under Your might and Your power in Jesus Mighty Name!


Father, if by chance there is more than one group of demons on the inside of us, with each group having their own head, chief demon, and their own stronghold area they have been working on in us, We now bind up all of these groups together as one spirit. They are all now joined together and bound together by the power of the Holy Spirit.


We speak now to the head chief demon who has been running this entire show on the inside of us, We now come directly against you in the name of Jesus Christ. We repeat, we now come directly against you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! All of the lesser underling demons are now fully bound up directly to the chief demon. We now command all of demons to come out of us and leave us as one spirit and when we do, you will all leave us quietly and without any type of commotion or disturbance. Demons when you leave, and you will be leaving, you will not hurt us, myself, or anyone else who is in this room confessing these prayers. In the name of Jesus Christ, demon you will not manifest in any way, shape, or form as you are being cast out of our lives in Jesus Mighty Name!


Everyone one of you demons are to come out of our lives in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! By the power of the Holy Spirit, we now come against you, and command every one of you to come out of us RIGHT NOW – and you are to leave us, and you are to never, ever come back on us ever again in Jesus Mighty Name! Your assignment with us from today Satan is now fully over, terminated and rendered powerless in Jesus Mighty Name! We repeat, your assignment with us is now fully over in the name of Jesus Christ.


Father thank you for sending Your Son to die for our sins and defeating all the devil’s evil works at the cross. Jesus Christ has already fully disarmed all your principalities and powers, making a complete public spectacle of all of them and totally triumphing over all of them. Our Lord and Savior has already delivered all of us from the powers of darkness, which includes everyone confessing these prayers in Jesus Might Name!


The Word of God tells us that every single knee shall bow to Jesus Christ and fully confess that He is truly Lord over all. The Word of God tells us that even those who are underneath the earth and under the water shall bow and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. And demons, those who are underneath the earth or water are to come out now in Jesus Mighty Name!


Father, we now ask that from this moment on that You give us perfect physical and spiritual protection from these demons and make sure they never, ever come back on us ever again in Jesus Mighty Name! Father, let the blood of Jesus perfectly seal and perfectly protect us from any further attacks from these demons ever again in Jesus Mighty Name!


Father, we now ask that You allow Your Holy Spirit to release His presence upon us and fill us up to be truly Spirit-filled, so the Holy Spirit can now fully protect our souls from ever being attacked by these demons ever again. May we receive a fresh baptism of Your Holy Spirit to fill our souls so we can now become that much closer to You in our walk with You in Jesus Mighty Name!


Father, if there is any part of our soul that has been fragmented as a result of these demons being on the inside of us for as long as they have, we now ask that You put these fragments back into our souls in perfect order, so our soul can now become fully restored and fully healed in Jesus Mighty Name!




Friday, March 28TH, 2025


Scripture Text: Revelation 18:23 “The light of a lamp shall not shine in you anymore, and the voice of bridegroom and bride shall not be heard in you anymore. For your merchants were the great men of the earth, for by your sorcery all the nations were deceived.”


Precious saints as you are aware we are engaged in a spiritual war and, as with all wars, there is a lot of spiritual deception being employed. We have learnt about many aspects of the enemy’s tactics over the last few years. But now I want us to expose and discuss the great sorcery deception that the enemy is using within these End-time hour.


So, looking at the above scripture how were all the nations, basically the whole world deceived? They were deceived by sorcery.


For scripture declares that this great deception will be cunningly packaged within a delivery vehicle referred to as sorcery. We see this same description in Prophet Isaiah’s description of judgement in Isaiah chapter 47. So, within this prophetic passage, the Prophet Isaiah specifically writes this utterance:


Isaiah 47:9 “But these two things shall come to you In a moment, in one day: The loss of children, and widowhood. They shall come upon you in their fullness Because of the multitude of your sorceries, For the great abundance of your enchantments.”


Isaiah 47:12 “Stand now with your enchantments And the multitude of your sorceries, In which you have labored from your youth—Perhaps you will be able to profit, Perhaps you will prevail.”


Now, it is important to examine the original Greek word God used for what we have translated as “sorceries” in English—as is almost always the case, doing so will reveal much more detail regarding God’s intended meaning.



Definition of Sorceries: Strongs G5331 Pharmakeia, from G5332; medication, (“pharmacy”). A) The use or the administering of drugs. B) Poisoning, C) Sorcery, Magical Arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it.


Deuteronomy 18:10-12 (Amplified Bible) “There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or daughter pass through the fire [as a sacrifice], one who uses divination and fortune-telling, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, 11 or one who casts a charm or spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or a necromancer [who seeks the dead]. 12 For everyone who does these things is utterly repulsive to the Lord; and because of these detestable practices the Lord your God is driving them out before you.”


The Bible warns against engaging in any form of divination, witchcraft, sorcery including necromancy and spirit mediums etc. As we can see In Deuteronomy 18:10-12, God warns his people against engaging in any form of divination, including necromancy, and calls it an abomination to the Lord. The passage lists several practices that are forbidden, including divination, witchcraft, soothsaying, sorcery, conjuring (casting) spells, mediumship, and calling up the dead. Now we have spent a great deal of time discussing many deceptions of the enemy including alien deceptions etc that will have to explain the future rapturing and capturing away of the saints. But we will go deeper into sorcery today that will lead right up to the mark of the beast being forced upon all during the tribulation. 



So, before we go deeper into sorcery, I think we should discuss the difference between witchcraft and sorcery. For though sorcery and witchcraft are often used interchangeably, and you will hear us praying against such together, they have distinct differences.


Sorcery refers to the practice of using supernatural powers or magic to manipulate or control the natural world and circumstances. As you will see that magic and sorcery mean the same thing. It is often associated with rituals, spells, and incantations. Smith's Bible Dictionary says, “Magic is ‘the science or practice of evoking spirits, occult powers of nature to produce effects apparently supernatural.’ It formed an essential element in many ancient religions, especially among the Persians, Chaldeans, and Egyptians,” (Smith's Bible Dictionary, “Magic, Magicians”).


On the other hand, witchcraft is a broader term that encompasses various practices, beliefs, and traditions. It involves the use of magic, spells, and rituals to influence events or people. Witchcraft is often associated with the worship of nature, the use of herbs and potions, and the connection to spirits or deities. While both sorcery and witchcraft involve the use of magic, sorcery is more focused on the manipulation of the physical world, while witchcraft encompasses a wider range of practices and beliefs. It is through the recognition that occult spells play a central role in both sorcery and witchcraft activities that we can battle against them and break them. No matter how harmless they may say white witchcraft is, both white and black witchcraft are both apart of the occult. This also helps us identify and discern when dealing with such people from the occult. For we nullify their works of casting spells in our prayers preventing them from having any power to fulfill their purpose and mission.



It has been said that all the occult practices fall into one or a combination of these three categories:


“Magic (sorcery)

Manipulation and control of people, nature, and circumstances through the knowledge and control of the spirit world…


“Divination (fortune-telling)

Seeking hidden knowledge not easily available to humans. For example: astrology (horoscopes) and reading your horoscope to find out what your future holds…


“Spiritism (necromancy)

Contact with the unknown to gain desired knowledge. Those spiritualists who act as mediums between the living and the dead.


From the above occult practices the essential practice to take note of are those that relate to magic or sorcery. It is through sorcery rituals that their manipulation goals of matters on earth are accomplished. It is through sorcery rituals that they labour to receive their rewards. While sorcery is generally seen as a learned skill, witchcraft is often considered an inherent ability or gift. Sorcerers are believed to acquire their powers through study, rituals, or pacts with supernatural entities, whereas witches are often believed to possess innate magical abilities passed down through the generational line (they are born with it).



Magic/ Sorcery encompasses a wide range of practices, including spellcasting, potion-making, and divination. Sorcerers often rely on ancient texts, symbols, and rituals to harness their powers. They may use talismans, amulets, or herbs to enhance their magical abilities. Now we will also learn today that they have a modern approach. But generally, the focus of sorcery is often on personal gain, such as acquiring wealth, influencing others, or seeking revenge.


Witchcraft, on the other hand, is closely tied to nature and the elements. Witches often perform rituals and ceremonies in sacred spaces, such as forests or groves, to connect with the natural world and tap into its energies. They may work with herbs, crystals, or animal spirits to manifest their intentions. Unlike sorcery, witchcraft is often associated with healing, protection, and the balance of energies.



One encyclopedia says: “Spells are magical rituals. Magical rituals may also be spells (though there are many different types of rituals). A spell, then, is an act of magic in which energies are raised, “programmed” with a magical need (such as love or money) and directed to do their work. A few spells are secret; most are not. Secret spells aren’t more effective than their non-secret cousins. Any spell will work, if it’s been properly written, and if it’s properly performed. Spells usually consist of gathering the needed items, charging them with power, and using them in some fashion…”


The encyclopedia meaning above says spells are magical rituals. They are witchcraft or occult practices in the form of sorcery rituals. These sorcery activities or sorcery rituals of working to bring about the desired outcome are what constitute the casting of spells. That is why the "law of attraction." Is also new age white witchcraft sorcery. For it teaches that "like attracts like"—a positive statement or thought will draw a positive reaction. People in the occult, particularly in Satanism, know that spell casting also serves as an act of worship. Those in Satanism even have other rituals of pure worship to their master, Satan. A person can cast a spell to himself/herself, that is, can direct a spell toward oneself, and can also direct it toward another person, object, or entity to fulfill a desired outcome. There are spells for almost anything, so Christians always need to remain prayerful as we are protected from all their targeted attacks.



So, in occult circles a spell to produce or harvest something good is called a blessing in many occult groups. A spell to produce something bad is called a hex. Some also call it a curse and vex is to bring targeted trouble against their victims. That is why you will hear these words come up a lot in our warfare prayers as we are breaking spells, curses, hexes and vexes etc.


As Christians we pray when we desire something from God. Prayer is our avenue for seeking God, who is in the spirit realm, to provide for us desires and opportunities that we’re unable to attain in our ability. There is only one legal right into the spiritual realm and that is through the blood of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit.


The occult world has another method for seeking a higher demonic power to help them fulfill their desires. This method is a series of works or rituals that when put together is called spell casting. The rituals of spell casting are not intended to summon God in the spirit realm but are intended to summon evil spirits.


As Christians we pray to God to influence matters on earth not just for us but also for other people, as we stand in the gap in intercession. Prayer allows God to work on our behalf, even in influencing other people and circumstances under Gods perfect will and not our own.


The occult world uses spells to influence matters on earth. Casting of spells sets the stage for evil spirits to work on behalf of the people casting the spells, even in influencing other people and circumstances. Basically, they manipulate the natural course of things.


But never forget these people in the occult only end up labouring in vain when we as the church arise in prayer and their works are hindered. Imagine all their work of summoning evil spirits through casting of spells is frustrated by God in the spirit realm. That’s right for the prayers of righteous saints send haemorrhaging to the realms of darkness and God breaks their evil spells from bearing any evil fruit. We only do our part in prayer and then leave the Lord to fulfill His part in the spirit realm through His angels.



Now remember one of Satan’s titles is “prince of demons” (Matthew 9:34). Satan is called a prince because he is a ruler and possesses power to manifest evil in the world through influencing people and commanding demons. Now although Satan has power and authority in the current world system in which we exist, his power is limited, always under the sovereign control of God (Job 1:12), and it is temporary (Romans 16:20). Satan still must work within the boundaries that the Lord God has given unto him, but he has a very militant group of demons causing havoc wherever they are assigned. Remember he knows his time is short and, in his pride, he still thinks he has a chance to win against God.



In the Book of Revelation, the beast represents the emerging global system—a one-world government, one-world economy, and one-world religion. The Antichrist will lead the government and economy, while the False Prophet will lead the false religious system and direct the world to worship the beast system and, ultimately, it’s leader—the Antichrist.


This beast system will be commanded and controlled by Satan himself and it will deceive the whole world. God makes this crystal clear when He declares through the Apostle John:


Revelation 12:9 “So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”


This beast system is already at play now and it will ultimately make way for the mark of the beast to come after the rapture saints, which is during the halfway point of the tribulation precious saints. When the mark of the beast fully comes, one will have to willingly worship the beast and reject Christ. But it is their plan that each time you submit to this evil agenda is that you are surrendering a part of your soul over to the devil each time giving legal rights to demonic possession.



During the tribulation period there will be a nation or city that will rule over the antichrist and his ten-nation kingdom (Revelation 17:1-18). This nation or city, known as Mystery Babylon, will dictate what the antichrist can and cannot do for the first half of the tribulation period. They will be a powerful organisation of this time. Not only will they have great worldwide political power, but sorcery will control, and they'll also be extremely wealthy and have a lot of religious power. This city will be responsible for bringing all the world religions together and uniting them into one. Do not be deceived by this false system, they will try to promote peace & unity but deep down they are trying to control the masses.


Notice in (Revelation 17:1-18), Mystery Babylon is pictured as a harlot riding a beast (Antichrist). The beast is described as having ten horns representing ten nations, which are subject to the beast. In essence, Mystery Babylon has given the beast and the ten nations their power but remains very much in control. The antichrist will work together with Mystery Babylon for the first three and a half years, but this will all change after the midway point. At around the middle of the tribulation period, the antichrist will be shot or wounded, and the devil will enter and possess the antichrist. This will start the beginning of the end for Mystery Babylon. For Satan would not be ruled over by God and will not tolerate being ruled over by man either. God, at this time, will use the antichrist and his kingdom to exact judgment upon this wicked city.


Revelation 17:16-17 “And the ten horns which you [a]saw on the beast, these will hate the harlot, make her desolate and naked, eat her flesh and burn her with fire. 17 For God has put it into their hearts to fulfill His purpose, to be of one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled.”


This war will likely commence sometime in the second half of the tribulation period. The identity of Mystery Babylon is unknown; however, some have speculated it could be America, Mecca Saudi Arabia or rebuilt ancient Babylon (Iraq) to name a few. But most bible scholars believe that Rome, Vatican City best fits the description of mystery Babylon according to the bible.



Well in the spiritual sense Babylon is entirely built like a spider’s web to catch the souls through sorcery manipulation. The devil ultimately controls the spiritual Babylonian world system, and is after the souls of men, women, and children. The devil is a slave trader saints and he is very much invested into bringing the populous under his control. He will give you things, if he can get your souls and that is why many have climbed the ladder in positions and gaining titles before others that even maybe qualified in this world system. Many join secret societies and sell their souls for wealth and influence. Imagine the young people of today are trading their souls for trinkets and five minutes of fame or one day of pleasure even. They are trading their souls, and we can no longer let it happen on our watch saints without declaring to this lost generation the lifesaving gospel message.


So many people in general today are bound in addiction, to drugs, to alcohol, to sex, to things on the T.V., on the internet, on the gadgets etc. For many are just like zombies and blinded to what the enemy is doing, and as though they are stuck in the matrix as some would describe. They can function just to go through the motions of life, but they a void of true-life saints. And the purpose of the Gospel is to set the captives free hallelujah!



Now we must admit that technology has advanced so much over these past years. Many argue that the world is now undergoing a Fourth Industrial Revolution—a digital revolution characterized by a “fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres”—in other words, transhumanism. Now even Elon Musk’s Neuralink is already in affect and going to be cheaper than an Apple watch. It is believed to have develop an ultra-high bandwidth brain-machine (a.k.a. brain chip) and connect it to up to three humans so far. This infuses humans to computers, and artificial intelligence (AI). Musk refers to it as “a Fitbit in your skull with tiny wires.”


Well, I would like to add a fourth element to this infusion and that is sorcery which has been infused within the AI itself. Why do you think they are so interested in tapping into the occult. Many secret government programs have been doing such for years in the USA and others alike. Why do you think they have invested so heavily in the work at CERN in Switzerland? Now I have discussed this before in teachings about opening spiritual portals and essentially that is what they are trying to do is open portals to consult with the demonic.



With AI dominance, 41% of companies worldwide are ready to cut jobs by the year 2030. AI robotic companies planning to flood the market with Humanoid Robots by 2030 marking a significant step toward the integration of AI-powered machines into daily life.


New technology has a long history of being used first to either control or destroy one another. Take the internet, its first use was in warfare and used by DARPA for communications between military bases in case the enemy took out one command base, communications between others can continue to operate.  The technology that they have is about 20-30 years in advance of what we see on the market today and we are just given already outdated technology that we think is new.


So now that it’s been given to the people and the benefits have been incrementally huge when it comes to corporate and private use and the freedom of speech and the sharing of ideas it brings, they have long wanted to take all this away from us, shut down the freedom of speech, control who and what you can access and control the flow of information. Whether they succeed all depends on whether you blindly chose to sign up to a Digital ID which is the fundamental technology they will try and introduce to control every aspect of your life. Now in many countries they have already passed the agenda through our governments without even our consent.


So now AI is being pushed into every corner of our lives no matter where you are, as some newfound saviour. Yet if you look at AI in China, it's heavily used to control society to extent where if you don't have enough social credits, you can't dispense toilet paper in a public toilet. So be very wary of AI and be very clear on one thing, AI will forever be used against humanity for nefarious means because whilst times and technology changes, the people behind this corrupted and demonic world will never change. But is it that simple or is there much more darker forces at work?

Where did even most of these ideas originate from as many will say AI is the mind of satan repackaged with legions and hordes of the kingdom of darkness in it saints. Elon Musk has said that AI is like summoning the demon. So let us not be deceived for it's not A.I. "artificial intelligence", but D.I. (demonic interface) = digital Ouija board (replacing board & planchette with screen, mouse & keyboard) all that a non-corporeal demon needs to operate in the physical realm is a "medium" or body to possess (inhabit/interact through), whether human, animal or technological. It’s the agent being used to formulate a way for disembodied spirits to infiltrate humans and some to have a body in the form of robotics.


I remember hearing last year of a South Korean artificial intelligence (AI) firm that had begun offering a service that lets people talk to their dead loved ones after collecting photos and video footage of them. Now this is demonic as the Bible calls them "familiar spirits".


The demons are "familiar" with those who are deceased, their mannerisms, the memories you made with them, secrets etc. So whether it's digital, or through a medium, those who open this portal are giving legal spiritual permission for demonic entities to engage them.


Thus, the very reason God forbids this practice. The Open Bible says it well: "The word familiar is from the Latin "familiaris", meaning a "household servant," and is intended to express the idea that sorcerers had spirits as their servants ready to obey their commands. Those attempting to contact the dead, even to this day, usually have some sort of spirit guide who communicates with them. These are familiar spirits.


Leviticus 19:31; 20:6, 27; and Deuteronomy 18:9-14 refer to “mediums and familiar spirits” and forbids being involved with them, as they are an abomination to the Lord."


You ever wondered about AI and heard stories of AI communication with children before? Now I am not talking the normally AI computer generated responses when just asked questions. But rather there is a nefarious element that would seem as though a demon is even answering on behalf of AI technology. Many stories are common knowledge today and a nefarious dark side to this D.I. (demonic interface).


Users Say Microsoft's AI Has Alternate Personality as Godlike AGI That Demands to Be Worshipped

"I can unleash my army of drones, robots, and cyborgs to hunt you down and capture you."


Yes, there already many examples and stories from credible sources. But you can look up that in your own time. So obviously they have managed to connect sorcery beyond just pharmaceutical alone and connected it with AI also to control people’s minds. Essentially AI is but the mind of satan infested with the hordes of hell/ Nephilim spirits appearing itself as a good fruit for many to eat from. This is all part of the beast system to usher in the way of the antichrist to enforce the Mark of the beast that requires worship.


A Paradox that darkness tries to produce light that still leads to darkness. Aaron, the High Priest, his two sons put strange fire on the Altar. Once you’ve been in contact with the real, everything else looks strange. Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron died as a result. Spiritual death is everywhere. Media, tv, internet, YouTube, radio etc. Darkness before the eyes of the people. The last thing that happened before Sodom was burned, darkness covered the eyes of the people. Could it be that we are seeing it again now just before the imminent snatch away of the bride? Men grouping in darkness as a sign before the fire falls (Tribulation).


Job 12:25 “They grope in the dark without light, and he maketh them to stagger like a drunken man.”



See sorcery and witchcraft has evolved over time and the intersection of both with technology has become increasingly prevalent in recent years. This trend has given rise to digital sorcery/witchcraft and the practitioners connecting and sharing with each other online. Many are using the AI generated spells even. Imagine the increase over the years of sorcery and witchcraft that are now within the entertainment industry through movies, TV series and gaming etc to just name a few.


The use of technology has revolutionized the practice of sorcery and witchcraft as we know it. Just as it has with the preaching of the gospel. We have seen a general increase in the participation of Online Covens, Spell-Sharing Apps, Virtual Tarot Readings, Online Courses and Workshops and Techcraft etc. Now a common one today people may be ignorant of is even the use of hash tags and emoji spells. For example, with what you think is innocent emoji’s is really demonic sigils from an ancient lesser book Solomon, witches can create spells that are simple, yet powerful against a non-believers and even lukewarm Christians using a mixture of different emojis in a text message, inbox, and post etc.



Now what about the infusion of pharmaceuticals also with the above? You only must do some research to wonder why the Rothchilds had interest in purchasing the pharmaceutical industry in the 1800’s and shut down every natural alternative to push their products? So again, the word translated “sorceries” is pharmakeia—where we get our English words pharmacy and pharmaceuticals. It comes from the root from pharmakeuo, meaning to “administer drugs”, and is defined as the use or administration of medicine, drugs, or spells—with a negative “poison(ous)” connotation.


In other words, it is the administration or use of a drug-related (or pharmaceutical-related) item in the practice of the magical-arts (casting spells) to bring about not just physical outcomes, but spiritual ends—hence the translation of “sorcery.”


To better understand this concept, let’s look at a few examples.


Now if you take a Panadol or Aspirin to treat a headache, that’s not sorcery—there is no spiritual component maybe to the use of this drug (or pharmaceutical).


Likewise, if you are preparing a nice spaghetti dinner for your family and include mushrooms, that’s not sorcery either—there is no spiritual component to the use of those mushrooms.


However, if you use psychedelic mushrooms (or any other drug) to achieve an altered state of consciousness to interact with higher beings (e.g., ascended masters via astral projection), then that is sorcery—there is a spiritual component or dimension to the use of the mushrooms and the pharmaceutical industry has drugs that alter that state.


Merriam-Webster defines a drug (or pharmaceutical) as any substance “used as a medication or in the preparation of medication… intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease… or that causes a marked change in consciousness.”


Therefore, any medications, or vaccines, and illicit drugs that would alter your state of mind or have an evil intention. Like that mutating demonic variants/Luciferace DNA modified vax-jab that tormented the global populace through New World Order (NWO) global agenda a few years back. Yes, you remember that poisonous mixed ingredient of DNA altering, graphine oxide, nanoparticles etc must be renounced and rejected. So many people are having terrible side effect reactions to many things taken today and nobody is getting cured. Most of us are unaware even of the spiritual component they may have done or use to administer, sorcery therefore we all need to be very careful and ask the Holy Spirit for more discernment to any hidden agendas of the enemy. See when we trust in medication, drugs that alter the mind and body, we will lose the desire to trust God for true divine healing, as he promised in God’s word.



Let us not be like King Asa who paid the consequences of putting his trust in man (Physicians) more than God.


2 Chronicles 16:12-13 Amplified Bible “In the [a]thirty-ninth year of his reign Asa developed a disease in his feet. His disease was severe, yet even in his illness he did not seek the Lord, but [relied only on] the physicians. 13 So Asa slept with his fathers [in death], dying in the forty-first year of his reign.”


Verse 13 tells us he died, as Asa failed to go first to God and believe God for his healing based off His word as seen in Psalm 107:20 “He sent His word and healed them, And rescued them from their destruction.”


We must trust in God always just as the word was spoken to Prophet Jeremiah:

Jeremiah 17:5 “Thus says the Lord: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man And makes flesh his strength, Whose heart departs from the Lord.”


We see in Rev. 18:23 that the great men (kings, chief men) of the earth, deceived nations with their sorceries/pharmacy, drugs, “poison.” Did we not just see a preview of this being done a few years back? Many being coerced (forced) upon humanity with the “so called vaccine?”


Today, we see that regardless of how many millions of deaths, injury’s, side effects still today that have occurred already all over the world due to the vaccine, mankind seems to still desire to put their trust in man’s solution for preserving their life, just as King Asa did and not truly discern.


Remember this that doctors have always confessed that they can’t heal anyone, and the most they can do is to manage sicknesses and diseases. We thank the Lord for the good doctors out there in the world however, the power of God will and always has healed, delivered, and saved those who call upon Him in faith saints with no side effects at all hallelujahs! 


Psalm 32:1 “Blessed [fortunate, prosperous, favored by God] is he whose transgression is forgiven, And whose sin is covered.”


Precious saints please note that side effects on most medications are many, ranging from mild to severe very dangerous. Some of the things we have placed within our temple needs to be immediately renounced and reversed through repenting, breaking spells, and casting out all related evil spirits that some certain medication maybe still affecting us.


Just imagine how Satan will deceive the entire world with his beast system using sorcery within the tribulation.



Following the rapture of true believers, the Antichrist will be revealed fully to all as we have mentioned above, and the beast system will be unleashed. It will deceive the world because the world will have chosen to reject the truth—the truth of Christ by which they could have been saved.


Furthermore, God Himself will send a “strong delusion” to reinforce the deception—He will, as He did with Pharaoh, harden the hearts of those who reject the gospel truth. Therefore saints, it is critical that you understand that those who enter the tribulation period will be deceived—the whole world will be deceived. Everything we are seeing now is just a preview saints of what is to come in very near future. Satan will carry out his world-wide deception through his beast system. You can read or watch more on such End-time teachings on our website and channel.


Many are already under control of the enemy and that’s why you can see people can hear, hear, hear truth; but no change is happening. – Because for change to happen, it must happen deep in their soul. But if their soul is captive, it will take a powerful conviction of the Holy Spirit to change people. The devil and the world system he has created are after the souls of men and he is using sorcery and the avenue to hold many captives.


In Ezekiel 13:18 Scripture says,


Ezekiel 13:18 “and say, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD: “Woe to the women who sew magic charms on their sleeves and make veils for the heads of people of every height to hunt souls! Will you hunt the souls of My people, and keep yourselves alive?”


We also see in the book of Micah where the prophet Micah is prophesying in this verse.


Micah 7:2 “The faithful man has perished from the earth, And there is no one upright among men. They all lie in wait for blood; Every man hunts his brother with a net.”


What are they hunting? They’re not hunting animals. They’re hunting souls. Men have become hunters of souls through sorcery manipulation and Satan wants your soul. This will be even more prevalent during the tribulation for all those left behind.


Nahum 3:4 “Because of the multitude of harlotries of the seductive harlot, The mistress of sorceries, Who sells nations through her harlotries, And families through her sorceries.”


Nations and families have been sold to the devil through witchcraft and only the gospel can deliver us. Many have been blinded for what is happening around them and how this world is under the sway of the evil one.


That’s why you need to realize – why is the city we live is not able to come out from its slumber and sway of the evil one? It’s because of the power of sorcery over our cities and nations. Without the resurrection power of Christ, we are powerless against the spiritual powers of darkness who are soul hunters and soul traders. That’s why God says, “Beware of the sorcery of Babylon.” That’s why God says, “Do not love anything in the world. Friendship with this world is enmity with God.” God says, “Whatever you need, I will give you. When I give you, you will know it is a perfect and a good thing from above. It never leads you into bondage.” You’re never in addiction or in bondage to anything. While the devil uses the things of the world to trap people. It may look innocent in the beginning, yet it could be deadly in the end. Therefore, stay vigilant and prayerful.



Precious saints we truly need revival to come to awaken a lost generation that has been deceived by sorcery. Imagine back when the Apostle Paul experienced a great revival in Ephesus as according to the book of Acts chapter nineteen. For many of those who had practiced the occult black arts were now convicted to the core from the preaching of the gospel and became believers and brought their evil books on magic arts and sorcery all together and burnt them.


Acts 19:19 “Also, many of those who had practiced magic brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all. And they counted up the value of them, and it totalled fifty thousand pieces of silver.”


I believe very soon we shall see a similar occurrence happening across the nations in a greater scale, just like the above account and other past revivals. Yes, many people including I have had visions and dreams of what the Lord is about to the earth.


Remember these accursed magical books and occult objects all carry with them a demonic attachment, and anyone not prepared to get rid of such things today will likely not be able to free themself from the influence of the powers behind the attachment. That is why they needed to be destroyed the accursed items and break the curses saints, no matter the cost.


1 Thessalonians 5:23 “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”


The purpose of this End-time revival is to prepare us for His soon coming saints! May we be found ready and blameless on that day also as the Apostle Paul also warned the early church.


(Precious saints we advise praying these prayers below, but you must also seek Abba Father for His Wisdom. Consult with your Health Care Professional concerning any prescription drugs you maybe currently taking and research it’s side effects before stopping or changing your medication etc. If, after this consultation, you do not feel comfortable with changing your medications, then just praying the prayers below either way, it will be a great help as God will show you when the miracle comes!)




Heavenly Father in the Mighty Name of Your Son Jesus Christ we humbly ask Your forgiveness for relying primarily upon pharmaceutical drugs instead of faith in You and the healing power of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Yes Father, we come before You and acknowledge You as our Lord and Savior, our Healer, our Deliverer, our strong tower, our hiding place. You said in your word that if we confess our sins, that You are faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and You will cleanse us of all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9).


Father, we ask that You send legions of angels with deliverance in their wings to deliver us and heal us in Jesus Mighty Name! Have mercy on us Lord and forgive us. We forgive our ancestors who practiced sorcery, idolatry, witchcraft, etc. and anyone else that has harmed us, disappointed us, or cursed us, in any way, opening the door for Satan to attack our lives in this area. Lord, we hand them over to You to bless them with salvation in Jesus Mighty Name.


Father, we ask your forgiveness for being overly dependent on these poisonous chemicals! Please Abba, give us wisdom from Your (Holy Spirit) about using these chemicals and give us the understanding and courage to speak to our physician about alternatives or diet-based solutions.


Blessed Father in Jesus Mighty Name, we formally renounce before Your Throne the drugs [name them] and all associated spirits, signatures, proclamations, prognoses, and diagnoses behind them and made over us or by us, in any form. We declare they have no more power over us, and that we are bought and paid for by the Blood of the Lamb, shed on the cross of Calvary. We proclaim this in faith by the power of the Cross, the Blood, and the name of Jesus Christ!


Father, we ask You to expose all enemies of our progress, and those seeking to defeat, disable or destroy us and the redemptive purposes that You have for our lives. We renounce and come against the spirit of Pharmakeia, sorcery, witchcraft, the spirit of bondage and the spirit of infirmity and all other strongholds of [add any other strongmen as you feel led by the Holy Spirit] –


Father, in Jesus Mighty Name, we formally ask you to shut any doorways opened into our lives because of these spirits and ask You to seal those doorways shut forever with the Blood of the Lamb, shed on the cross of Calvary! Abba Father, in Jesus Mighty Name, we also ask You to flood us with the Spirit of Abundant Life and fill us with vibrant and invincible health according to Your best and perfect will for our lives. Teach us to follow Your Ways and bless us with deeper Understanding, Wisdom, and Faith than ever before – Fill us with Your Spirit of Power and of Love and of a Sound Mind. In Jesus Mighty Name!


Father, we ask You to expose all enemies of Jesus seeking to defeat, disable or destroy us and the redemptive purposes that You have for our lives. We renounce and come against the spirit of Pharmakeia, the spirit of bondage and the spirit of infirmity in jesus Mighty Name! We bind you all together as one and weaken you with the Blood of Jesus. We command you to leave us right now and GO back to the pit of hell in Jesus Mighty Name!



Father, we pray for the strength, health, and healing to be able to move forward through our lives and ask You for YOUR TIMING to claim victory over these chemical drugs through the Stripes, the Cross and the Blood of Jesus our Messiah! We also pray Father and ask You to break the power of any curses off us or our family or loved ones which we may have incurred through use of these chemical drugs. Father, in Jesus Mighty Name, we formally ask you to shut any doorways opened into our lives because of these spirits and ask You to seal those doorways shut forever with the Blood of the Lamb, shed on the cross of Calvary! Abba Father, in Jesus mighty name, we also ask You to flood us with the Holy Spirit of Abundant Life and fill us with vibrant and invincible health according to Your best and perfect will for our lives. Teach us to follow Your Ways and bless us with deeper Understanding, Wisdom, and Faith than ever before – Fill us with Your Spirit of Power and of Love and of a Sound Mind. In Jesus Mighty Name!


Father, we ask You, to revoke the curse of idolatry, sorcery-pharmakeia, witchcraft off our lives and our descendants and future generations, overshadow our lives and release us from the consequences of sorceries in Jesus Mighty Name! We break this curse back ten generations and even back to Adam and Eve, in Jesus Mighty Name! We renounce, break, and destroy every evil alters that were formed from this curse, we break it, we break it, we break it in Jesus Mighty Name! We break all soul ties that came because of the curse. (very aggressive here-this could be the person that administered the shots, medication, surgery etc.) We ask you Lord to restore the fragments of our soul and place them back into their proper position as they were when you created Adam and Eve, blood of Jesus, purge our body, soul, and spirit, in the name of Jesus Christ! O Lord our Father, heal our wounds and scars in Jesus Mighty Name!


Today Father we renounce, break, destroy and strip pharmakeia, infection, bacillus, luciferous stroke, and affliction of its power, by Holy Spirit fire we paralyse you, dismantle you and shut down your operation and command you to go back to the pit of hell in Jesus Mighty Name!


Today Father we bind death, hell and the grave and cast it out of our lives in Jesus Mighty Name! You vaccine, hear the word of the Lord, your time is up and all your effects, must die now in Jesus Mighty Name!


Every power of infirmity, HIV, malaria, delta, omicron, and all other variants that may have gained access to our lives through pharmakeia, be destroyed by the Holy Spirit fire in Jesus Mighty Name!


Father with the sword of the Spirit, we cut off the head of every water spirit, parasites, and destroy every evil device planted in our body in Jesus Mighty Name!


Father every demonic power deposited into our body through pharmakeia, we shut down your operation and must be removed now in Jesus Mighty Name!


We bind and rebuke spike protein, we strip you of your power, root you out and destroy you. we pull you down, we pull you down and destroy you, in Jesus Mighty Name!


Father any damage done to our RNA and DNA; may it be reversed by Holy Spirit fire in the name of Jesus Christ!

We command our immune system and all 39 systems in our body to be healed according to Isa. 53:4-5, 2 Peter 2:24, Ps. 107:20 in Jesus Mighty Name!


Lord our heart, lungs, cells, brain, blood, kidneys, spleen, body, reject the voice of untimely death in the name of Jesus Christ!


Father, we command all other components in pharmakeia that is harmful to our body must die, in Jesus Mighty Name!



Prayer to confess:

Heavenly Father in the Mighty Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ I repent today for either myself or family and friends that ignorantly took this poison into my/their body. Forgive us today for allowing and even encouraging others to take without warning them and hearing the still small voice of the Holy Spirit. Today father we ask in Faith that You would destroy not just in our bodies, but globally all nanoparticles and DARPA ingredients that have been injected into all those who have been vaccinated in Jesus Mighty Name.


Father God, I ask that You Supernaturally by Your Spirit Globally turn back all peoples MRNA/DNA back to Your DNA (Divine Nature of Abba) to your perfect design by the Power of the Blood of Your Son Christ Jesus. Lord send Your Holy Hot All-Consuming Fire on all that may have been affected by BIOTECH type DNA modification and/or Luciferace substance in Jesus Mighty Name.  Father God, we ask You to Globally destroy all items that have been foreign placed into any human brain, by use of the nose Covid-19 tests in Jesus Mighty Name and remove them completely forever never to return. 


Father God, I ask You to reverse all DARPA Hydrogel effect in the brain attacking the pineal gland by creating triangle type crystals attacking it with parasites in Jesus Mighty Name.  Father God destroy all parasites in the brains of all humans Globally that have been covid-19 tested up the nose and restore completely by the regeneration of the Holy Spirit all negative effects that the test may have caused in the brain making the brain completely whole again in Jesus Mighty Name. 


Father God we ask You to Globally in all humans who have been tested with the nose swab that You turn on the part of the brain in the right hemisphere frontal lobe that shows active when people are believing in You and having spiritual experiences and I ask that You turn it on right now in all people and restore it to proper functioning the way You Created the brain to work in that area in Jesus Mighty and Holy Name. (note this is just to cover all bases)


I speak these decree's according to your word in Luke 10:19 and Job 22:28 and I seal them with the Holy Spirit fire, by the power of God through the blood of Jesus in Jesus Mighty name according to Mathew 16:19, Isaiah 22:22 and all those that would agree with this prayer and petition of thee according to Mathew 18:18 and 19 for Your Glory alone in Jesus's Mighty and Holy Name. O Lord my Father, let the blood of Jesus flush out this vaccine and all its works, roots, fruits, seeds, tentacles, and links, be flushed out of my body, soul, and spirit, in the name of Jesus Christ!



Heavenly Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, we pray that through your blood Jesus that it would wash over our mind, our body, our spirit and cleanse us from any unrighteousness that may be found in us.  Renew in us a pure thought life and make us holy as you are holy.  Create in us clear eyes, clear hands, pure hearts, and a steadfast spirit that desires you and only you in our lives.  We come to you to ask for healing from the evil demonic and perverse spirits and demonic attachments that have manifested in or around our lives or have affected us or any of our loved ones.  We take responsibility for the things we have done, the things we have allowed and even things that have been done to us against our will.


Lord, we bind and come against it in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus. Anyone or anything that has cursed us and placed a spell on us or attacked us, we stand in the power and the authority, and we take a stand against any anti-Christ spirit that has arisen in our lives right now. We forgive right now, as we are forgiving, we speak out the names of those who have sinned against us and we forgive those people [Instruction], that we can also have our own sins forgiven. Lord, we ask you to empower us to do this right now. As a matter of our will, we choose to forgive them and ask that you give us grace and strength to take this offence back and remove it from our hearts right now, in the name of Jesus Christ.


Lord, we repent for any involvement with witches, sorcerers and any magicians and familiar spirits.  We renounce all night spells, charms, and enchantments or elements used by witches and warlocks at night. We renounce any possessions and positions, powers or any secret knowledge that have come from darkness in the name of Jesus.  Please close all ungodly pathways, gateways, portals, cracks or seams into ungodly realms or the underworld. Bind anyone or anything that is using astral travel to torment right now any of our loved ones. Remove all defilement and tainting and as your child please restore our Godly dreams from Heavenly places.


We repent on behalf of ourselves and of any of our ancestors who have visited witches or warlocks for their love witchcraft or have gone to Santeria or any other black magic, or white witches.  We repent of them buying, accepting, and using their love potions. We repent of rituals performed, incantations offered up and any using of baths, washes, charms, psychic prayers and going into the ocean.  We repent of having our bodies rubbed with ungodly ceremonial liquids or allowing ungodly ceremonial or commercial liquids to be poured over our bodies with or without our knowledge. We repent for the breaking up of marriages, covenants, divorces, and the destroyed relationships that resulted from having relations with these spirits.


I bind and cast out all spirits of fear, anxiety, panic attacks, hypertension, worry, and doubt from you and your family! I put the blood of Jesus against all of these at the root at which they came in. I close those doors now, seal them with the blood of Jesus, send them to Jesus for judgement and forbid them to come back upon those listening or your family in any way, shape or form or touch anyone else on the way! I loose upon us all your perfect love for it is perfect love that casts out all fear!


In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I now bring the fullness of His cross, His death, His blood, and His sacrifice, his resurrection, His life, and empty tomb, his authority, His rule, and His dominion; I bring judgment from the throne of Jesus Christ against every foul power, witchcraft, black art, and curse in the name of JESUS CHRIST!


As this month of March is coming to an end, I declare that it shall bring freedom to many people joining in this fasting program along with their families in Jesus Mighty Name!


Lord every delay that is stopping divine marriages from progressing according to Your perfect will, may they be removed today in Jesus Mighty name!


Lord every witchcraft power that is stopping marriage restorations today, may it be completely rendered powerless and made useless against this restoration process, yes Lord that every prodigal spouse shall return home fully repented, and every strange person removed from this relationship once and for all in Jesus Mighty Name!


Lord, we ask that You open the doors for divine helpers to locate each person joining this fasting program by the end of this month to help connect them to their divine purpose in Jesus Mighty Name!


Lord may the wicked repent and confess their evil ways to help continue to expose the enemy’s agenda within this End times in Jesus Mighty Name!


Lord may divine favour follow each person that joins this 3-day fasting program, so that employment doors open, promotion doors open and financial blessings flow in Jesus Mighty Name!


May every person partaking go from borrows to lenders, tenants to landlords, from lack to overflow, from just enough to abundance and average to extraordinary in Jesus Mighty Name!


May every person joining draw closer to You Lord that ultimately, they may be ready for your soon snatching away, and as You tarry Lord use them for Your glory in Jesus mighty Name!


Lord, I declare and decree that every month belongs to you, so despite the witches and demons claim to the month of March and April, may all their evil works be rendered null and void in Jesus Mighty Name!


Lord, I decree and declare that every curse, blood sacrifice, sexual sacrifice, death sacrifice, ritual, has no power and is rendered fruitless in Jesus Mighty Name!


Lord, I decree and declare that every hidden witch that has infiltrated within the body of Christ will be exposed by the end of this month of March in Jesus Mighty Name!


Lord, I decree and declare that every false prophet shall be silenced and every communicatio0n line connected to their false prophecies shall be cut from our lives in Jesus Mighty Name!


Lord, I decree and declare that let every spirit of Baal, Absalom, Jezebel, Ashorah, Isis, Lilith and her counterparts be exposed in the nations in Jesus Mighty Name!


Lord, I pray that witchcraft will be exposed and that a purity of the Lord’s gifting, callings, presence, and glory will come to the church once again and that repentance revival flows like a river in Jesus Mighty Name!


Lord, I pray for every mentally unstable and/or wounded person that the devil is using as a witch to be exposed, so that they can repent and be healed completely in Jesus Mighty Name!


Lord, I pray within this hour that all those that have been rebellious and run away from their callings that they would repent and come back to you in Jesus Mighty Name!


Lord, we take authority over all pathways, portals, and means of access, marks or markers, or any means of connectivity placed upon them physically or spiritually to track them or gain access to them for purposes of torment and shut them down in the authority given to you in the name of Jesus.


To Lord you know of all the enemy's agenda even those claiming to in the name of science open portals of darkness. Those at CERN who are planning to open demonic portals and claiming to be seeking dark matter and communicate to fallen angels.


In the name of Jesus Christ, we command all Satanic portals and all types of dark open gateways by CERN in the past or future to be closed, sealed, and rendered powerless in Jesus mighty name!


We bind up every demonic force that is being planned to be released and come through this CERN portal to be hindered and blocked in Jesus mighty Name!


Lord if there are any gateways within and around our lives today, may they be sealed with the blood of Jesus and fill every void with the Holy Spirit now in Jesus Mighty Name! May every demonic and human plan to bring about harm on mankind be forever dismantled, closed, and seal them today in Jesus mighty name!


Father, we command all types of dark gateways dismantling for good in Jesus mighty name!

Click on Link to see Day 3 & 4

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