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Writer's picture: Robert ClancyRobert Clancy





Scripture Text: Mark 11:23 “For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.”

Matthew 17:20 “So Jesus said to them, “Because of your [a]unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.”

Today I want to stir your faith, so you can also move mountains and obstacles that may be before you today. Remember with God nothing is impossible precious saints and all you need to do is have faith as small as a mustard seed. See in today’s story it was taken from the unabridged writings of Marco Polo Book 1 chapter 10. The story is said to have taken place in a province of Persia (modern Iraq) in the thirteenth century and depicts the faith of a one-eyed Christian shoemaker.

How the Prayer of the One-Eyed Cobler Caused the Mountain to Move in 1225 in Iraq

A Saracen, in the Middle Ages, was any person—Arab, Turk, or other—who professed the religion of Islam. So, this is how the story goes approximately 100,000 Christians lived and worked in this area and many were blessed and wealthy. A Saracen Caliph (Islamic leader), who came to power in 1225, sought continually to convert, dispossess, and/or kill the Christians. He found the passage in the bible where Jesus said that if you have faith like a mustard seed you can move a mountain. So, he told the Christian if your bible says these words to move the mountain, then I expect you to do so or be considered reprobates and killed. So, he gave them ten days to seek their God of the bible and he would return to see if the mountain is removed from this location.

Now all the people were Christians in this village and were very afraid for their lives, but also were confident that Jesus could deliver them, so they all began to fast and to implore of God’s mercy. Then after eight days of fervent prayer, a Bishop had a divine revelation that a certain one-eyed shoemaker had the divine grace to move the mountain.

So, when the day came, the Caliph had men standing by so to kill the Christians, for he was sure that they would fail, and no mountain would be moved.

And when the appointed day had come, all the Christians got up early, men and women, small and great, more than 100,000 persons, and went to church. And after Church had been sung, they all went forth together in a great procession to the plain in front of the mountain, carrying the cross before them, loudly singing and greatly weeping as they went. And when they arrived at the spot, there they found the Caliph with all his Saracen host armed to slay them if they would not change their faith; for the Saracens believed not in the least that God would grant such favour to the Christians. These latter stood indeed in great fear and doubt, but nevertheless they rested their hope on their God Jesus Christ.

So, the Cobler received the bishop’s benison, and then threw himself on his knees before the mountain, and stretched out his hands towards Heaven, and made this prayer: "Blessed LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, I pray Thee by Thy goodness that Thou wilt grant this grace unto Thy people, insomuch that they perish not, nor Thy faith be cast down, nor abused nor flouted. Not that I am in the least worthy to prefer such request unto Thee; but for Thy great power and mercy I beseech Thee to hear this prayer from me Thy servant full of sin."

The one-eyed shoemaker continued to pray to His Creator to show His compassion to them, and for the glory and excellency of His Name, and for the support and confirmation of the Christian faith, that He would aid His people to accomplish this task, and in so doing, manifest His power to the reviles. Then, He spoke in the Name of Your Son Jesus Christ I command this mountain to moved.

And when he had ended this his prayer to God the Sovereign Father and Giver of all grace, and whilst the Calif and all the Saracens, and other people there, were looking on, there was a great earthquake and the mountain moved! Yes, the mountain rose out of its place and moved to the spot which the Calif had pointed out! And when the Calif and all his Saracens beheld, they stood and were struck with terror, and remained in a state of stupefaction amazed at the wonderful miracle that God had wrought for the Christians, insomuch that a great number of the Saracens became Christians. The Caliph secretly converted to Christianity. He wore a cross under his garments, which they found when he died, so he was not buried with his predecessors and therefore the Saracens would not bury him with the other Califs but put him in a place apart. The Christians exulted greatly at this most holy miracle, and returned to their homes full of joy, giving thanks to their Creator for that which He had done.

So, whether that is exaggerated, true or not, if you today find yourself in an adverse situation or circumstance God is here to see your breakthrough. However, when you pray, things are shaken, and things change precious saints. For whether that be Personal, Unsaved loved ones, financial situation – out of debt, set free – from drugs, alcohol, lust, greed, Power of sin broken, Sickness and disease, Relationships, Guidance, wisdom. Nothing is impossible for the Lord.

Just as we are praying for repentance revival to come to the Nations, for Souls, for the Churches, for the Government or Villages, towns, cities, counties, states, countries. It is time to see the shaking from our fervent prayers make an impact precious saint.

Haggai 2:6-9 “For thus says the Lord of hosts: ‘Once more (it is a little while) I will shake heaven and earth, the sea and dry land; 7 and I will shake all nations, and they shall come to the [a]Desire of All Nations, and I will fill this [b]temple with glory,’ says the Lord of hosts. 8 ‘The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine,’ says the Lord of hosts. 9 ‘The glory of this latter [c]temple shall be greater than the former,’ says the Lord of hosts. ‘And in this place, I will give peace,’ says the Lord of hosts.”

Fasting Positions, you to hear from God and to receive answered petitions, without delay or hindrance precious saints. So today we want you to come in faith, for without faith we cannot pleased God as according to Hebrews 11:6.

And when you fast, come to God based on His word and His promises that He will answer you and show you great and mighty things you did not know before. Remember don’t wait only for emergencies to come into your life before you start to pray and fast for that miracle. For the Lord wants you to make it part of your lifestyle to crucify the flesh and stay close to Him.

Romans 1:17 “…the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith…”

So never underestimate a small spark of faith to see God shake the nations once more. The bible says to ask for the nations to be our inheritance and that is what I am doing with every single WhatsApp group that we have started with over 68 nations putting their hand up and saying God do it in my nation.

So, allow today's revival story to stir you up to revival, like never before and believe for the impossible.


1859 – May: Natal, South Africa (Zulus)


The wave of revival in 1857-1859 included countries around the globe. Missionaries and travellers told of thousands being converted, and others began crying out to God to send revival to their nations.

It happened in South Africa. Revival began among the Zulu tribes before it spilled over into the Dutch Reformed Church. Tribal people gathered in large numbers on the frontier mission stations and then took revival fire, African style, into their villages. As you saw from last week the revival in 1966 amongst the Zulus, he we see Gods heart to reach all people groups over 100 years prior. (Just imagine what God will do now in South Africa, not just amongst the Zulu's but all tribes and people groups in the End-time repentance revival)

On Sunday night, 22 May, the Spirit of God fell on a service of the Zulus in Natal so powerfully that they prayed all night. So, the news spread rapidly throughout all the communities far and wide. This revival among the Zulus of Natal on the east coast ignited missions and tribal churches. It produced deep conviction of sin, immediate repentance and conversions, extraordinary praying, and vigorous evangelism. Many put down their traditions and were on fire for Jesus in a powerful way.

In April 1860 at a combined missions conference of over 370 leaders of Dutch Reformed, Methodist and Presbyterian missions meeting at Worcester, South Africa, they discussed revival and what was spreading through the Zulu Tribes. Andrew Murray Sr. was moved to tears and had to stop speaking. His son, Andrew Murray Jr., who is now well known through his books, led in prayer so powerfully that many saw that as the beginning of revival in those churches.

By June revival had so impacted the Methodist Church in Montague village, near Worcester, that they held prayer meetings every night and three mornings a week, sometimes as early as 3 am. The Dutch Reformed people joined together with the Methodists with great conviction of sin to seek God in repentance, worship, and intercession. Reports reached Worcester and it ignited a deeper hunger for God and they also started similar prayer meetings there. These prayer meetings met up to three times daily. People began sharing their faith, and many were saved.

An anonymous author gives this report of what took place during the times of prayer:

When he [the Lord] started to wander amongst us, how intense were the prayers for revival and the cries for mercy! ‘I am lost,’ cries one here. ‘Lord help me,’ cries another. It was impossible to calm them. Extraordinary scenes were witnessed in those days. Anxious cries were uttered, heavy with fear. Heart-rendering testimonies of conversion were heard. Visions were seen and troubled dreams dreamt. Here in corporate prayer, elsewhere in quiet dwellings, even behind bushes and rocks, on mountains and in ravines, men, women, greyheads, children, gentlemen, servants –all kneeling on the same ground crying for mercy. And none of this expected by anyone, nor prepared by anyone, nor worked up or preached by anyone. It was all the Spirit of God; and not for a few hours or days, but months long. Oh! Blessed days! Come speedily to us again with your blessing! Come speedily again!

There was one account of an African servant girl who sang and prayed one Sunday night at Worcester and the Holy Spirit fell on the group and a roaring sound like approaching thunder surrounded the hall which began to shake. Just like in Acts 4:31.

Then instantly everyone burst out praying! Their pastor, Andrew Murray Jr., had been speaking in the main sanctuary. So, when he was told of this thunderous sound, he ran to their meeting calling for order! No one noticed him and they kept crying loudly to God for forgiveness in a deep travail.

All week the prayer meetings continued, beginning in silence, but “as soon as several prayers had arisen the place was shaken as before and the whole company of people engaged in simultaneous petition to the throne of grace for God’s mercy.” On the Saturday, Andrew Murray Jr. led the prayer meeting and after preaching he prayed and invited others to pray as the Spirit led them. So once again the sound of supernatural thunder approached and everyone prayed aloud, loudly. At first Andrew Murray tried to quieten the people, but a stranger reminded him that God was at work, and he learned to accept this noisy revival praying, for the Holy Spirit was at work.

These are the words of the stranger to Murray, ‘Be careful what you do, for it is the Spirit of God that is at work here. I have just come from America, and this is precisely what I witnessed there.’ Revival fires began to burn brilliantly and powerfully all-over South Africa. Pastor Servaas Hofmeyr, who experienced the revival, observed,

“Before the days of revival, the situation of our congregation was lamentable. Love of the world and sin; no earnestness or heartfelt desire for salvation; sinning and idleness that was the order of the day for most . . . when the Lord started to move among us how intense were the prayers for revival and the cries for mercy. ‘I am lost,’ cries one here. ‘Lord, help me,’ cries another . . . And none of this was expected by anyone, nor prepared by anyone, nor worked up, or preached by anyone. It was all the Spirit of God, and not for a few hours or days, but months long.”

People were converted in deep born-again experiences and the revival started to spread more.

As news of these developments quickly spread, people from neighbouring farms— “young and old, parents and children, white and coloured”—promptly began streaming to the previously-neglected prayer meeting. According to one person’s description, the people who gathered there were “driven by a common impulse to cast themselves before God and utter their souls in cries of penitence.”

Members from other parts of the parish and even from other congregations began to arrive at the Naude farm in carts and wagons. For three months the Naudes needed to suspend their farming activities to assist the many people coming to seek salvation.

Not long after Murray officiated at the prayer meeting, the awakening flamed to life in the town of Worcester.

Fifty men from that congregation went into full-time ministry, and the revival launched Andrew Murray Jr. into a worldwide ministry of speaking and writing.

Results of the Revival

►The presence of God placed a huge burden upon people to pray.

►Prayer meetings became a regular part of church life, whereas before the revival they were practically non-existent.

►People began to share their faith.

►People were daily being saved.

►Church attendance grew dramatically.

►Remarkable unity among believers was displayed.

►Many families experienced reconciliation.

►Businesses stopped their unlawful practices.

►Working conditions changed for the better.

►Juvenile crime and sexual immorality stopped.

►Slowly the prisons emptied.

►Restitution and payments were made for old debts.

►Missions giving multiplied.

►Renewed emphasis on missions emerged, whereas before the revival there was an “anti-missions’ stronghold” that gripped the region.

►Not less than 50 young men were called into the ministry (Dutch Reformed Church).

►The Women’s Missionary Union was established.

►Not less than 30 young men started training as missionaries.

►A Missions Training Institute was started.

►Seminaries began to pop up in different locations around the Cape.

►Due to the revival’s influence, the Dutch Reformed Church alone started 12 new mission stations in various nations on the African continent. By 1900 they had 304 missionaries and 72,079 converts.

►The Dutch Reformed Church started 1,147 schools with 2,699 teachers and 96,309 students.

►An orthodox-oriented newspaper was started, which was greatly used by God to counter the liberal-oriented newspapers that were attempting to undermine the work of God.

►The effects of the revival continued for well over 50 years.

Revival of 1874

A second revival took place in Montagu in 1874 which was even more powerful than the one in 1860. This revival of 1874 also spread to many other towns across the Cape of Africa. One example was in the town of Soutpansberg, where a revival broke out in 1875 among the children on the mission station. The Holy Spirit came with such power among them that they did not eat or sleep for three nights. This revival soon spread to adults and African tribes located in the area. The report was that old people, witchdoctors, and even murderers wailed like children. The scenes were reported as having been “indescribable”.

Now even though this happen some time ago, I see over time the people went into spiritual dryness and the religious spirit returns bring segregation again. I believe this end time revival will bring down many dividing walls with cultures and people groups that we have not seen to this degree. People will not see colour, but rather see each other as brother and sister in Christ with a new love for one another.

Now as you know I have spent many years working in South Africa, as I know revival is coming back to not only this nation, but the continent of Africa and then to the nations of the world. We need such a conviction of sin back in the church and in our communities, where God Spirit will arrest people and draw them to the only antidote of sin which is the blood of Jesus Christ and that they must be truly born again. As you are joining these weekly fasting’s, it is my prayer that you would be stirred within your spirit to cry out for more of God, as there is so much more that I truly cannot even contain it saints anymore and know it must be getting closer and closer to Repentance Revival hallelujah!


Let us pray saints:

1. Lord, let us know you more and seek the higher calling within our lives and Lord just as you moved in South Africa before, may South Africa once more be ignited, and all nations set ablaze in revival in Jesus Mighty Name.

2. Lord help us to in unity with our family, that we may serve You together in Jesus Mighty Name!

3. Lord we ask through the name of Your Son Jesus that you destroy every work of the devil delaying the fire of repentance revival coming to our lives in Jesus mighty name!

4. Pray that God will reveal His requirements for genuine revival in your life, family, church, community, and nation. Ask God to start that revival in your own heart and life that repentance revival will flow.

5. Ask God what He wants you to do today to apply what He has revealed to you and run with it. What actions will you take after this fasting day?

6. Pray for an alertness and an awakening from spiritual slumber, do that you may be ablaze. Ask the Lord to awaken the remnant body of Christ and draw more saints into the Body of Christ.

7. Declare readiness over God’s people for radical change that will come from a powerful move of God!

8. Decree that lives are being characterised by an increasing hunger for a new move of God and experience Your healing power in Jesus mighty Name!

9. Ask God to do a fresh work within our heart this weekend, that just as you moved in Ireland, that you will start with us today and do great things in Jesus Mighty Name!

10. May revival come to each of our homes and change family members to be on fire for God in Jesus Mighty Name!

11. Lord we pray for Pastor Robert’s Meetings scheduled in 2023, may You come and visit Your people within those respected nations as You have promised in Jesus Mighty name!

12. Any principality in the heavenlies delaying your progress and Gods messengers be removed in Jesus mighty name!

13. Any agent of satanic delay in my (office, home, school, place of work, city, and nation), withholding my promotion/graduation, revival may they be completely removed and rendered powerless in the mighty name of Jesus!

14. Father we ask that you please send angelic reinforcements from the 3rd heavens to release our blessings and arrest all demonic hinderances in the 2nd heavens, in the mighty name of Jesus!

15. Father for my shame, troubles, and delay, I shall receive double honour, in the mighty name of Jesus!

16. I refuse to give up until my testimony gives birth to many other testimonies and revival comes to my home, church, city, and nation, in the mighty name of Jesus!

17. Lord let your Holy Spirit fire fall upon each person's home today to stir revival in the hearts of Your remnant in Jesus Mighty Name!


Now as many of you may have heard me mention already about the 68 WhatsApp groups that we have already started for different nations that desire Repentance Revival. See just as it takes only just one person to change the atmosphere with prayer, it also just takes one person to put up their hand to start a WhatsApp group for your nation. So, we are just looking for one person that is committed to pray for your nation to see this Endtime Repentance Revival. What the purpose of these groups will be to encourage people weekly to fast and pray and invite locals to join to stir revival and share the content.

Therefore, as we desire to do our part and fulfilling the preaching of the gospel to all nations, we will start this straight away. So, if you are interested in joining one of our WhatsApp groups, then feel free to email us at

Now as the Lord tarries and the mandates continue to come down, I plan to travel to nations that desire repentance revival that have started these groups just like with South Africa and Namibia. Therefore, as I pray the Lord will place me exactly where I need to be so revival shall come. But as we await upon the Lord, we must prepare the ground in prayer and fasting for all nations.

I have some nations below mentioned that are already existing and just need more members to pray for those specific nations. So, if you know someone or are interested to join then feel free.


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Feb 11, 2023

WE will pray for repentance revival in the name of Jesus


Feb 11, 2023

Praise be to God. Hallelujah, Amen.


leah needham
leah needham
Feb 11, 2023

Thank you father God for Pastor Clancy‘s passion and zeal for your Holy Word, and willing this to use his gift of teaching for your Saints. I pray supernatural increase and blessings over his family and ministry to reach to the nations for our united goal of repentance revival fire spreading across the globe!! in Jesus precious name! hallelujah🙌🏽 from the Pacific Northwest,USA🇺🇸


Feb 11, 2023

Hallelujah Thank you Jesus


Feb 10, 2023


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